Abstract:The classic Resource Constrained Shortest Path (RCSP) problem aims to find a cost optimal path between a pair of nodes in a network such that the resources used in the path are within a given limit. Having been studied for over a decade, RCSP has seen recent solutions that utilize heuristic-guided search to solve the constrained problem faster. Building upon the bidirectional A* search paradigm, this research introduces a novel constrained search framework that uses efficient pruning strategies to allow for accelerated and effective RCSP search in large-scale networks. Results show that, compared to the state of the art, our enhanced framework can significantly reduce the constrained search time, achieving speed-ups of over to two orders of magnitude.
Abstract:The rapid adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) in modern transport systems has made energy-aware routing a critical task in their successful integration, especially within large-scale networks. In cases where an EV's remaining energy is limited and charging locations are not easily accessible, some destinations may only be reachable through an energy-optimal path: a route that consumes less energy than all other alternatives. The feasibility of such energy-efficient paths depends heavily on the accuracy of the energy model used for planning, and thus failing to account for vehicle dynamics can lead to inaccurate energy estimates, rendering some planned routes infeasible in reality. This paper explores the impact of vehicle dynamics on energy-optimal path planning for EVs. We develop an accurate energy model that incorporates key vehicle dynamics parameters into energy calculations, thereby reducing the risk of planning infeasible paths under battery constraints. The paper also introduces two novel online reweighting functions that allow for a faster, pre-processing free, pathfinding in the presence of negative energy costs resulting from regenerative braking, making them ideal for real-time applications. Through extensive experimentation on real-world transport networks, we demonstrate that our approach considerably enhances energy-optimal pathfinding for EVs in both computational efficiency and energy estimation accuracy.
Abstract:The growing popularity of Electric Vehicles (EVs) poses unique challenges for grid operators and infrastructure, which requires effectively managing these vehicles' integration into the grid. Identification of EVs charging is essential to electricity Distribution Network Operators (DNOs) for better planning and managing the distribution grid. One critical aspect is the ability to accurately identify the presence of EV charging in the grid. EV charging identification using smart meter readings obtained from behind-the-meter devices is a challenging task that enables effective managing the integration of EVs into the existing power grid. Different from the existing supervised models that require addressing the imbalance problem caused by EVs and non-EVs data, we propose a novel unsupervised memory-based transformer (M-TR) that can run in real-time (online) to detect EVs charging from a streaming smart meter. It dynamically leverages coarse-scale historical information using an M-TR encoder from an extended global temporal window, in conjunction with an M-TR decoder that concentrates on a limited time frame, local window, aiming to capture the fine-scale characteristics of the smart meter data. The M-TR is based on an anomaly detection technique that does not require any prior knowledge about EVs charging profiles, nor it does only require real power consumption data of non-EV users. In addition, the proposed model leverages the power of transfer learning. The M-TR is compared with different state-of-the-art methods and performs better than other unsupervised learning models. The model can run with an excellent execution time of 1.2 sec. for 1-minute smart recordings.
Abstract:The increasing installation of Photovoltaics (PV) cells leads to more generation of renewable energy sources (RES), but results in increased uncertainties of energy scheduling. Predicting PV power generation is important for energy management and dispatch optimization in smart grid. However, the PV power generation data is often collected across different types of customers (e.g., residential, agricultural, industrial, and commercial) while the customer information is always de-identified. This often results in a forecasting model trained with all PV power generation data, allowing the predictor to learn various patterns through intra-model self-learning, instead of constructing a separate predictor for each customer type. In this paper, we propose a clustering-based multitasking deep neural network (CM-DNN) framework for PV power generation prediction. K-means is applied to cluster the data into different customer types. For each type, a deep neural network (DNN) is employed and trained until the accuracy cannot be improved. Subsequently, for a specified customer type (i.e., the target task), inter-model knowledge transfer is conducted to enhance its training accuracy. During this process, source task selection is designed to choose the optimal subset of tasks (excluding the target customer), and each selected source task uses a coefficient to determine the amount of DNN model knowledge (weights and biases) transferred to the aimed prediction task. The proposed CM-DNN is tested on a real-world PV power generation dataset and its superiority is demonstrated by comparing the prediction performance on training the dataset with a single model without clustering.
Abstract:The customization of recommended content to users holds significant importance in enhancing user experiences across a wide spectrum of applications such as e-commerce, music, and shopping. Graph-based methods have achieved considerable performance by capturing user-item interactions. However, these methods tend to utilize randomly constructed embeddings in the dataset used for training the recommender, which lacks any user preferences. Here, we propose the concept of variational embeddings as a means of pre-training the recommender system to improve the feature propagation through the layers of graph convolutional networks (GCNs). The graph variational embedding collaborative filtering (GVECF) is introduced as a novel framework to incorporate representations learned through a variational graph auto-encoder which are embedded into a GCN-based collaborative filtering. This approach effectively transforms latent high-order user-item interactions into more trainable vectors, ultimately resulting in better performance in terms of recall and normalized discounted cumulative gain(NDCG) metrics. The experiments conducted on benchmark datasets demonstrate that our proposed method achieves up to 13.78% improvement in the recall over the test data.
