Abstract:An efficient framework is conceived for fractional matrix programming (FMP) optimization problems (OPs) namely for minimization and maximization. In each generic OP, either the objective or the constraints are functions of multiple arbitrary continuous-domain fractional functions (FFs). This ensures the framework's versatility, enabling it to solve a broader range of OPs than classical FMP solvers, like Dinkelbach-based algorithms. Specifically, the generalized Dinkelbach algorithm can only solve multiple-ratio FMP problems. By contrast, our framework solves OPs associated with a sum or product of multiple FFs as the objective or constraint functions. Additionally, our framework provides a single-loop solution, while most FMP solvers require twin-loop algorithms. Many popular performance metrics of wireless communications are FFs. For instance, latency has a fractional structure, and minimizing the sum delay leads to an FMP problem. Moreover, the mean square error (MSE) and energy efficiency (EE) metrics have fractional structures. Thus, optimizing EE-related metrics such as the sum or geometric mean of EEs and enhancing the metrics related to spectral-versus-energy-efficiency tradeoff yield FMP problems. Furthermore, both the signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio and the channel dispersion are FFs. In this paper, we also develop resource allocation schemes for multi-user multiple-input multiple-output (MU-MIMO) systems, using finite block length (FBL) coding, demonstrating attractive practical applications of FMP by optimizing the aforementioned metrics.
Abstract:The performance of modern wireless communication systems is typically limited by interference. The impact of interference can be even more severe in ultra-reliable and low-latency communication (URLLC) use cases. A powerful tool for managing interference is rate splitting multiple access (RSMA), which encompasses many multiple-access technologies like non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA), spatial division multiple access (SDMA), and broadcasting. Another effective technology to enhance the performance of URLLC systems and mitigate interference is constituted by reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RISs). This paper develops RSMA schemes for multi-user multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) RIS-aided broadcast channels (BCs) based on finite block length (FBL) coding. We show that RSMA and RISs can substantially improve the spectral efficiency (SE) and energy efficiency (EE) of MIMO RIS-aided URLLC systems. Additionally, the gain of employing RSMA and RISs noticeably increases when the reliability and latency constraints are more stringent. Furthermore, RISs impact RSMA differently, depending on the user load. If the system is underloaded, RISs are able to manage the interference sufficiently well, making the gains of RSMA small. However, when the user load is high, RISs and RSMA become synergetic.
Abstract:The challenges in dense ultra-reliable low-latency communication networks to deliver the required service to multiple devices are addressed by three main technologies: multiple antennas at the base station (MISO), rate splitting multiple access (RSMA) with private and common message encoding, and simultaneously transmitting and reflecting reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (STAR-RIS). Careful resource allocation, encompassing beamforming and RIS optimization, is required to exploit the synergy between the three. We propose an alternating optimization-based algorithm, relying on minorization-maximization. Numerical results show that the achievable second-order max-min rates of the proposed scheme outperform the baselines significantly. MISO, RSMA, and STAR-RIS all contribute to enabling ultra-reliable low-latency communication (URLLC).
Abstract:We analyze the finite-block-length rate region of wireless systems aided by reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RISs), employing treating interference as noise. We consider three nearly passive RIS architectures, including locally passive (LP) diagonal (D), globally passive (GP) D, and GP beyond diagonal (BD) RISs. In a GP RIS, the power constraint is applied globally to the whole surface, while some elements may amplify the incident signal locally. The considered RIS architectures provide substantial performance gains compared with systems operating without RIS. GP BD-RIS outperforms, at the price of increasing the complexity, LP and GP D-RIS as it enlarges the feasible set of allowed solutions. However, the gain provided by BD-RIS decreases with the number of RIS elements. Additionally, deploying RISs provides higher gains as the reliability/latency requirement becomes more stringent.
Abstract:In this paper, we develop energy-efficient schemes for multi-user multiple-input single-output (MISO) broadcast channels (BCs), assisted by reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RISs). To this end, we consider three architectures of RIS: locally passive diagonal (LP-D), globally passive diagonal (GP-D), and globally passive beyond diagonal (GP-BD). In a globally passive RIS, the power of the output signal of the RIS is not greater than its input power, but some RIS elements can amplify the signal. In a locally passive RIS, every element cannot amplify the incident signal. We show that these RIS architectures can substantially improve energy efficiency (EE) if the static power of the RIS elements is not too high. Moreover, GP-BD RIS, which has a higher complexity and static power than LP-D RIS and GP-D RIS, provides better spectral efficiency, but its EE performance highly depends on the static power consumption and may be worse than its diagonal counterparts.
