Systems and Software Lab, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Islamic University of Technology
Abstract:Cardiac anatomy segmentation is essential for clinical assessment of cardiac function and disease diagnosis to inform treatment and intervention. In performing segmentation, deep learning (DL) algorithms improved accuracy significantly compared to traditional image processing approaches. More recently, studies showed that enhancing DL segmentation with motion information can further improve it. A range of methods for injecting motion information has been proposed, but many of them increase the dimensionality of input images (which is computationally expensive) or have not used an optimal method to insert motion information, such as non-DL registration, non-attention-based networks or single-headed attention. Here, we present a novel, computation-efficient alternative where a novel, scalable temporal attention module (TAM) extracts temporal feature interactions multiple times and where TAM has a multi-headed, KQV projection cross-attention architecture. The module can be seamlessly integrated into a wide range of existing CNN- or Transformer-based networks, providing novel flexibility for inclusion in future implementations. Extensive evaluations on different cardiac datasets, 2D echocardiography (CAMUS), and 3D echocardiography (MITEA) demonstrate the model's effectiveness when integrated into well-established backbone networks like UNet, FCN8s, UNetR, SwinUNetR, and the recent I2UNet. We further find that the optimized TAM-enhanced FCN8s network performs well compared to contemporary alternatives. Our results confirm TAM's robustness, scalability, and generalizability across diverse datasets and backbones.
Abstract:Ultrasound shear wave elastography (SWE) is a noninvasive way to measure stiffness of soft tissue for medical diagnosis. In SWE imaging, an acoustic radiation force induces tissue displacement, which creates shear waves (SWs) that travel laterally through the medium. Finding the lateral arrival times of SWs at different tissue locations helps figure out the shear wave speed (SWS), which is directly linked to the stiffness of the medium. Traditional SWS estimation techniques, however, are not noise resilient enough handling noise and reflection artifacts filled data. This paper proposes new techniques to estimate SWS in both time and frequency domains. These new methods optimize a loss function that is based on the lateral signal shift parameter between known locations and is constrained by neighborhood displacement group shift determined from the time-lateral plane-denoised SW propagation data. The proposed constrained optimization is formed by coupling losses of local particles with a Gaussian kernel giving an optimum arrival time for the center particle by enforcing stiffness homogeneity in a small neighborhood to enable inherent noise resilience. The denoising scheme involves isolating the transitioning SW profile in each time-lateral plane, creating a parameterized mask. Moreover, lateral interpolation is performed to enhance reconstruction resolution and obtain increased displacement groups to enhance the reliability of the optimization. The proposed noise robust scheme is tested on a simulation and three experimental datasets. The performance of the method is compared with 3 ToF and 2 frequency-domain methods. The evaluations show visually and quantitatively superior and noise-robust reconstructions compared to state-of-the-art methods. Due to its high contrast and minimal error, the proposed technique can find its application in tissue health inspection and cancer diagnosis.
Abstract:Ultrasound Shear Wave Elastography (SWE) is a noteworthy tool for in-vivo noninvasive tissue pathology assessment. State-of-the-art techniques can generate reasonable estimates of tissue elasticity, but high-quality and noise-resiliency in SWE reconstruction have yet to demonstrate advancements. In this work, we propose a two-stage DL pipeline producing reliable reconstructions and denoise said reconstructions to obtain lower noise prevailing elasticity mappings. The reconstruction network consists of a Resnet3D Encoder to extract temporal context from the sequential multi-push data. The encoded features are sent to multiple Nested CNN LSTMs which process them in a temporal attention-guided windowing basis and map the 3D features to 2D using FFT-attention, which are then decoded into an elasticity map as primary reconstruction. The 2D maps from each multi-push region are merged and cleaned using a dual-decoder denoiser network, which independently denoises foreground and background before fusion. The post-denoiser generates a higher-quality reconstruction and an inclusion-segmentation mask. A multi-objective loss is designed to accommodate the denoising, fusing, and segmentation processes. The method is validated on sequential multi-push SWE motion data with multiple overlapping regions. A patch-based training procedure is introduced with network modifications to handle data scarcity. Evaluations produce 32.66dB PSNR, 43.19dB CNR in noisy simulation, and 22.44dB PSNR, 36.88dB CNR in experimental data, across all test samples. Moreover, IoUs (0.909 and 0.781) were quite satisfactory in the datasets. After comparing with other reported deep-learning approaches, our method proves quantitatively and qualitatively superior in dealing with noise influences in SWE data. From a performance point of view, our deep-learning pipeline has the potential to become utilitarian in the clinical domain.
