Abstract:We propose a convolutional neural network for localising the centres of the optic disc (OD) and fovea in ultra-wide field of view scanning laser ophthalmoscope (UWFoV-SLO) images of the retina. Images captured in both reflectance and autofluorescence (AF) modes, and central pole and eyesteered gazes, were used. The method achieved an OD localisation accuracy of 99.4% within one OD radius, and fovea localisation accuracy of 99.1% within one OD radius on a test set comprising of 1790 images. The performance of fovea localisation in AF images was comparable to the variation between human annotators at this task. The laterality of the image (whether the image is of the left or right eye) was inferred from the OD and fovea coordinates with an accuracy of 99.9%
Abstract:Gravitational wave (GW) detection is now commonplace and as the sensitivity of the global network of GW detectors improves, we will observe $\mathcal{O}(100)$s of transient GW events per year. The current methods used to estimate their source parameters employ optimally sensitive but computationally costly Bayesian inference approaches where typical analyses have taken between 6 hours and 5 days. For binary neutron star and neutron star black hole systems prompt counterpart electromagnetic (EM) signatures are expected on timescales of 1 second -- 1 minute and the current fastest method for alerting EM follow-up observers, can provide estimates in $\mathcal{O}(1)$ minute, on a limited range of key source parameters. Here we show that a conditional variational autoencoder pre-trained on binary black hole signals can return Bayesian posterior probability estimates. The training procedure need only be performed once for a given prior parameter space and the resulting trained machine can then generate samples describing the posterior distribution $\sim 6$ orders of magnitude faster than existing techniques.