Abstract:Recently network embedding has gained increasing attention due to its advantages in facilitating network computation tasks such as link prediction, node classification and node clustering. The objective of network embedding is to represent network nodes in a low-dimensional vector space while retaining as much information as possible from the original network including structural, relational, and semantic information. However, asymmetric nature of directed networks poses many challenges as how to best preserve edge directions in the embedding process. Here, we propose a novel deep asymmetric attributed network embedding model based on convolutional graph neural network, called AAGCN. The main idea is to maximally preserve the asymmetric proximity and asymmetric similarity of directed attributed networks. AAGCN introduces two neighbourhood feature aggregation schemes to separately aggregate the features of a node with the features of its in- and out- neighbours. Then, it learns two embedding vectors for each node, one source embedding vector and one target embedding vector. The final representations are the results of concatenating source and target embedding vectors. We test the performance of AAGCN on three real-world networks for network reconstruction, link prediction, node classification and visualization tasks. The experimental results show the superiority of AAGCN against state-of-the-art embedding methods.
Abstract:Vital node identification is the problem of finding nodes of highest importance in complex networks. This problem has crucial applications in various contexts such as viral marketing or controlling the propagation of virus or rumours in real-world networks. Existing approaches for vital node identification mainly focus on capturing the importance of a node through a mathematical expression which directly relates structural properties of the node to its vitality. Although these heuristic approaches have achieved good performance in practice, they have weak adaptability, and their performance is limited to specific settings and certain dynamics. Inspired by the power of machine learning models for efficiently capturing different types of patterns and relations, we propose a machine learning-based, data driven approach for vital node identification. The main idea is to train the model with a small portion of the graph, say 0.5% of the nodes, and do the prediction on the rest of the nodes. The ground-truth vitality for the train data is computed by simulating the SIR diffusion method starting from the train nodes. We use collective feature engineering where each node in the network is represented by incorporating elements of its connectivity, degree and extended coreness. Several machine learning models are trained on the node representations, but the best results are achieved by a Support Vector Regression machine with RBF kernel. The empirical results confirms that the proposed model outperforms state-of-the-art models on a selection of datasets, while it also shows more adaptability to changes in the dynamics parameters.
Abstract:Popularity of social networks has rapidly increased over the past few years, and daily lives interrupt without their proper functioning. Social networking platform provide multiple interaction types between individuals, such as creating and joining groups, sending and receiving messages, sharing interests and creating friendship relationships. This paper addresses an important problem in social networks analysis and mining that is how to predict link initiation feedback in two-way networks. Relationships between two individuals in a two-way network include a link invitation from one of the individuals, which will be an established link if it is accepted by the invitee. We consider a sport gaming social networking platform and construct a multilayer social network between a number of users. The network formed by the link initiation process is on one of the layers, while the other two layers include a messaging relationships and interactions between the users. We propose a methodology to solve the link initiation feedback prediction problem in this multilayer fashion. The proposed method is based on features extracted from meta-paths, i.e. paths defined between different individuals from multiples layers in multilayer networks. We proposed a cluster-based approach to handle the sparsity issue in the dataset. Experimental results show that the proposed method can provide accurate prediction that outperforms state-of-the-art methods.
Abstract:Influence maximization is a widely studied topic in network science, where the aim is to reach the maximum possible number of nodes, while only targeting a small initial set of individuals. It has critical applications in many fields, including viral marketing, information propagation, news dissemination, and vaccinations. However, the objective does not usually take into account whether the final set of influenced nodes is fair with respect to sensitive attributes, such as race or gender. Here we address fair influence maximization, aiming to reach minorities more equitably. We introduce Adversarial Graph Embeddings: we co-train an auto-encoder for graph embedding and a discriminator to discern sensitive attributes. This leads to embeddings which are similarly distributed across sensitive attributes. We then find a good initial set by clustering the embeddings. We believe we are the first to use embeddings for the task of fair influence maximization. While there are typically trade-offs between fairness and influence maximization objectives, our experiments on synthetic and real-world datasets show that our approach dramatically reduces disparity while remaining competitive with state-of-the-art influence maximization methods.
Abstract:Community detection is considered as a fundamental task in analyzing social networks. Even though many techniques have been proposed for community detection, most of them are based exclusively on the connectivity structures. However, there are node features in real networks, such as gender types in social networks, feeding behavior in ecological networks, and location on e-trading networks, that can be further leveraged with the network structure to attain more accurate community detection methods. We propose a novel probabilistic graphical model to detect communities by taking into account both network structure and nodes' features. The proposed approach learns the relevant features of communities through a generative probabilistic model without any prior assumption on the communities. Furthermore, the model is capable of determining the strength of node features and structural elements of the networks on shaping the communities. The effectiveness of the proposed approach over the state-of-the-art algorithms is revealed on synthetic and benchmark networks.