Abstract:This paper addresses the problem of maximizing the capacity of a multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) link assisted by a beyond-diagonal reconfigurable intelligent surface (BD-RIS). We maximize the capacity by alternately optimizing the transmit covariance matrix, and the BD-RIS scattering matrix, which, according to network theory, should be unitary and symmetric. These constraints make the optimization of BD-RIS more challenging than that of diagonal RIS. To find a stationary point of the capacity we maximize a sequence of quadratic problems in the manifold of unitary matrices. This leads to an efficient algorithm that always improves the capacity obtained by a diagonal RIS. Through simulation examples, we study the capacity improvement provided by a passive BD-RIS architecture over the conventional RIS model in which the phase shift matrix is diagonal.
Abstract:Optical wireless communication (OWC) systems with multiple light-emitting diodes (LEDs) have recently been explored to support energy-limited devices via simultaneous lightwave information and power transfer (SLIPT). The energy consumption, however, becomes considerable by increasing the number of incorporated LEDs. This paper proposes a joint dimming (JD) scheme that lowers the consumed power of a SLIPT-enabled OWC system by controlling the number of active LEDs. We further enhance the data rate of this system by utilizing rate splitting multiple access (RSMA). More specifically, we formulate a data rate maximization problem to optimize the beamforming design, LED selection and RSMA rate adaptation that guarantees the power budget of the OWC transmitter, as well as the quality-of-service (QoS) and an energy harvesting level for users. We propose a dynamic resource allocation solution based on proximal policy optimization (PPO) reinforcement learning. In simulations, the optimal dimming level is determined to initiate a trade-off between the data rate and power consumption. It is also verified that RSMA significantly improves the data rate.
Abstract:Modern wireless communication systems are expected to provide improved latency and reliability. To meet these expectations, a short packet length is needed, which makes the first-order Shannon rate an inaccurate performance metric for such communication systems. A more accurate approximation of the achievable rates of finite-block-length (FBL) coding regimes is known as the normal approximation (NA). It is therefore of substantial interest to study the optimization of the FBL rate in multi-user multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems, in which each user may transmit and/or receive multiple data streams. Hence, we formulate a general optimization problem for improving the spectral and energy efficiency of multi-user MIMO-aided ultra-reliable low-latency communication (URLLC) systems, which are assisted by reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RISs). We show that a RIS is capable of substantially improving the performance of multi-user MIMO-aided URLLC systems. Moreover, the benefits of RIS increase as the packet length and/or the tolerable bit error rate are reduced. This reveals that RISs can be even more beneficial in URLLC systems for improving the FBL rates than in conventional systems approaching Shannon rates.
Abstract:An emerging technology to enhance the spectral efficiency (SE) and energy efficiency (EE) of wireless communication systems is reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS), which is shown to be very powerful in single-carrier systems. However, in multi-user orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems, RIS may not be as promising as in single-carrier systems since an independent optimization of RIS elements at each sub-carrier is impossible in multi-carrier systems. Thus, this paper investigates the performance of various RIS technologies like regular (reflective and passive), simultaneously transmit and reflect (STAR), and multi-sector beyond diagonal (BD) RIS in multi-user multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) OFDM broadcast channels (BC). This requires to formulate and solve a joint MIMO precoding and RIS optimization problem. The obtained solution reveals that RIS can significantly improve the system performance even when the number of RIS elements is relatively low. Moreover, we develop resource allocation schemes for STAR-RIS and multi-sector BD-RIS in MIMO OFDM BCs, and show that these RIS technologies can outperform a regular RIS, especially when the regular RIS cannot assist the communications for all the users.
Abstract:Simultaneously transmitting and reflecting reconfigurable intelligent surface (STAR-RIS) is a novel technology which enables the full-space coverage by splitting the incident signal into reflected and transmitted signals. In this letter, a multi STAR-RIS-aided system using non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) in an uplink transmission is considered, where the multi-order reflections among multiple STAR-RISs assist the transmission from the single-antenna users to the multi-antenna base station (BS). Specifically, the total sum rate maximization problem is solved by jointly optimizing the active beamforming, power allocation, transmission and reflection beamforming at the STAR-RIS, and user-STAR-RIS association indicator. To solve the non-convex optimization problem, a novel deep reinforcement learning algorithm is proposed which is the combination of meta-learning and deep deterministic policy gradient (DDPG), namely Meta-DDPG. Numerical results demonstrate that the proposed Meta-DDPG algorithm outperforms the conventional DDPG algorithm.