Abstract:Generalized Few-shot Semantic Segmentation (GFSS) extends Few-shot Semantic Segmentation (FSS) to simultaneously segment unseen classes and seen classes during evaluation. Previous works leverage additional branch or prototypical aggregation to eliminate the constrained setting of FSS. However, representation division and embedding prejudice, which heavily results in poor performance of GFSS, have not been synthetical considered. We address the aforementioned problems by jointing the prototypical kernel learning and open-set foreground perception. Specifically, a group of learnable kernels is proposed to perform segmentation with each kernel in charge of a stuff class. Then, we explore to merge the prototypical learning to the update of base-class kernels, which is consistent with the prototype knowledge aggregation of few-shot novel classes. In addition, a foreground contextual perception module cooperating with conditional bias based inference is adopted to perform class-agnostic as well as open-set foreground detection, thus to mitigate the embedding prejudice and prevent novel targets from being misclassified as background. Moreover, we also adjust our method to the Class Incremental Few-shot Semantic Segmentation (CIFSS) which takes the knowledge of novel classes in a incremental stream. Extensive experiments on PASCAL-5i and COCO-20i datasets demonstrate that our method performs better than previous state-of-the-art.
Abstract:Few-shot segmentation (FSS) aims to segment objects of unseen classes given only a few annotated support images. Most existing methods simply stitch query features with independent support prototypes and segment the query image by feeding the mixed features to a decoder. Although significant improvements have been achieved, existing methods are still face class biases due to class variants and background confusion. In this paper, we propose a joint framework that combines more valuable class-aware and class-agnostic alignment guidance to facilitate the segmentation. Specifically, we design a hybrid alignment module which establishes multi-scale query-support correspondences to mine the most relevant class-aware information for each query image from the corresponding support features. In addition, we explore utilizing base-classes knowledge to generate class-agnostic prior mask which makes a distinction between real background and foreground by highlighting all object regions, especially those of unseen classes. By jointly aggregating class-aware and class-agnostic alignment guidance, better segmentation performances are obtained on query images. Extensive experiments on PASCAL-$5^i$ and COCO-$20^i$ datasets demonstrate that our proposed joint framework performs better, especially on the 1-shot setting.
Abstract:In this paper, we propose a novel iterative multi-task framework to complete the segmentation mask of an occluded vehicle and recover the appearance of its invisible parts. In particular, to improve the quality of the segmentation completion, we present two coupled discriminators and introduce an auxiliary 3D model pool for sampling authentic silhouettes as adversarial samples. In addition, we propose a two-path structure with a shared network to enhance the appearance recovery capability. By iteratively performing the segmentation completion and the appearance recovery, the results will be progressively refined. To evaluate our method, we present a dataset, the Occluded Vehicle dataset, containing synthetic and real-world occluded vehicle images. We conduct comparison experiments on this dataset and demonstrate that our model outperforms the state-of-the-art in tasks of recovering segmentation mask and appearance for occluded vehicles. Moreover, we also demonstrate that our appearance recovery approach can benefit the occluded vehicle tracking in real-world videos.