Abstract:Model merging aims to build a multi-task learner by combining the parameters of individually fine-tuned models without additional training. While a straightforward approach is to average model parameters across tasks, this often results in suboptimal performance due to interference among parameters across tasks. In this paper, we present intriguing results that weight averaging implicitly induces task vectors centered around the weight averaging itself and that applying a low-rank approximation to these centered task vectors significantly improves merging performance. Our analysis shows that centering the task vectors effectively separates core task-specific knowledge and nuisance noise within the fine-tuned parameters into the top and lower singular vectors, respectively, allowing us to reduce inter-task interference through its low-rank approximation. We evaluate our method on eight image classification tasks, demonstrating that it outperforms prior methods by a significant margin, narrowing the performance gap with traditional multi-task learning to within 1-3%
Abstract:Generalizing across robot embodiments and tasks is crucial for adaptive robotic systems. Modular policy learning approaches adapt to new embodiments but are limited to specific tasks, while few-shot imitation learning (IL) approaches often focus on a single embodiment. In this paper, we introduce a few-shot behavior cloning framework to simultaneously generalize to unseen embodiments and tasks using a few (\emph{e.g.,} five) reward-free demonstrations. Our framework leverages a joint-level input-output representation to unify the state and action spaces of heterogeneous embodiments and employs a novel structure-motion state encoder that is parameterized to capture both shared knowledge across all embodiments and embodiment-specific knowledge. A matching-based policy network then predicts actions from a few demonstrations, producing an adaptive policy that is robust to over-fitting. Evaluated in the DeepMind Control suite, our framework termed \modelname{} demonstrates superior few-shot generalization to unseen embodiments and tasks over modular policy learning and few-shot IL approaches. Codes are available at \href{https://github.com/SeongwoongCho/meta-controller}{https://github.com/SeongwoongCho/meta-controller}.
Abstract:Large language models have evolved data-efficient generalists, benefiting from the universal language interface and large-scale pre-training. However, constructing a data-efficient generalist for dense visual prediction presents a distinct challenge due to the variation in label structures across different tasks. Consequently, generalization to unseen dense prediction tasks in the low-data regime is not straightforward and has received less attention from previous vision generalists. In this study, we explore a universal model that can flexibly adapt to unseen dense label structures with a few examples, enabling it to serve as a data-efficient vision generalist in diverse real-world scenarios. To this end, we base our method on a powerful meta-learning framework and explore several axes to improve its performance and versatility for real-world problems, such as flexible adaptation mechanisms and scalability. We evaluate our model across a spectrum of unseen real-world scenarios where low-shot learning is desirable, including video, 3D, medical, biological, and user-interactive tasks. Equipped with a generic architecture and an effective adaptation mechanism, our model flexibly adapts to all of these tasks with at most 50 labeled images, showcasing a significant advancement over existing data-efficient generalist approaches. Codes are available at https://github.com/GitGyun/chameleon.
Abstract:Dense prediction tasks are a fundamental class of problems in computer vision. As supervised methods suffer from high pixel-wise labeling cost, a few-shot learning solution that can learn any dense task from a few labeled images is desired. Yet, current few-shot learning methods target a restricted set of tasks such as semantic segmentation, presumably due to challenges in designing a general and unified model that is able to flexibly and efficiently adapt to arbitrary tasks of unseen semantics. We propose Visual Token Matching (VTM), a universal few-shot learner for arbitrary dense prediction tasks. It employs non-parametric matching on patch-level embedded tokens of images and labels that encapsulates all tasks. Also, VTM flexibly adapts to any task with a tiny amount of task-specific parameters that modulate the matching algorithm. We implement VTM as a powerful hierarchical encoder-decoder architecture involving ViT backbones where token matching is performed at multiple feature hierarchies. We experiment VTM on a challenging variant of Taskonomy dataset and observe that it robustly few-shot learns various unseen dense prediction tasks. Surprisingly, it is competitive with fully supervised baselines using only 10 labeled examples of novel tasks (0.004% of full supervision) and sometimes outperforms using 0.1% of full supervision. Codes are available at https://github.com/GitGyun/visual_token_matching.
Abstract:Neural Processes (NPs) consider a task as a function realized from a stochastic process and flexibly adapt to unseen tasks through inference on functions. However, naive NPs can model data from only a single stochastic process and are designed to infer each task independently. Since many real-world data represent a set of correlated tasks from multiple sources (e.g., multiple attributes and multi-sensor data), it is beneficial to infer them jointly and exploit the underlying correlation to improve the predictive performance. To this end, we propose Multi-Task Processes (MTPs), an extension of NPs designed to jointly infer tasks realized from multiple stochastic processes. We build our MTPs in a hierarchical manner such that inter-task correlation is considered by conditioning all per-task latent variables on a single global latent variable. In addition, we further design our MTPs so that they can address multi-task settings with incomplete data (i.e., not all tasks share the same set of input points), which has high practical demands in various applications. Experiments demonstrate that MTPs can successfully model multiple tasks jointly by discovering and exploiting their correlations in various real-world data such as time series of weather attributes and pixel-aligned visual modalities.
Abstract:Learning disentangled representation of data without supervision is an important step towards improving the interpretability of generative models. Despite recent advances in disentangled representation learning, existing approaches often suffer from the trade-off between representation learning and generation performance i.e. improving generation quality sacrifices disentanglement performance). We propose an Information-Distillation Generative Adversarial Network (ID-GAN), a simple yet generic framework that easily incorporates the existing state-of-the-art models for both disentanglement learning and high-fidelity synthesis. Our method learns disentangled representation using VAE-based models, and distills the learned representation with an additional nuisance variable to the separate GAN-based generator for high-fidelity synthesis. To ensure that both generative models are aligned to render the same generative factors, we further constrain the GAN generator to maximize the mutual information between the learned latent code and the output. Despite the simplicity, we show that the proposed method is highly effective, achieving comparable image generation quality to the state-of-the-art methods using the disentangled representation. We also show that the proposed decomposition leads to an efficient and stable model design, and we demonstrate photo-realistic high-resolution image synthesis results (1024x1024 pixels) for the first time using the disentangled representations.