Abstract:Representations from deep neural networks (DNNs) have proven remarkably predictive of neural activity involved in both visual and linguistic processing. Despite these successes, most studies to date concern unimodal DNNs, encoding either visual or textual input but not both. Yet, there is growing evidence that human meaning representations integrate linguistic and sensory-motor information. Here we investigate whether the integration of multimodal information operated by current vision-and-language DNN models (VLMs) leads to representations that are more aligned with human brain activity than those obtained by language-only and vision-only DNNs. We focus on fMRI responses recorded while participants read concept words in the context of either a full sentence or an accompanying picture. Our results reveal that VLM representations correlate more strongly than language- and vision-only DNNs with activations in brain areas functionally related to language processing. A comparison between different types of visuo-linguistic architectures shows that recent generative VLMs tend to be less brain-aligned than previous architectures with lower performance on downstream applications. Moreover, through an additional analysis comparing brain vs. behavioural alignment across multiple VLMs, we show that -- with one remarkable exception -- representations that strongly align with behavioural judgments do not correlate highly with brain responses. This indicates that brain similarity does not go hand in hand with behavioural similarity, and vice versa.
Abstract:What do deep neural speech models know about phonology? Existing work has examined the encoding of individual linguistic units such as phonemes in these models. Here we investigate interactions between units. Inspired by classic experiments on human speech perception, we study how Wav2Vec2 resolves phonotactic constraints. We synthesize sounds on an acoustic continuum between /l/ and /r/ and embed them in controlled contexts where only /l/, only /r/, or neither occur in English. Like humans, Wav2Vec2 models show a bias towards the phonotactically admissable category in processing such ambiguous sounds. Using simple measures to analyze model internals on the level of individual stimuli, we find that this bias emerges in early layers of the model's Transformer module. This effect is amplified by ASR finetuning but also present in fully self-supervised models. Our approach demonstrates how controlled stimulus designs can help localize specific linguistic knowledge in neural speech models.
Abstract:Human listeners effortlessly compensate for phonological changes during speech perception, often unconsciously inferring the intended sounds. For example, listeners infer the underlying /n/ when hearing an utterance such as "clea[m] pan", where [m] arises from place assimilation to the following labial [p]. This article explores how the neural speech recognition model Wav2Vec2 perceives assimilated sounds, and identifies the linguistic knowledge that is implemented by the model to compensate for assimilation during Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR). Using psycholinguistic stimuli, we systematically analyze how various linguistic context cues influence compensation patterns in the model's output. Complementing these behavioral experiments, our probing experiments indicate that the model shifts its interpretation of assimilated sounds from their acoustic form to their underlying form in its final layers. Finally, our causal intervention experiments suggest that the model relies on minimal phonological context cues to accomplish this shift. These findings represent a step towards better understanding the similarities and differences in phonological processing between neural ASR models and humans.
Abstract:We present the submission of the ILLC at the University of Amsterdam to the BabyLM challenge (Warstadt et al., 2023), in the strict-small track. Our final model, ChapGTP, is a masked language model that was trained for 200 epochs, aided by a novel data augmentation technique called Automatic Task Formation. We discuss in detail the performance of this model on the three evaluation suites: BLiMP, (Super)GLUE, and MSGS. Furthermore, we present a wide range of methods that were ultimately not included in the model, but may serve as inspiration for training LMs in low-resource settings.