Xi'an, Shaanxi, China
Abstract:High-dimensional sparse matrix data frequently arise in various applications. A notable example is the weighted word-word co-occurrence count data, which summarizes the weighted frequency of word pairs appearing within the same context window. This type of data typically contains highly skewed non-negative values with an abundance of zeros. Another example is the co-occurrence of item-item or user-item pairs in e-commerce, which also generates high-dimensional data. The objective is to utilize this data to predict the relevance between items or users. In this paper, we assume that items or users can be represented by unknown dense vectors. The model treats the co-occurrence counts as arising from zero-inflated Gamma random variables and employs cosine similarity between the unknown vectors to summarize item-item relevance. The unknown values are estimated using the shared parameter alternating zero-inflated Gamma regression models (SA-ZIG). Both canonical link and log link models are considered. Two parameter updating schemes are proposed, along with an algorithm to estimate the unknown parameters. Convergence analysis is presented analytically. Numerical studies demonstrate that the SA-ZIG using Fisher scoring without learning rate adjustment may fail to fi nd the maximum likelihood estimate. However, the SA-ZIG with learning rate adjustment performs satisfactorily in our simulation studies.
Abstract:This article considers the impact of different thresholding methods to the Nearest Shrunken Centroid algorithm, which is popularly referred as the Prediction Analysis of Microarrays (PAM) for high-dimensional classification. PAM uses soft thresholding to achieve high computational efficiency and high classification accuracy but in the price of retaining too many features. When applied to microarray human cancers, PAM selected 2611 features on average from 10 multi-class datasets. Such a large number of features make it difficult to perform follow up study. One reason behind this problem is the soft thresholding, which is known to produce biased parameter estimate in regression analysis. In this article, we extend the PAM algorithm with two other thresholding methods, hard and order thresholding, and a deep search algorithm to achieve better thresholding parameter estimate. The modified algorithms are extensively tested and compared to the original one based on real data and Monte Carlo studies. In general, the modification not only gave better cancer status prediction accuracy, but also resulted in more parsimonious models with significantly smaller number of features.
Abstract:In this article, we present a model for analyzing the cooccurrence count data derived from practical fields such as user-item or item-item data from online shopping platform, cooccurring word-word pairs in sequences of texts. Such data contain important information for developing recommender systems or studying relevance of items or words from non-numerical sources. Different from traditional regression models, there are no observations for covariates. Additionally, the cooccurrence matrix is typically of so high dimension that it does not fit into a computer's memory for modeling. We extract numerical data by defining windows of cooccurrence using weighted count on the continuous scale. Positive probability mass is allowed for zero observations. We present Shared parameter Alternating Tweedie (SA-Tweedie) model and an algorithm to estimate the parameters. We introduce a learning rate adjustment used along with the Fisher scoring method in the inner loop to help the algorithm stay on track of optimizing direction. Gradient descent with Adam update was also considered as an alternative method for the estimation. Simulation studies and an application showed that our algorithm with Fisher scoring and learning rate adjustment outperforms the other two methods. Pseudo-likelihood approach with alternating parameter update was also studied. Numerical studies showed that the pseudo-likelihood approach is not suitable in our shared parameter alternating regression models with unobserved covariates.
Abstract:Personal interaction data can be effectively modeled as individual graphs for each user in recommender systems.Graph Neural Networks (GNNs)-based recommendation techniques have become extremely popular since they can capture high-order collaborative signals between users and items by aggregating the individual graph into a global interactive graph.However, this centralized approach inherently poses a threat to user privacy and security. Recently, federated GNN-based recommendation techniques have emerged as a promising solution to mitigate privacy concerns. Nevertheless, current implementations either limit on-device training to an unaccompanied individual graphs or necessitate reliance on an extra third-party server to touch other individual graphs, which also increases the risk of privacy leakage. To address this challenge, we propose a Cluster-enhanced Federated Graph Neural Network framework for Recommendation, named CFedGR, which introduces high-order collaborative signals to augment individual graphs in a privacy preserving manner. Specifically, the server clusters the pretrained user representations to identify high-order collaborative signals. In addition, two efficient strategies are devised to reduce communication between devices and the server. Extensive experiments on three benchmark datasets validate the effectiveness of our proposed methods.
Abstract:Dynamic dispatching rules that allocate resources to tasks in real-time play a critical role in ensuring efficient operations of many automated material handling systems across industries. Traditionally, the dispatching rules deployed are typically the result of manually crafted heuristics based on domain experts' knowledge. Generating these rules is time-consuming and often sub-optimal. As enterprises increasingly accumulate vast amounts of operational data, there is significant potential to leverage this big data to enhance the performance of automated systems. One promising approach is to use Decision Transformers, which can be trained on existing enterprise data to learn better dynamic dispatching rules for improving system throughput. In this work, we study the application of Decision Transformers as dynamic dispatching policies within an actual multi-agent material handling system and identify scenarios where enterprises can effectively leverage Decision Transformers on existing big data to gain business value. Our empirical results demonstrate that Decision Transformers can improve the material handling system's throughput by a considerable amount when the heuristic originally used in the enterprise data exhibits moderate performance and involves no randomness. When the original heuristic has strong performance, Decision Transformers can still improve the throughput but with a smaller improvement margin. However, when the original heuristics contain an element of randomness or when the performance of the dataset is below a certain threshold, Decision Transformers fail to outperform the original heuristic. These results highlight both the potential and limitations of Decision Transformers as dispatching policies for automated industrial material handling systems.
