Abstract:With recent advancements in non-invasive techniques for measuring brain activity, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), the study of structural and functional brain networks through graph signal processing (GSP) has gained notable prominence. GSP stands as a key tool in unraveling the interplay between the brain's function and structure, enabling the analysis of graphs defined by the connections between regions of interest -- referred to as connectomes in this context. Our work represents a further step in this direction by exploring supervised contrastive learning methods within the realm of graph representation learning. The main objective of this approach is to generate subject-level (i.e., graph-level) vector representations that bring together subjects sharing the same label while separating those with different labels. These connectome embeddings are derived from a graph neural network Encoder-Decoder architecture, which jointly considers structural and functional connectivity. By leveraging data augmentation techniques, the proposed framework achieves state-of-the-art performance in a gender classification task using Human Connectome Project data. More broadly, our connectome-centric methodological advances support the promising prospect of using GSP to discover more about brain function, with potential impact to understanding heterogeneity in the neurodegeneration for precision medicine and diagnosis.
Abstract:Brain age is the estimate of biological age derived from neuroimaging datasets using machine learning algorithms. Increasing \textit{brain age gap} characterized by an elevated brain age relative to the chronological age can reflect increased vulnerability to neurodegeneration and cognitive decline. Hence, brain age gap is a promising biomarker for monitoring brain health. However, black-box machine learning approaches to brain age gap prediction have limited practical utility. Recent studies on coVariance neural networks (VNN) have proposed a relatively transparent deep learning pipeline for neuroimaging data analyses, which possesses two key features: (i) inherent \textit{anatomically interpretablity} of derived biomarkers; and (ii) a methodologically interpretable perspective based on \textit{linkage with eigenvectors of anatomic covariance matrix}. In this paper, we apply the VNN-based approach to study brain age gap using cortical thickness features for various prevalent neurodegenerative conditions. Our results reveal distinct anatomic patterns for brain age gap in Alzheimer's disease, frontotemporal dementia, and atypical Parkinsonian disorders. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the distinct anatomic patterns of brain age gap are linked with the differences in how VNN leverages the eigenspectrum of the anatomic covariance matrix, thus lending explainability to the reported results.
Abstract:We present a novel model-based deep learning solution for the inverse problem of localizing sources of network diffusion. Starting from first graph signal processing (GSP) principles, we show that the problem reduces to joint (blind) estimation of the forward diffusion filter and a sparse input signal that encodes the source locations. Despite the bilinear nature of the observations in said blind deconvolution task, by requiring invertibility of the diffusion filter we are able to formulate a convex optimization problem and solve it using the alternating-direction method of multipliers (ADMM). We then unroll and truncate the novel ADMM iterations to arrive at a parameterized neural network architecture for Source Localization on Graphs (SLoG-Net), that we train in an end-to-end fashion using labeled data. This supervised learning approach offers several advantages such as interpretability, parameter efficiency, and controllable complexity during inference. Our reproducible numerical experiments corroborate that SLoG-Net exhibits performance on par with the iterative ADMM baseline, but with markedly faster inference times and without needing to manually tune step-size or penalty parameters. Overall, our approach combines the best of both worlds by incorporating the inductive biases of a GSP model-based solution within a data-driven, trainable deep learning architecture for blind deconvolution of graph signals.
Abstract:We put forth a principled design of a neural architecture to learn nodal Adjacency Spectral Embeddings (ASE) from graph inputs. By bringing to bear the gradient descent (GD) method and leveraging the principle of algorithm unrolling, we truncate and re-interpret each GD iteration as a layer in a graph neural network (GNN) that is trained to approximate the ASE. Accordingly, we call the resulting embeddings and our parametric model Learned ASE (LASE), which is interpretable, parameter efficient, robust to inputs with unobserved edges, and offers controllable complexity during inference. LASE layers combine Graph Convolutional Network (GCN) and fully-connected Graph Attention Network (GAT) modules, which is intuitively pleasing since GCN-based local aggregations alone are insufficient to express the sought graph eigenvectors. We propose several refinements to the unrolled LASE architecture (such as sparse attention in the GAT module and decoupled layerwise parameters) that offer favorable approximation error versus computation tradeoffs; even outperforming heavily-optimized eigendecomposition routines from scientific computing libraries. Because LASE is a differentiable function with respect to its parameters as well as its graph input, we can seamlessly integrate it as a trainable module within a larger (semi-)supervised graph representation learning pipeline. The resulting end-to-end system effectively learns ``discriminative ASEs'' that exhibit competitive performance in supervised link prediction and node classification tasks, outperforming a GNN even when the latter is endowed with open loop, meaning task-agnostic, precomputed spectral positional encodings.
Abstract:We study blind deconvolution of signals defined on the nodes of an undirected graph. Although observations are bilinear functions of both unknowns, namely the forward convolutional filter coefficients and the graph signal input, a filter invertibility requirement along with input sparsity allow for an efficient linear programming reformulation. Unlike prior art that relied on perfect knowledge of the graph eigenbasis, here we derive stable recovery conditions in the presence of small graph perturbations. We also contribute a provably convergent robust algorithm, which alternates between blind deconvolution of graph signals and eigenbasis denoising in the Stiefel manifold. Reproducible numerical tests showcase the algorithm's robustness under several graph eigenbasis perturbation models.