Abstract:Sign language discourse is an essential mode of daily communication for the deaf and hard-of-hearing people. However, research on Bangla Sign Language (BdSL) faces notable limitations, primarily due to the lack of datasets. Recognizing wordlevel signs in BdSL (WL-BdSL) presents a multitude of challenges, including the need for well-annotated datasets, capturing the dynamic nature of sign gestures from facial or hand landmarks, developing suitable machine learning or deep learning-based models with substantial video samples, and so on. In this paper, we address these challenges by creating a comprehensive BdSL word-level dataset named BdSLW60 in an unconstrained and natural setting, allowing positional and temporal variations and allowing sign users to change hand dominance freely. The dataset encompasses 60 Bangla sign words, with a significant scale of 9307 video trials provided by 18 signers under the supervision of a sign language professional. The dataset was rigorously annotated and cross-checked by 60 annotators. We also introduced a unique approach of a relative quantization-based key frame encoding technique for landmark based sign gesture recognition. We report the benchmarking of our BdSLW60 dataset using the Support Vector Machine (SVM) with testing accuracy up to 67.6% and an attention-based bi-LSTM with testing accuracy up to 75.1%. The dataset is available at and the code base is accessible from
Abstract:Sharing cooking recipes is a great way to exchange culinary ideas and provide instructions for food preparation. However, categorizing raw recipes found online into appropriate food genres can be challenging due to a lack of adequate labeled data. In this study, we present a dataset named the ``Assorted, Archetypal, and Annotated Two Million Extended (3A2M+) Cooking Recipe Dataset" that contains two million culinary recipes labeled in respective categories with extended named entities extracted from recipe descriptions. This collection of data includes various features such as title, NER, directions, and extended NER, as well as nine different labels representing genres including bakery, drinks, non-veg, vegetables, fast food, cereals, meals, sides, and fusions. The proposed pipeline named 3A2M+ extends the size of the Named Entity Recognition (NER) list to address missing named entities like heat, time or process from the recipe directions using two NER extraction tools. 3A2M+ dataset provides a comprehensive solution to the various challenging recipe-related tasks, including classification, named entity recognition, and recipe generation. Furthermore, we have demonstrated traditional machine learning, deep learning and pre-trained language models to classify the recipes into their corresponding genre and achieved an overall accuracy of 98.6\%. Our investigation indicates that the title feature played a more significant role in classifying the genre.
Abstract:Temporal echocardiography image registration is a basis for clinical quantifications such as cardiac motion estimation, myocardial strain assessments, and stroke volume quantifications. In past studies, deep learning image registration (DLIR) has shown promising results and is consistently accurate and precise, requiring less computational time. We propose that a greater focus on the warped moving image's anatomic plausibility and image quality can support robust DLIR performance. Further, past implementations have focused on adult echocardiography, and there is an absence of DLIR implementations for fetal echocardiography. We propose a framework that combines three strategies for DLIR in both fetal and adult echo: (1) an anatomic shape-encoded loss to preserve physiological myocardial and left ventricular anatomical topologies in warped images; (2) a data-driven loss that is trained adversarially to preserve good image texture features in warped images; and (3) a multi-scale training scheme of a data-driven and anatomically constrained algorithm to improve accuracy. Our tests show that good anatomical topology and image textures are strongly linked to shape-encoded and data-driven adversarial losses. They improve different aspects of registration performance in a non-overlapping way, justifying their combination. Despite fundamental distinctions between adult and fetal echo images, we show that these strategies can provide excellent registration results in both adult and fetal echocardiography using the publicly available CAMUS adult echo dataset and our private multi-demographic fetal echo dataset. Our approach outperforms traditional non-DL gold standard registration approaches, including Optical Flow and Elastix. Registration improvements could be translated to more accurate and precise clinical quantification of cardiac ejection fraction, demonstrating a potential for translation.
