Abstract:Subset selection is central to many wireless communication problems, including link scheduling, power allocation, and spectrum management. However, these problems are often NP-complete, because of which heuristic algorithms applied to solve these problems struggle with scalability in large-scale settings. To address this, we propose a determinantal point process-based learning (DPPL) framework for efficiently solving general subset selection problems in massive networks. The key idea is to model the optimal subset as a realization of a determinantal point process (DPP), which balances the trade-off between quality (signal strength) and similarity (mutual interference) by enforcing negative correlation in the selection of {\em similar} links (those that create significant mutual interference). However, conventional methods for constructing similarity matrices in DPP impose decomposability and symmetry constraints that often do not hold in practice. To overcome this, we introduce a new method based on the Gershgorin Circle Theorem for constructing valid similarity matrices. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is demonstrated by applying it to two canonical wireless network settings: an ad hoc network in 2D and a cellular network serving drones in 3D. Simulation results show that DPPL selects near-optimal subsets that maximize network sum-rate while significantly reducing computational complexity compared to traditional optimization methods, demonstrating its scalability for large-scale networks.
Abstract:In this paper, we propose a two-stage weighted projection method (TS-WPM) for time-difference-of-arrival (TDOA)-based localization, providing provable improvements in positioning accuracy, particularly under high geometric dilution of precision (GDOP) and low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) conditions. TS-WPM employs a two-stage iterative refinement approach that dynamically updates both range and position estimates, effectively mitigating residual errors while maintaining computational efficiency. Additionally, we extend TS-WPM to support cooperative localization by leveraging two-way time-of-arrival (TW-TOA) measurements, which enhances positioning accuracy in scenarios with limited anchor availability. To analyze TS-WPM, we derive its error covariance matrix and mean squared error (MSE), establishing conditions for its optimality and robustness. To facilitate rigorous evaluation, we develop a 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP)-compliant analytical framework, incorporating 5G New Radio (NR) physical layer aspects as well as large-scale and small-scale fading. As part of this, we derive a generalized Cram{\'e}r-Rao lower bound (CRLB) for multipath propagation and introduce a novel non-line-of-sight (NLOS) bias model that accounts for propagation conditions and SNR variations. Our evaluations demonstrate that TS-WPM achieves near-CRLB performance and consistently outperforms state-of-the-art weighted nonlinear least squares (WNLS) in high GDOP and low SNR scenarios. Moreover, cooperative localization with TS-WPM significantly enhances accuracy, especially when an insufficient number of anchors (such as 2) are visible. Finally, we analyze the computational complexity of TS-WPM, showing its balanced trade-off between accuracy and efficiency, making it a scalable solution for real-time localization in next-generation networks.
Abstract:Interest in the use of the low earth orbit (LEO) in space - from $160 \text{ km}$ to $2000 \text{ km}$ - has skyrocketed; this is evident by the fact that National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has partnered with various commercial platforms like Axiom Space, Blue Origin, SpaceX, Sierra Space, Starlab Space, ThinkOrbital, and Vast Space to deploy satellites. %and platforms like Northrop Grumman and Boeing to transport cargo and crew. The most apparent advantage of satellites in LEO over satellites in Geostationary (GEO) and medium earth orbit (MEO) is their closeness to the earth; hence, signals from LEOs encounter lower propagation losses and reduced propagation delay, opening up the possibility of using these LEO satellites for localization. This article reviews the existing signal processing algorithms for localization using LEO satellites, introduces the basics of estimation theory, connects estimation theory to model identifiability with Fisher Information Matrix (FIM), and with the FIM, provides conditions that allow for $9$D localization of a terrestrial receiver using signals from multiple LEOs (unsynchronized in time and frequency) across multiple time slots and multiple receive antennas. We also compare the structure of the information available in LEO satellites with the structure of the information available in the Global Positioning System (GPS).