Abstract:Large-scale latent variable models require expressive continuous distributions that support efficient sampling and low-variance differentiation, achievable through the reparameterization trick. The Kumaraswamy (KS) distribution is both expressive and supports the reparameterization trick with a simple closed-form inverse CDF. Yet, its adoption remains limited. We identify and resolve numerical instabilities in the inverse CDF and log-pdf, exposing issues in libraries like PyTorch and TensorFlow. We then introduce simple and scalable latent variable models based on the KS, improving exploration-exploitation trade-offs in contextual multi-armed bandits and enhancing uncertainty quantification for link prediction with graph neural networks. Our results support the stabilized KS distribution as a core component in scalable variational models for bounded latent variables.
Abstract:We study a blind deconvolution problem on graphs, which arises in the context of localizing a few sources that diffuse over networks. While the observations are bilinear functions of the unknown graph filter coefficients and sparse input signals, a mild requirement on invertibility of the diffusion filter enables an efficient convex relaxation leading to a linear programming formulation that can be tackled with off-the-shelf solvers. Under the Bernoulli-Gaussian model for the inputs, we derive sufficient exact recovery conditions in the noise-free setting. A stable recovery result is then established, ensuring the estimation error remains manageable even when the observations are corrupted by a small amount of noise. Numerical tests with synthetic and real-world network data illustrate the merits of the proposed algorithm, its robustness to noise as well as the benefits of leveraging multiple signals to aid the (blind) localization of sources of diffusion. At a fundamental level, the results presented here broaden the scope of classical blind deconvolution of (spatio-)temporal signals to irregular graph domains.
Abstract:We address the problem of learning the topology of directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) from nodal observations, which adhere to a linear structural equation model. Recent advances framed the combinatorial DAG structure learning task as a continuous optimization problem, yet existing methods must contend with the complexities of non-convex optimization. To overcome this limitation, we assume that the latent DAG contains only non-negative edge weights. Leveraging this additional structure, we argue that cycles can be effectively characterized (and prevented) using a convex acyclicity function based on the log-determinant of the adjacency matrix. This convexity allows us to relax the task of learning the non-negative weighted DAG as an abstract convex optimization problem. We propose a DAG recovery algorithm based on the method of multipliers, that is guaranteed to return a global minimizer. Furthermore, we prove that in the infinite sample size regime, the convexity of our approach ensures the recovery of the true DAG structure. We empirically validate the performance of our algorithm in several reproducible synthetic-data test cases, showing that it outperforms state-of-the-art alternatives.
Abstract:Graphs serve as generic tools to encode the underlying relational structure of data. Often this graph is not given, and so the task of inferring it from nodal observations becomes important. Traditional approaches formulate a convex inverse problem with a smoothness promoting objective and rely on iterative methods to obtain a solution. In supervised settings where graph labels are available, one can unroll and truncate these iterations into a deep network that is trained end-to-end. Such a network is parameter efficient and inherits inductive bias from the optimization formulation, an appealing aspect for data constrained settings in, e.g., medicine, finance, and the natural sciences. But typically such settings care equally about uncertainty over edge predictions, not just point estimates. Here we introduce novel iterations with independently interpretable parameters, i.e., parameters whose values - independent of other parameters' settings - proportionally influence characteristics of the estimated graph, such as edge sparsity. After unrolling these iterations, prior knowledge over such graph characteristics shape prior distributions over these independently interpretable network parameters to yield a Bayesian neural network (BNN) capable of graph structure learning (GSL) from smooth signal observations. Fast execution and parameter efficiency allow for high-fidelity posterior approximation via Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) and thus uncertainty quantification on edge predictions. Synthetic and real data experiments corroborate this model's ability to provide well-calibrated estimates of uncertainty, in test cases that include unveiling economic sector modular structure from S$\&$P$500$ data and recovering pairwise digit similarities from MNIST images. Overall, this framework enables GSL in modest-scale applications where uncertainty on the data structure is paramount.
Abstract:We develop a novel convolutional architecture tailored for learning from data defined over directed acyclic graphs (DAGs). DAGs can be used to model causal relationships among variables, but their nilpotent adjacency matrices pose unique challenges towards developing DAG signal processing and machine learning tools. To address this limitation, we harness recent advances offering alternative definitions of causal shifts and convolutions for signals on DAGs. We develop a novel convolutional graph neural network that integrates learnable DAG filters to account for the partial ordering induced by the graph topology, thus providing valuable inductive bias to learn effective representations of DAG-supported data. We discuss the salient advantages and potential limitations of the proposed DAG convolutional network (DCN) and evaluate its performance on two learning tasks using synthetic data: network diffusion estimation and source identification. DCN compares favorably relative to several baselines, showcasing its promising potential.