Abstract:Many cattle farmers still depend on manual methods to measure the live weight gain of cattle at set intervals, which is time consuming, labour intensive, and stressful for both the animals and handlers. A remote and autonomous monitoring system using machine learning (ML) or deep learning (DL) can provide a more efficient and less invasive method and also predictive capabilities for future cattle weight gain (CWG). This system allows continuous monitoring and estimation of individual cattle live weight gain, growth rates and weight fluctuations considering various factors like environmental conditions, genetic predispositions, feed availability, movement patterns and behaviour. Several researchers have explored the efficiency of estimating CWG using ML and DL algorithms. However, estimating CWG suffers from a lack of consistency in its application. Moreover, ML or DL can provide weight gain estimations based on several features that vary in existing research. Additionally, previous studies have encountered various data related challenges when estimating CWG. This paper presents a comprehensive investigation in estimating CWG using advanced ML techniques based on research articles (between 2004 and 2024). This study investigates the current tools, methods, and features used in CWG estimation, as well as their strengths and weaknesses. The findings highlight the significance of using advanced ML approaches in CWG estimation and its critical influence on factors. Furthermore, this study identifies potential research gaps and provides research direction on CWG prediction, which serves as a reference for future research in this area.
Abstract:In a hyperconnected environment, medical institutions are particularly concerned with data privacy when sharing and transmitting sensitive patient information due to the risk of data breaches, where malicious actors could intercept sensitive information. A collaborative learning framework, including transfer, federated, and incremental learning, can generate efficient, secure, and scalable models while requiring less computation, maintaining patient data privacy, and ensuring an up-to-date model. This study aims to address the detection of COVID-19 using chest X-ray images through a proposed collaborative learning framework called CL3. Initially, transfer learning is employed, leveraging knowledge from a pre-trained model as the starting global model. Local models from different medical institutes are then integrated, and a new global model is constructed to adapt to any data drift observed in the local models. Additionally, incremental learning is considered, allowing continuous adaptation to new medical data without forgetting previously learned information. Experimental results demonstrate that the CL3 framework achieved a global accuracy of 89.99\% when using Xception with a batch size of 16 after being trained for six federated communication rounds.
Abstract:The automated detection of false information has become a fundamental task in combating the spread of "fake news" on online social media networks (OSMN) as it reduces the need for manual discernment by individuals. In the literature, leveraging various content or context features of OSMN documents have been found useful. However, most of the existing detection models often utilise these features in isolation without regard to the temporal and dynamic changes oft-seen in reality, thus, limiting the robustness of the models. Furthermore, there has been little to no consideration of the impact of the quality of documents' features on the trustworthiness of the final prediction. In this paper, we introduce a novel model-agnostic framework, called MAPX, which allows evidence based aggregation of predictions from existing models in an explainable manner. Indeed, the developed aggregation method is adaptive, dynamic and considers the quality of OSMN document features. Further, we perform extensive experiments on benchmarked fake news datasets to demonstrate the effectiveness of MAPX using various real-world data quality scenarios. Our empirical results show that the proposed framework consistently outperforms all state-of-the-art models evaluated. For reproducibility, a demo of MAPX is available at \href{https://github.com/SCondran/MAPX_framework}{this link}
Abstract:Deep learning has achieved outstanding accuracy in medical image segmentation, particularly for objects like organs or tumors with smooth boundaries or large sizes. Whereas, it encounters significant difficulties with objects that have zigzag boundaries or are small in size, leading to a notable decrease in segmentation effectiveness. In this context, using a loss function that incorporates smoothness and volume information into a model's predictions offers a promising solution to these shortcomings. In this work, we introduce an Adaptive Focal Loss (A-FL) function designed to mitigate class imbalance by down-weighting the loss for easy examples that results in up-weighting the loss for hard examples and giving greater emphasis to challenging examples, such as small and irregularly shaped objects. The proposed A-FL involves dynamically adjusting a focusing parameter based on an object's surface smoothness, size information, and adjusting the class balancing parameter based on the ratio of targeted area to total area in an image. We evaluated the performance of the A-FL using ResNet50-encoded U-Net architecture on the Picai 2022 and BraTS 2018 datasets. On the Picai 2022 dataset, the A-FL achieved an Intersection over Union (IoU) of 0.696 and a Dice Similarity Coefficient (DSC) of 0.769, outperforming the regular Focal Loss (FL) by 5.5% and 5.4% respectively. It also surpassed the best baseline Dice-Focal by 2.0% and 1.2%. On the BraTS 2018 dataset, A-FL achieved an IoU of 0.883 and a DSC of 0.931. The comparative studies show that the proposed A-FL function surpasses conventional methods, including Dice Loss, Focal Loss, and their hybrid variants, in IoU, DSC, Sensitivity, and Specificity metrics. This work highlights A-FL's potential to improve deep learning models for segmenting clinically significant regions in medical images, leading to more precise and reliable diagnostic tools.