Abstract:There has been substantial work on developing variants of the multiple signal classification (MUSIC) algorithms that take advantage of the information present in the near-field propagation regime. However, it is not always easy to determine the correct propagation regime, which opens the possibility of incorrectly applying simpler algorithms (meant for far-field) in the near-field regime. Inspired by this, we use simulation results to investigate the performance drop when there is a mismatch between the signal model in the MUSIC algorithm and the propagation regime. For direction of arrival (DOA) estimation, we consider the cases when the receiver is in the near-field region but uses i) the near-field model, ii) the approximate near-field model (ANM) model, and iii) the far-field model to design the beamforming matrix in the MUSIC algorithm. We also consider the case when the receiver is in the far-field region, and we use the correct far-field model to design the beamforming matrix in the MUSIC algorithm. One contribution is that in the near-field, we have quantified the loss in performance when the ANM and the far-field model are used to create the beamforming matrix for the MUSIC algorithm, causing a reduction in estimation accuracy compared to the case when the correct near-field model is used to design the beamforming matrix. Another result is that in the near-field, when we incorrectly assume that the receiver is in the far-field and subsequently use the far-field beamforming matrix, we underestimate the DOA estimation error. Finally, we show that the MUSIC algorithm can provide very accurate range estimates for distances less than the Fraunhofer distance. This estimate gradually becomes inaccurate as the distances exceed the Fraunhofer distance.
Abstract:Many modern wireless devices with accurate positioning needs also have access to vision sensors, such as a camera, radar, and Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR). In scenarios where wireless-based positioning is either inaccurate or unavailable, using information from vision sensors becomes highly desirable for determining the precise location of the wireless device. Specifically, vision data can be used to estimate distances between the target (where the sensors are mounted) and nearby landmarks. However, a significant challenge in positioning using these measurements is the inability to uniquely identify which specific landmark is visible in the data. For instance, when the target is located close to a lamppost, it becomes challenging to precisely identify the specific lamppost (among several in the region) that is near the target. This work proposes a new framework for target localization using range measurements to multiple proximate landmarks. The geometric constraints introduced by these measurements are utilized to narrow down candidate landmark combinations corresponding to the range measurements and, consequently, the target's location on a map. By modeling landmarks as a marked Poisson point process (PPP), we show that three noise-free range measurements are sufficient to uniquely determine the correct combination of landmarks in a two-dimensional plane. For noisy measurements, we provide a mathematical characterization of the probability of correctly identifying the observed landmark combination based on a novel joint distribution of key random variables. Our results demonstrate that the landmark combination can be identified using ranges, even when individual landmarks are visually indistinguishable.
Abstract:The integration of non-terrestrial networks (NTN) into 5G new radio (NR) has opened up the possibility of developing a new positioning infrastructure using NR signals from Low-Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites. LEO-based cellular positioning offers several advantages, such as a superior link budget, higher operating bandwidth, and large forthcoming constellations. Due to these factors, LEO-based positioning, navigation, and timing (PNT) is a potential enhancement for NTN in 6G cellular networks. However, extending the existing terrestrial cellular positioning methods to LEO-based NTN positioning requires considering key fundamental enhancements. These include creating broad positioning beams orthogonal to conventional communication beams, time-domain processing at the user equipment (UE) to resolve large delay and Doppler uncertainties, and efficiently accommodating positioning reference signals (PRS) from multiple satellites within the communication resource grid. In this paper, we present the first set of design insights by incorporating these enhancements and thoroughly evaluating LEO-based positioning, considering the constraints and capabilities of the NR-NTN physical layer. To evaluate the performance of LEO-based NTN positioning, we develop a comprehensive NR-compliant simulation framework, including LEO orbit simulation, transmission (Tx) and receiver (Rx) architectures, and a positioning engine incorporating the necessary enhancements. Our findings suggest that LEO-based NTN positioning could serve as a complementary infrastructure to existing Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) and, with appropriate enhancements, may also offer a viable alternative.
Abstract:Despite significant algorithmic advances in vision-based positioning, a comprehensive probabilistic framework to study its performance has remained unexplored. The main objective of this paper is to develop such a framework using ideas from stochastic geometry. Due to limitations in sensor resolution, the level of detail in prior information, and computational resources, we may not be able to differentiate between landmarks with similar appearances in the vision data, such as trees, lampposts, and bus stops. While one cannot accurately determine the absolute target position using a single indistinguishable landmark, obtaining an approximate position fix is possible if the target can see multiple landmarks whose geometric placement on the map is unique. Modeling the locations of these indistinguishable landmarks as a Poisson point process (PPP) $\Phi$ on $\mathbb{R}^2$, we develop a new approach to analyze the localizability in this setting. From the target location $\mathbb{x}$, the measurements are obtained from landmarks within the visibility region. These measurements, including ranges and angles to the landmarks, denoted as $f(\mathbb{x})$, can be treated as mappings from the target location. We are interested in understanding the probability that the measurements $f(\mathbb{x})$ are sufficiently distinct from the measurement $f(\mathbb{x}_0)$ at the given location, which we term localizability. Expressions of localizability probability are derived for specific vision-inspired measurements, such as ranges to landmarks and snapshots of their locations. Our analysis reveals that the localizability probability approaches one when the landmark intensity tends to infinity, which means that error-free localization is achievable in this limiting regime.
