Lomonosov Moscow State University
Abstract:Recent studies have revealed that modern image and video quality assessment (IQA/VQA) metrics are vulnerable to adversarial attacks. An attacker can manipulate a video through preprocessing to artificially increase its quality score according to a certain metric, despite no actual improvement in visual quality. Most of the attacks studied in the literature are white-box attacks, while black-box attacks in the context of VQA have received less attention. Moreover, some research indicates a lack of transferability of adversarial examples generated for one model to another when applied to VQA. In this paper, we propose a cross-modal attack method, IC2VQA, aimed at exploring the vulnerabilities of modern VQA models. This approach is motivated by the observation that the low-level feature spaces of images and videos are similar. We investigate the transferability of adversarial perturbations across different modalities; specifically, we analyze how adversarial perturbations generated on a white-box IQA model with an additional CLIP module can effectively target a VQA model. The addition of the CLIP module serves as a valuable aid in increasing transferability, as the CLIP model is known for its effective capture of low-level semantics. Extensive experiments demonstrate that IC2VQA achieves a high success rate in attacking three black-box VQA models. We compare our method with existing black-box attack strategies, highlighting its superiority in terms of attack success within the same number of iterations and levels of attack strength. We believe that the proposed method will contribute to the deeper analysis of robust VQA metrics.
Abstract:Diffusion-based models have recently transformed conditional image generation, achieving unprecedented fidelity in generating photorealistic and semantically accurate images. However, consistently generating high-quality images remains challenging, partly due to the lack of mechanisms for conditioning outputs on perceptual quality. In this work, we propose methods to integrate image quality assessment (IQA) models into diffusion-based generators, enabling quality-aware image generation. First, we experiment with gradient-based guidance to optimize image quality directly and show this approach has limited generalizability. To address this, we introduce IQA-Adapter, a novel architecture that conditions generation on target quality levels by learning the relationship between images and quality scores. When conditioned on high target quality, IQA-Adapter shifts the distribution of generated images towards a higher-quality subdomain. This approach achieves up to a 10% improvement across multiple objective metrics, as confirmed by a subjective study, while preserving generative diversity and content. Additionally, IQA-Adapter can be used inversely as a degradation model, generating progressively more distorted images when conditioned on lower quality scores. Our quality-aware methods also provide insights into the adversarial robustness of IQA models, underscoring the potential of quality conditioning in generative modeling and the importance of robust IQA methods.
Abstract:Most modern No-Reference Image-Quality Assessment (NR-IQA) metrics are based on neural networks vulnerable to adversarial attacks. Attacks on such metrics lead to incorrect image/video quality predictions, which poses significant risks, especially in public benchmarks. Developers of image processing algorithms may unfairly increase the score of a target IQA metric without improving the actual quality of the adversarial image. Although some empirical defenses for IQA metrics were proposed, they do not provide theoretical guarantees and may be vulnerable to adaptive attacks. This work focuses on developing a provably robust no-reference IQA metric. Our method is based on Median Smoothing (MS) combined with an additional convolution denoiser with ranking loss to improve the SROCC and PLCC scores of the defended IQA metric. Compared with two prior methods on three datasets, our method exhibited superior SROCC and PLCC scores while maintaining comparable certified guarantees.
Abstract:Adversarial robustness of neural networks is an increasingly important area of research, combining studies on computer vision models, large language models (LLMs), and others. With the release of JPEG AI - the first standard for end-to-end neural image compression (NIC) methods - the question of its robustness has become critically significant. JPEG AI is among the first international, real-world applications of neural-network-based models to be embedded in consumer devices. However, research on NIC robustness has been limited to open-source codecs and a narrow range of attacks. This paper proposes a new methodology for measuring NIC robustness to adversarial attacks. We present the first large-scale evaluation of JPEG AI's robustness, comparing it with other NIC models. Our evaluation results and code are publicly available online (link is hidden for a blind review).
