Abstract:Video microscopy, when combined with machine learning, offers a promising approach for studying the early development of in vitro produced (IVP) embryos. However, manually annotating developmental events, and more specifically cell divisions, is time-consuming for a biologist and cannot scale up for practical applications. We aim to automatically classify the cell stages of embryos from 2D time-lapse microscopy videos with a deep learning approach. We focus on the analysis of bovine embryonic development using video microscopy, as we are primarily interested in the application of cattle breeding, and we have created a Bovine Embryos Cell Stages (ECS) dataset. The challenges are three-fold: (1) low-quality images and bovine dark cells that make the identification of cell stages difficult, (2) class ambiguity at the boundaries of developmental stages, and (3) imbalanced data distribution. To address these challenges, we introduce CLEmbryo, a novel method that leverages supervised contrastive learning combined with focal loss for training, and the lightweight 3D neural network CSN-50 as an encoder. We also show that our method generalizes well. CLEmbryo outperforms state-of-the-art methods on both our Bovine ECS dataset and the publicly available NYU Mouse Embryos dataset.
Abstract:Videomicroscopy is a promising tool combined with machine learning for studying the early development of in vitro fertilized bovine embryos and assessing its transferability as soon as possible. We aim to predict the embryo transferability within four days at most, taking 2D time-lapse microscopy videos as input. We formulate this problem as a supervised binary classification problem for the classes transferable and not transferable. The challenges are three-fold: 1) poorly discriminating appearance and motion, 2) class ambiguity, 3) small amount of annotated data. We propose a 3D convolutional neural network involving three pathways, which makes it multi-scale in time and able to handle appearance and motion in different ways. For training, we retain the focal loss. Our model, named SFR, compares favorably to other methods. Experiments demonstrate its effectiveness and accuracy for our challenging biological task.
Abstract:Detecting synthetic tabular data is essential to prevent the distribution of false or manipulated datasets that could compromise data-driven decision-making. This study explores whether synthetic tabular data can be reliably identified ''in the wild''-meaning across different generators, domains, and table formats. This challenge is unique to tabular data, where structures (such as number of columns, data types, and formats) can vary widely from one table to another. We propose three cross-table baseline detectors and four distinct evaluation protocols, each corresponding to a different level of ''wildness''. Our very preliminary results confirm that cross-table adaptation is a challenging task.
Abstract:We investigate the impact of dataset-specific hyperparameter, feature encoding, and architecture tuning on five recent model families for tabular data generation through an extensive benchmark on 16 datasets. This study addresses the practical need for a unified evaluation of models that fully considers hyperparameter optimization. Additionally, we propose a reduced search space for each model that allows for quick optimization, achieving nearly equivalent performance at a significantly lower cost.Our benchmark demonstrates that, for most models, large-scale dataset-specific tuning substantially improves performance compared to the original configurations. Furthermore, we confirm that diffusion-based models generally outperform other models on tabular data. However, this advantage is not significant when the entire tuning and training process is restricted to the same GPU budget for all models.
Abstract:We propose a novel approach to improve the reproducibility of neuroimaging results by converting statistic maps across different functional MRI pipelines. We make the assumption that pipelines can be considered as a style component of data and propose to use different generative models, among which, Diffusion Models (DM) to convert data between pipelines. We design a new DM-based unsupervised multi-domain image-to-image transition framework and constrain the generation of 3D fMRI statistic maps using the latent space of an auxiliary classifier that distinguishes statistic maps from different pipelines. We extend traditional sampling techniques used in DM to improve the transition performance. Our experiments demonstrate that our proposed methods are successful: pipelines can indeed be transferred, providing an important source of data augmentation for future medical studies.
Abstract:Functional magnetic resonance imaging analytical workflows are highly flexible with no definite consensus on how to choose a pipeline. While methods have been developed to explore this analytical space, there is still a lack of understanding of the relationships between the different pipelines. We use community detection algorithms to explore the pipeline space and assess its stability across different contexts. We show that there are subsets of pipelines that give similar results, especially those sharing specific parameters (e.g. number of motion regressors, software packages, etc.), with relative stability across groups of participants. By visualizing the differences between these subsets, we describe the effect of pipeline parameters and derive general relationships in the analytical space.
Abstract:We study the benefits of using a large public neuroimaging database composed of fMRI statistic maps, in a self-taught learning framework, for improving brain decoding on new tasks. First, we leverage the NeuroVault database to train, on a selection of relevant statistic maps, a convolutional autoencoder to reconstruct these maps. Then, we use this trained encoder to initialize a supervised convolutional neural network to classify tasks or cognitive processes of unseen statistic maps from large collections of the NeuroVault database. We show that such a self-taught learning process always improves the performance of the classifiers but the magnitude of the benefits strongly depends on the number of data available both for pre-training and finetuning the models and on the complexity of the targeted downstream task.
Abstract:We tackle a new emerging problem, which is finding an optimal monopartite matching in a weighted graph. The semi-bandit version, where a full matching is sampled at each iteration, has been addressed by \cite{ADMA}, creating an algorithm with an expected regret matching $O(\frac{L\log(L)}{\Delta}\log(T))$ with $2L$ players, $T$ iterations and a minimum reward gap $\Delta$. We reduce this bound in two steps. First, as in \cite{GRAB} and \cite{UniRank} we use the unimodality property of the expected reward on the appropriate graph to design an algorithm with a regret in $O(L\frac{1}{\Delta}\log(T))$. Secondly, we show that by moving the focus towards the main question `\emph{Is user $i$ better than user $j$?}' this regret becomes $O(L\frac{\Delta}{\tilde{\Delta}^2}\log(T))$, where $\Tilde{\Delta} > \Delta$ derives from a better way of comparing users. Some experimental results finally show these theoretical results are corroborated in practice.
Abstract:We are interested in understanding the underlying generation process for long sequences of symbolic events. To do so, we propose COSSU, an algorithm to mine small and meaningful sets of sequential rules. The rules are selected using an MDL-inspired criterion that favors compactness and relies on a novel rule-based encoding scheme for sequences. Our evaluation shows that COSSU can successfully retrieve relevant sets of closed sequential rules from a long sequence. Such rules constitute an interpretable model that exhibits competitive accuracy for the tasks of next-element prediction and classification.
Abstract:Most deep learning object detectors are based on the anchor mechanism and resort to the Intersection over Union (IoU) between predefined anchor boxes and ground truth boxes to evaluate the matching quality between anchors and objects. In this paper, we question this use of IoU and propose a new anchor matching criterion guided, during the training phase, by the optimization of both the localization and the classification tasks: the predictions related to one task are used to dynamically assign sample anchors and improve the model on the other task, and vice versa. Despite the simplicity of the proposed method, our experiments with different state-of-the-art deep learning architectures on PASCAL VOC and MS COCO datasets demonstrate the effectiveness and generality of our Mutual Guidance strategy.