Abstract:Wireless positioning in Non-Line-of-Sight (NLOS) scenarios is highly challenging due to multipath, which leads to deterioration in the positioning estimate. This study reexamines electromagnetic field principles and applies them to wireless positioning, resulting in new techniques that enhance positioning accuracy in NLOS scenarios. Further, we use the proposed method to analyze a public safety scenario where it is essential to determine the position of at-risk individuals within buildings, emphasizing improving the Z-axis position estimate. Our analysis uses the Geometrical Theory of Diffraction (GTD) to provide important signal propagation insights and develop a new NLOS path model. Next, we use Fisher information to derive necessary and sufficient conditions for 3D positioning using our proposed positioning technique and finally to lower bound the possible 3D and z-axis positioning performance. On applying this positioning technique in a public safety scenario, we show that it is possible to greatly improve both 3D and Z-axis positioning performance by directly estimating NLOS path lengths.
Abstract:In this paper, we derive the fundamental limits of low earth orbit (LEO) enabled localization by analyzing the available information in signals from multiple LEOs during different transmission time slots received on a multiple antennas and evaluate the utility of these signals for $9$D localization ($3$D position, $3$D orientation, and $3$D velocity estimation). We start by deriving the Fisher Information Matrix (FIM) for the channel parameters that are present in the signals received from LEOs in the same or multiple constellations during multiple transmission time slots. To accomplish this, we define a system model that captures i) time offset between LEOs caused by having relatively cheap clocks, ii) frequency offset between LEOs, iii) the unknown Doppler rate caused by high mobility LEOs, and iv) multiple transmission time slots from a particular LEO. We transform the FIM for the channel parameters to the FIM for the location parameters and determine the required conditions for localization. To do this, we start with the $3$D localization cases: i) $3$D positioning with known velocity and orientation, ii) $3$D orientation estimation with known position and velocity, and iii) $3$D velocity estimation with known position and orientation. Subsequently, we derive the FIM for the full $9$D localization case ($3$D position, $3$D orientation, and $3$D velocity estimation) in terms of the FIM for the $3$D localization. Using these results, we determine the number of LEOs, the operating frequency, the number of transmission time slots, and the number of receive antennas that allow for different levels of location estimation.
Abstract:In this paper, we use the Fisher information matrix (FIM) to analyze the interaction between low-earth orbit (LEO) satellites and $5$G base stations in providing $9$D receiver localization and correcting LEO ephemeris. First, we give a channel model that captures all the information in the LEO-receiver, LEO-BS, and BS-receiver links. Subsequently, we use FIM to capture the amount of information about the channel parameters in these links. Then, we transform these FIM for channel parameters to the FIM for the $9$D ($3$D position, $3$D orientation, and $3$D velocity estimation) receiver localization parameters and the LEO position and velocity offset. Closed-form expressions for the entries in the FIM for these location parameters are presented. Our results on identifiability utilizing the FIM for the location parameters indicate: i) with one LEO, we need three BSs and three time slots to both estimate the $9$D location parameters and correct the LEO position and velocity, ii) with two LEO, we need three BSs and three time slots to both estimate the $9$D location parameters and correct the LEO position and velocity, and iii) with three LEO, we need three BSs and four-time slots to both estimate the $9$D location parameters and correct the LEO position and velocity. Another key insight is that through the Cramer Rao lower bound we show that with a single LEO, three time slots, and three BSs, the receiver positioning error, velocity estimation error, orientation error, LEO position offset estimation error, and LEO velocity offset estimation error are $0.1 \text{ cm}$, $1 \text{ mm/s}$, $10^{-3} \text{ rad}$, $0.01 \text{ m}$, and $1 \text{ m/s}$, respectively.