Abstract:Science laboratory automation enables accelerated discovery in life sciences and materials. However, it requires interdisciplinary collaboration to address challenges such as robust and flexible autonomy, reproducibility, throughput, standardization, the role of human scientists, and ethics. This article highlights these issues, reflecting perspectives from leading experts in laboratory automation across different disciplines of the natural sciences.
Abstract:Powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) is a key technique for the structural characterisation of solid-state materials, but compared with tasks such as liquid handling, its end-to-end automation is highly challenging. This is because coupling PXRD experiments with crystallisation comprises multiple solid handling steps that include sample recovery, sample preparation by grinding, sample mounting and, finally, collection of X-ray diffraction data. Each of these steps has individual technical challenges from an automation perspective, and hence no commercial instrument exists that can grow crystals, process them into a powder, mount them in a diffractometer, and collect PXRD data in an autonomous, closed-loop way. Here we present an automated robotic workflow to carry out autonomous PXRD experiments. The PXRD data collected for polymorphs of small organic compounds is comparable to that collected under the same conditions manually. Beyond accelerating PXRD experiments, this workflow involves 13 component steps and integrates three different types of robots, each from a separate supplier, illustrating the power of flexible, modular automation in complex, multitask laboratories.
Abstract:The potential use of robotics for laboratory experiments offers an attractive route to alleviate scientists from tedious tasks while accelerating the process of obtaining new materials, where topical issues such as climate change and disease risks worldwide would greatly benefit. While some experimental workflows can already benefit from automation, it is common that sample preparation is still carried out manually due to the high level of motor function required when dealing with heterogeneous systems, e.g., different tools, chemicals, and glassware. A fundamental workflow in chemical fields is crystallisation, where one application is polymorph screening, i.e., obtaining a three dimensional molecular structure from a crystal. For this process, it is of utmost importance to recover as much of the sample as possible since synthesising molecules is both costly in time and money. To this aim, chemists have to scrape vials to retrieve sample contents prior to imaging plate transfer. Automating this process is challenging as it goes beyond robotic insertion tasks due to a fundamental requirement of having to execute fine-granular movements within a constrained environment that is the sample vial. Motivated by how human chemists carry out this process of scraping powder from vials, our work proposes a model-free reinforcement learning method for learning a scraping policy, leading to a fully autonomous sample scraping procedure. To realise that, we first create a simulation environment with a Panda Franka Emika robot using a laboratory scraper which is inserted into a simulated vial, to demonstrate how a scraping policy can be learned successfully. We then evaluate our method on a real robotic manipulator in laboratory settings, and show that our method can autonomously scrape powder across various setups.
Abstract:Automated laboratory experiments have the potential to propel new discoveries, while increasing reproducibility and improving scientists' safety when handling dangerous materials. However, many automated laboratory workflows have not fully leveraged the remarkable advancements in robotics and digital lab equipment. As a result, most robotic systems used in the labs are programmed specifically for a single experiment, often relying on proprietary architectures or using unconventional hardware. In this work, we tackle this problem by proposing a novel robotic system architecture specifically designed with and for chemists, which allows the scientist to easily reconfigure their setup for new experiments. Specifically, the system's strength is its ability to combine together heterogeneous robotic platforms with standard laboratory equipment to create different experimental setups. Finally, we show how the architecture can be used for specific laboratory experiments through case studies such as solubility screening and crystallisation.
Abstract:Accelerating material discovery has tremendous societal and industrial impact, particularly for pharmaceuticals and clean energy production. Many experimental instruments have some degree of automation, facilitating continuous running and higher throughput. However, it is common that sample preparation is still carried out manually. This can result in researchers spending a significant amount of their time on repetitive tasks, which introduces errors and can prohibit production of statistically relevant data. Crystallisation experiments are common in many chemical fields, both for purification and in polymorph screening experiments. The initial step often involves a solubility screen of the molecule; that is, understanding whether molecular compounds have dissolved in a particular solvent. This usually can be time consuming and work intensive. Moreover, accurate knowledge of the precise solubility limit of the molecule is often not required, and simply measuring a threshold of solubility in each solvent would be sufficient. To address this, we propose a novel cascaded deep model that is inspired by how a human chemist would visually assess a sample to determine whether the solid has completely dissolved in the solution. In this paper, we design, develop, and evaluate the first fully autonomous solubility screening framework, which leverages state-of-the-art methods for image segmentation and convolutional neural networks for image classification. To realise that, we first create a dataset comprising different molecules and solvents, which is collected in a real-world chemistry laboratory. We then evaluated our method on the data recorded through an eye-in-hand camera mounted on a seven degree-of-freedom robotic manipulator, and show that our model can achieve 99.13% test accuracy across various setups.