Abstract:Electrocardiograms (ECG), which record the electrophysiological activity of the heart, have become a crucial tool for diagnosing these diseases. In recent years, the application of deep learning techniques has significantly improved the performance of ECG signal classification. Multi-resolution feature analysis, which captures and processes information at different time scales, can extract subtle changes and overall trends in ECG signals, showing unique advantages. However, common multi-resolution analysis methods based on simple feature addition or concatenation may lead to the neglect of low-resolution features, affecting model performance. To address this issue, this paper proposes the Multi-Resolution Mutual Learning Network (MRM-Net). MRM-Net includes a dual-resolution attention architecture and a feature complementary mechanism. The dual-resolution attention architecture processes high-resolution and low-resolution features in parallel. Through the attention mechanism, the high-resolution and low-resolution branches can focus on subtle waveform changes and overall rhythm patterns, enhancing the ability to capture critical features in ECG signals. Meanwhile, the feature complementary mechanism introduces mutual feature learning after each layer of the feature extractor. This allows features at different resolutions to reinforce each other, thereby reducing information loss and improving model performance and robustness. Experiments on the PTB-XL and CPSC2018 datasets demonstrate that MRM-Net significantly outperforms existing methods in multi-label ECG classification performance. The code for our framework will be publicly available at https://github.com/wxhdf/MRM.
Abstract:Maritime transport is a pivotal logistics mode for the long-distance and bulk transportation of goods. However, the intricate planning involved in this mode is often hindered by uncertainties, including weather conditions, cargo diversity, and port dynamics, leading to increased costs. Consequently, accurately estimating vessel total (stay) time at port and potential delays becomes imperative for effective planning and scheduling in port operations. This study aims to develop a port operation solution with competitive prediction and classification capabilities for estimating vessel Total and Delay times. This research addresses a significant gap in port analysis models for vessel Stay and Delay times, offering a valuable contribution to the field of maritime logistics. The proposed solution is designed to assist decision-making in port environments and predict service delays. This is demonstrated through a case study on Brazil ports. Additionally, feature analysis is used to understand the key factors impacting maritime logistics, enhancing the overall understanding of the complexities involved in port operations.
Abstract:The designing of efficient signal detectors is important and yet challenge for orthogonal time frequency space (OTFS) systems in high-mobility scenarios. In this letter, we develop an efficient message feedback interference cancellation aided unitary approximate message passing (denoted as UAMPMFIC) iterative detector, where the latest feedback messages from variable nodes are utilized for more reliable interference cancellation and performance improvement. A fast recursive scheme is leveraged in the proposed UAMP-MFIC detector to prevent complexity increasing. To further alleviate the error-propagation and improve the receiver performance, we also develop the bidirectional symbol detection structures, where Turbo UAMP-MFIC detector and iterative weight UAMP-MFIC detector are proposed to efficiently fuse the estimation results of forward and backward UAMP-MFIC detectors. The simulation results are finally provided to demonstrate performance improvement of our proposed detectors over existing detectors.
Abstract:Problem definition: Supply chains are constantly evolving networks. Reinforcement learning is increasingly proposed as a solution to provide optimal control of these networks. Academic/practical: However, learning in continuously varying environments remains a challenge in the reinforcement learning literature.Methodology: This paper therefore seeks to address whether agents can control varying supply chain problems, transferring learning between environments that require different strategies and avoiding catastrophic forgetting of tasks that have not been seen in a while. To evaluate this approach, two state-of-the-art Reinforcement Learning (RL) algorithms are compared: an actor-critic learner, Proximal Policy Optimisation(PPO), and a Recurrent Proximal Policy Optimisation (RPPO), PPO with a Long Short-Term Memory(LSTM) layer, which is showing popularity in online learning environments. Results: First these methods are compared on six sets of environments with varying degrees of stochasticity. The results show that more lean strategies adopted in Batch environments are different from those adopted in Stochastic environments with varying products. The methods are also compared on various continuous supply chain scenarios, where the PPO agents are shown to be able to adapt through continuous learning when the tasks are similar but show more volatile performance when changing between the extreme tasks. However, the RPPO, with an ability to remember histories, is able to overcome this to some extent and takes on a more realistic strategy. Managerial implications: Our results provide a new perspective on the continuously varying supply chain, the cooperation and coordination of agents are crucial for improving the overall performance in uncertain and semi-continuous non-stationary supply chain environments without the need to retrain the environment as the demand changes.
Abstract:Feature selection is critical in machine learning to reduce dimensionality and improve model accuracy and efficiency. The exponential growth in feature space dimensionality for modern datasets directly results in ambiguous samples and redundant features, which can severely degrade classification accuracy. Quantum machine learning offers potential advantages for addressing this challenge. In this paper, we propose a novel method, quantum support vector machine feature selection (QSVMF), integrating quantum support vector machines with multi-objective genetic algorithm. QSVMF optimizes multiple simultaneous objectives: maximizing classification accuracy, minimizing selected features and quantum circuit costs, and reducing feature covariance. We apply QSVMF for feature selection on a breast cancer dataset, comparing the performance of QSVMF against classical approaches with the selected features. Experimental results show that QSVMF achieves superior performance. Furthermore, The Pareto front solutions of QSVMF enable analysis of accuracy versus feature set size trade-offs, identifying extremely sparse yet accurate feature subsets. We contextualize the biological relevance of the selected features in terms of known breast cancer biomarkers. This work highlights the potential of quantum-based feature selection to enhance machine learning efficiency and performance on complex real-world data.