Abstract:Cooking recipes allow individuals to exchange culinary ideas and provide food preparation instructions. Due to a lack of adequate labeled data, categorizing raw recipes found online to the appropriate food genres is a challenging task in this domain. Utilizing the knowledge of domain experts to categorize recipes could be a solution. In this study, we present a novel dataset of two million culinary recipes labeled in respective categories leveraging the knowledge of food experts and an active learning technique. To construct the dataset, we collect the recipes from the RecipeNLG dataset. Then, we employ three human experts whose trustworthiness score is higher than 86.667% to categorize 300K recipe by their Named Entity Recognition (NER) and assign it to one of the nine categories: bakery, drinks, non-veg, vegetables, fast food, cereals, meals, sides and fusion. Finally, we categorize the remaining 1900K recipes using Active Learning method with a blend of Query-by-Committee and Human In The Loop (HITL) approaches. There are more than two million recipes in our dataset, each of which is categorized and has a confidence score linked with it. For the 9 genres, the Fleiss Kappa score of this massive dataset is roughly 0.56026. We believe that the research community can use this dataset to perform various machine learning tasks such as recipe genre classification, recipe generation of a specific genre, new recipe creation, etc. The dataset can also be used to train and evaluate the performance of various NLP tasks such as named entity recognition, part-of-speech tagging, semantic role labeling, and so on. The dataset will be available upon publication:
Abstract:Objective: Parallel imaging accelerates the acquisition of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data by acquiring additional sensitivity information with an array of receiver coils resulting in reduced phase encoding steps. Compressed sensing magnetic resonance imaging (CS-MRI) has achieved popularity in the field of medical imaging because of its less data requirement than parallel imaging. Parallel imaging and compressed sensing (CS) both speed up traditional MRI acquisition by minimizing the amount of data captured in the k-space. As acquisition time is inversely proportional to the number of samples, the inverse formation of an image from reduced k-space samples leads to faster acquisition but with aliasing artifacts. This paper proposes a novel Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) namely RECGAN-GR supervised with multi-modal losses for de-aliasing the reconstructed image. Methods: In contrast to existing GAN networks, our proposed method introduces a novel generator network namely RemU-Net integrated with dual-domain loss functions including weighted magnitude and phase loss functions along with parallel imaging-based loss i.e., GRAPPA consistency loss. A k-space correction block is proposed as refinement learning to make the GAN network self-resistant to generating unnecessary data which drives the convergence of the reconstruction process faster. Results: Comprehensive results show that the proposed RECGAN-GR achieves a 4 dB improvement in the PSNR among the GAN-based methods and a 2 dB improvement among conventional state-of-the-art CNN methods available in the literature. Conclusion and significance: The proposed work contributes to significant improvement in the image quality for low retained data leading to 5x or 10x faster acquisition.
Abstract:The Computer-aided Diagnosis (CAD) system for skin lesion analysis is an emerging field of research that has the potential to relieve the burden and cost of skin cancer screening. Researchers have recently indicated increasing interest in developing such CAD systems, with the intention of providing a user-friendly tool to dermatologists in order to reduce the challenges that are raised by manual inspection. The purpose of this article is to provide a complete literature review of cutting-edge CAD techniques published between 2011 and 2020. The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) method was used to identify a total of 365 publications, 221 for skin lesion segmentation and 144 for skin lesion classification. These articles are analyzed and summarized in a number of different ways so that we can contribute vital information about the methods for the evolution of CAD systems. These ways include: relevant and essential definitions and theories, input data (datasets utilization, preprocessing, augmentations, and fixing imbalance problems), method configuration (techniques, architectures, module frameworks, and losses), training tactics (hyperparameter settings), and evaluation criteria (metrics). We also intend to investigate a variety of performance-enhancing methods, including ensemble and post-processing. In addition, in this survey, we highlight the primary problems associated with evaluating skin lesion segmentation and classification systems using minimal datasets, as well as the potential solutions to these plights. In conclusion, enlightening findings, recommendations, and trends are discussed for the purpose of future research surveillance in related fields of interest. It is foreseen that it will guide researchers of all levels, from beginners to experts, in the process of developing an automated and robust CAD system for skin lesion analysis.
Abstract:In this paper, we propose an efficient MLP-based approach for learning audio representations, namely timestamp and scene-level audio embeddings. We use an encoder consisting of sequentially stacked gated MLP blocks, which accept 2D MFCCs as inputs. In addition, we also provide a simple temporal interpolation-based algorithm for computing scene-level embeddings from timestamp embeddings. The audio representations generated by our method are evaluated across a diverse set of benchmarks at the Holistic Evaluation of Audio Representations (HEAR) challenge, hosted at the NeurIPS 2021 competition track. We achieved first place on the Speech Commands (full), Speech Commands (5 hours), and the Mridingham Tonic benchmarks. Furthermore, our approach is also the most resource-efficient among all the submitted methods, in terms of both the number of model parameters and the time required to compute embeddings.