Abstract:Learning-based image compression methods have improved in recent years and started to outperform traditional codecs. However, neural-network approaches can unexpectedly introduce visual artifacts in some images. We therefore propose methods to separately detect three types of artifacts (texture and boundary degradation, color change, and text corruption), to localize the affected regions, and to quantify the artifact strength. We consider only those regions that exhibit distortion due solely to the neural compression but that a traditional codec recovers successfully at a comparable bitrate. We employed our methods to collect artifacts for the JPEG AI verification model with respect to HM-18.0, the H.265 reference software. We processed about 350,000 unique images from the Open Images dataset using different compression-quality parameters; the result is a dataset of 46,440 artifacts validated through crowd-sourced subjective assessment. Our proposed dataset and methods are valuable for testing neural-network-based image codecs, identifying bugs in these codecs, and enhancing their performance. We make source code of the methods and the dataset publicly available.
Abstract:A main goal in developing video-compression algorithms is to enhance human-perceived visual quality while maintaining file size. But modern video-analysis efforts such as detection and recognition, which are integral to video surveillance and autonomous vehicles, involve so much data that they necessitate machine-vision processing with minimal human intervention. In such cases, the video codec must be optimized for machine vision. This paper explores the effects of compression on detection and recognition algorithms (objects, faces, and license plates) and introduces novel full-reference image/video-quality metrics for each task, tailored to machine vision. Experimental results indicate our proposed metrics correlate better with the machine-vision results for the respective tasks than do existing image/video-quality metrics.
Abstract:This paper presents the Video Super-Resolution (SR) Quality Assessment (QA) Challenge that was part of the Advances in Image Manipulation (AIM) workshop, held in conjunction with ECCV 2024. The task of this challenge was to develop an objective QA method for videos upscaled 2x and 4x by modern image- and video-SR algorithms. QA methods were evaluated by comparing their output with aggregate subjective scores collected from >150,000 pairwise votes obtained through crowd-sourced comparisons across 52 SR methods and 1124 upscaled videos. The goal was to advance the state-of-the-art in SR QA, which had proven to be a challenging problem with limited applicability of traditional QA methods. The challenge had 29 registered participants, and 5 teams had submitted their final results, all outperforming the current state-of-the-art. All data, including the private test subset, has been made publicly available on the challenge homepage at https://challenges.videoprocessing.ai/challenges/super-resolution-metrics-challenge.html
Abstract:In the field of Image Quality Assessment (IQA), the adversarial robustness of the metrics poses a critical concern. This paper presents a comprehensive benchmarking study of various defense mechanisms in response to the rise in adversarial attacks on IQA. We systematically evaluate 25 defense strategies, including adversarial purification, adversarial training, and certified robustness methods. We applied 14 adversarial attack algorithms of various types in both non-adaptive and adaptive settings and tested these defenses against them. We analyze the differences between defenses and their applicability to IQA tasks, considering that they should preserve IQA scores and image quality. The proposed benchmark aims to guide future developments and accepts submissions of new methods, with the latest results available online: https://videoprocessing.ai/benchmarks/iqa-defenses.html.
Abstract:Perceptual losses play an important role in constructing deep-neural-network-based methods by increasing the naturalness and realism of processed images and videos. Use of perceptual losses is often limited to LPIPS, a fullreference method. Even though deep no-reference image-qualityassessment methods are excellent at predicting human judgment, little research has examined their incorporation in loss functions. This paper investigates direct optimization of several video-superresolution models using no-reference image-quality-assessment methods as perceptual losses. Our experimental results show that straightforward optimization of these methods produce artifacts, but a special training procedure can mitigate them.
Abstract:Over the past few years, deep neural models have made considerable advances in image quality assessment (IQA). However, the underlying reasons for their success remain unclear, owing to the complex nature of deep neural networks. IQA aims to describe how the human visual system (HVS) works and to create its efficient approximations. On the other hand, Saliency Prediction task aims to emulate HVS via determining areas of visual interest. Thus, we believe that saliency plays a crucial role in human perception. In this work, we conduct an empirical study that reveals the relation between IQA and Saliency Prediction tasks, demonstrating that the former incorporates knowledge of the latter. Moreover, we introduce a novel SACID dataset of saliency-aware compressed images and conduct a large-scale comparison of classic and neural-based IQA methods. All supplementary code and data will be available at the time of publication.