Abstract:Epilepsy is one of the most prevalent neurological conditions, where an epileptic seizure is a transient occurrence due to abnormal, excessive and synchronous activity in the brain. Electroencephalogram signals emanating from the brain may be captured, analysed and then play a significant role in detection and prediction of epileptic seizures. In this work we enhance upon a previous approach that relied on the differing properties of the wavelet transform. Here we apply the Maximum Overlap Discrete Wavelet Transform to both reduce signal \textit{noise} and use signal variance exhibited at differing inherent frequency levels to develop various metrics of connection between the electrodes placed upon the scalp. %The properties of both the noise reduced signal and the interconnected electrodes differ significantly during the different brain states. Using short duration epochs, to approximate close to real time monitoring, together with simple statistical parameters derived from the reconstructed noise reduced signals we initiate seizure detection. To further improve performance we utilise graph theoretic indicators from derived electrode connectivity. From there we build the attribute space. We utilise open-source software and publicly available data to highlight the superior Recall/Sensitivity performance of our approach, when compared to existing published methods.
Abstract:Ontology-based clustering has gained attention in recent years due to the potential benefits of ontology. Current ontology-based clustering approaches have mainly been applied to reduce the dimensionality of attributes in text document clustering. Reduction in dimensionality of attributes using ontology helps to produce high quality clusters for a dataset. However, ontology-based approaches in clustering numerical datasets have not been gained enough attention. Moreover, some literature mentions that ontology-based clustering can produce either high quality or low-quality clusters from a dataset. Therefore, in this paper we present a clustering approach that is based on domain ontology to reduce the dimensionality of attributes in a numerical dataset using domain ontology and to produce high quality clusters. For every dataset, we produce three datasets using domain ontology. We then cluster these datasets using a genetic algorithm-based clustering technique called GenClust++. The clusters of each dataset are evaluated in terms of Sum of Squared-Error (SSE). We use six numerical datasets to evaluate the performance of our ontology-based approach. The experimental results of our approach indicate that cluster quality gradually improves from lower to the higher levels of a domain ontology.
Abstract:Epilepsy is one of the most common and yet diverse set of chronic neurological disorders. This excessive or synchronous neuronal activity is termed seizure. Electroencephalogram signal processing plays a significant role in detection and prediction of epileptic seizures. In this paper we introduce an approach that relies upon the properties of wavelets for seizure detection. We utilise the Maximum Overlap Discrete Wavelet Transform which enables us to reduce signal noise Then from the variance exhibited in wavelet coefficients we develop connectivity and communication efficiency between the electrodes as these properties differ significantly during a seizure period in comparison to a non-seizure period. We use basic statistical parameters derived from the reconstructed noise reduced signal, electrode connectivity and the efficiency of information transfer to build the attribute space. We have utilised data that are publicly available to test our method that is found to be significantly better than some existing approaches.
Abstract:Classification of time series signals has become an important construct and has many practical applications. With existing classifiers we may be able to accurately classify signals, however that accuracy may decline if using a reduced number of attributes. Transforming the data then undertaking reduction in dimensionality may improve the quality of the data analysis, decrease time required for classification and simplify models. We propose an approach, which chooses suitable wavelets to transform the data, then combines the output from these transforms to construct a dataset to then apply ensemble classifiers to. We demonstrate this on different data sets, across different classifiers and use differing evaluation methods. Our experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed technique, compared to the approaches that use either raw signal data or a single wavelet transform.
Abstract:Transfer learning aims to learn classifiers for a target domain by transferring knowledge from a source domain. However, due to two main issues: feature discrepancy and distribution divergence, transfer learning can be a very difficult problem in practice. In this paper, we present a framework called TLF that builds a classifier for the target domain having only few labeled training records by transferring knowledge from the source domain having many labeled records. While existing methods often focus on one issue and leave the other one for the further work, TLF is capable of handling both issues simultaneously. In TLF, we alleviate feature discrepancy by identifying shared label distributions that act as the pivots to bridge the domains. We handle distribution divergence by simultaneously optimizing the structural risk functional, joint distributions between domains, and the manifold consistency underlying marginal distributions. Moreover, for the manifold consistency we exploit its intrinsic properties by identifying k nearest neighbors of a record, where the value of k is determined automatically in TLF. Furthermore, since negative transfer is not desired, we consider only the source records that are belonging to the source pivots during the knowledge transfer. We evaluate TLF on seven publicly available natural datasets and compare the performance of TLF against the performance of eleven state-of-the-art techniques. We also evaluate the effectiveness of TLF in some challenging situations. Our experimental results, including statistical sign test and Nemenyi test analyses, indicate a clear superiority of the proposed framework over the state-of-the-art techniques.
Abstract:In this study, we present an incremental machine learning framework called Adaptive Decision Forest (ADF), which produces a decision forest to classify new records. Based on our two novel theorems, we introduce a new splitting strategy called iSAT, which allows ADF to classify new records even if they are associated with previously unseen classes. ADF is capable of identifying and handling concept drift; it, however, does not forget previously gained knowledge. Moreover, ADF is capable of handling big data if the data can be divided into batches. We evaluate ADF on five publicly available natural data sets and one synthetic data set, and compare the performance of ADF against the performance of eight state-of-the-art techniques. Our experimental results, including statistical sign test and Nemenyi test analyses, indicate a clear superiority of the proposed framework over the state-of-the-art techniques.