Montefiore Institute, University of Liège, Liège, Belgium
Abstract:In reinforcement learning for partially observable environments, many successful algorithms were developed within the asymmetric learning paradigm. This paradigm leverages additional state information available at training time for faster learning. Although the proposed learning objectives are usually theoretically sound, these methods still lack a theoretical justification for their potential benefits. We propose such a justification for asymmetric actor-critic algorithms with linear function approximators by adapting a finite-time convergence analysis to this setting. The resulting finite-time bound reveals that the asymmetric critic eliminates an error term arising from aliasing in the agent state.
Abstract:The Job Shop Scheduling Problem (JSSP) is a well-known optimization problem in manufacturing, where the goal is to determine the optimal sequence of jobs across different machines to minimize a given objective. In this work, we focus on minimising the weighted sum of job completion times. We explore the potential of Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS), a heuristic-based reinforcement learning technique, to solve large-scale JSSPs, especially those with recirculation. We propose several Markov Decision Process (MDP) formulations to model the JSSP for the MCTS algorithm. In addition, we introduce a new synthetic benchmark derived from real manufacturing data, which captures the complexity of large, non-rectangular instances often encountered in practice. Our experimental results show that MCTS effectively produces good-quality solutions for large-scale JSSP instances, outperforming our constraint programming approach.
Abstract:We introduce a new maximum entropy reinforcement learning framework based on the distribution of states and actions visited by a policy. More precisely, an intrinsic reward function is added to the reward function of the Markov decision process that shall be controlled. For each state and action, this intrinsic reward is the relative entropy of the discounted distribution of states and actions (or features from these states and actions) visited during the next time steps. We first prove that an optimal exploration policy, which maximizes the expected discounted sum of intrinsic rewards, is also a policy that maximizes a lower bound on the state-action value function of the decision process under some assumptions. We also prove that the visitation distribution used in the intrinsic reward definition is the fixed point of a contraction operator. Following, we describe how to adapt existing algorithms to learn this fixed point and compute the intrinsic rewards to enhance exploration. A new practical off-policy maximum entropy reinforcement learning algorithm is finally introduced. Empirically, exploration policies have good state-action space coverage, and high-performing control policies are computed efficiently.
Abstract:The Unit Commitment (UC) problem is a key optimization task in power systems to forecast the generation schedules of power units over a finite time period by minimizing costs while meeting demand and technical constraints. However, many parameters required by the UC problem are unknown, such as the costs. In this work, we estimate these unknown costs using simulation-based inference on an illustrative UC problem, which provides an approximated posterior distribution of the parameters given observed generation schedules and demands. Our results highlight that the learned posterior distribution effectively captures the underlying distribution of the data, providing a range of possible values for the unknown parameters given a past observation. This posterior allows for the estimation of past costs using observed past generation schedules, enabling operators to better forecast future costs and make more robust generation scheduling forecasts. We present avenues for future research to address overconfidence in posterior estimation, enhance the scalability of the methodology and apply it to more complex UC problems modeling the network constraints and renewable energy sources.
Abstract:Attention-based models such as Transformers and recurrent models like state space models (SSMs) have emerged as successful methods for autoregressive sequence modeling. Although both enable parallel training, none enable parallel generation due to their autoregressiveness. We propose the variational SSM (VSSM), a variational autoencoder (VAE) where both the encoder and decoder are SSMs. Since sampling the latent variables and decoding them with the SSM can be parallelized, both training and generation can be conducted in parallel. Moreover, the decoder recurrence allows generation to be resumed without reprocessing the whole sequence. Finally, we propose the autoregressive VSSM that can be conditioned on a partial realization of the sequence, as is common in language generation tasks. Interestingly, the autoregressive VSSM still enables parallel generation. We highlight on toy problems (MNIST, CIFAR) the empirical gains in speed-up and show that it competes with traditional models in terms of generation quality (Transformer, Mamba SSM).
Abstract:This study proposes a novel approach based on reinforcement learning (RL) to enhance the sorting efficiency of scrap metal using delta robots and a Pick-and-Place (PaP) process, widely used in the industry. We use three classical model-free RL algorithms (TD3, SAC and PPO) to reduce the time to sort metal scraps. We learn the release position and speed needed to throw an object in a bin instead of moving to the exact bin location, as with the classical PaP technique. Our contribution is threefold. First, we provide a new simulation environment for learning RL-based Pick-and-Throw (PaT) strategies for parallel grippers. Second, we use RL algorithms for learning this task in this environment resulting in 89% accuracy while speeding up the throughput by 51% in simulation. Third, we evaluate the performances of RL algorithms and compare them to a PaP and a state-of-the-art PaT method both in simulation and reality, learning only from simulation with domain randomisation and without fine tuning in reality to transfer our policies. This work shows the benefits of RL-based PaT compared to PaP or classical optimization PaT techniques used in the industry.
Abstract:Policy-gradient algorithms are effective reinforcement learning methods for solving control problems with continuous state and action spaces. To compute near-optimal policies, it is essential in practice to include exploration terms in the learning objective. Although the effectiveness of these terms is usually justified by an intrinsic need to explore environments, we propose a novel analysis and distinguish two different implications of these techniques. First, they make it possible to smooth the learning objective and to eliminate local optima while preserving the global maximum. Second, they modify the gradient estimates, increasing the probability that the stochastic parameter update eventually provides an optimal policy. In light of these effects, we discuss and illustrate empirically exploration strategies based on entropy bonuses, highlighting their limitations and opening avenues for future works in the design and analysis of such strategies.
Abstract:In this work, we generalize the problem of learning through interaction in a POMDP by accounting for eventual additional information available at training time. First, we introduce the informed POMDP, a new learning paradigm offering a clear distinction between the training information and the execution observation. Next, we propose an objective for learning a sufficient statistic from the history for the optimal control that leverages this information. We then show that this informed objective consists of learning an environment model from which we can sample latent trajectories. Finally, we show for the Dreamer algorithm that the convergence speed of the policies is sometimes greatly improved on several environments by using this informed environment model. Those results and the simplicity of the proposed adaptation advocate for a systematic consideration of eventual additional information when learning in a POMDP using model-based RL.
Abstract:We introduce IMP-MARL, an open-source suite of multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) environments for large-scale Infrastructure Management Planning (IMP), offering a platform for benchmarking the scalability of cooperative MARL methods in real-world engineering applications. In IMP, a multi-component engineering system is subject to a risk of failure due to its components' damage condition. Specifically, each agent plans inspections and repairs for a specific system component, aiming to minimise maintenance costs while cooperating to minimise system failure risk. With IMP-MARL, we release several environments including one related to offshore wind structural systems, in an effort to meet today's needs to improve management strategies to support sustainable and reliable energy systems. Supported by IMP practical engineering environments featuring up to 100 agents, we conduct a benchmark campaign, where the scalability and performance of state-of-the-art cooperative MARL methods are compared against expert-based heuristic policies. The results reveal that centralised training with decentralised execution methods scale better with the number of agents than fully centralised or decentralised RL approaches, while also outperforming expert-based heuristic policies in most IMP environments. Based on our findings, we additionally outline remaining cooperation and scalability challenges that future MARL methods should still address. Through IMP-MARL, we encourage the implementation of new environments and the further development of MARL methods.
Abstract:Spiking neural networks are a type of artificial neural networks in which communication between neurons is only made of events, also called spikes. This property allows neural networks to make asynchronous and sparse computations and therefore to drastically decrease energy consumption when run on specialized hardware. However, training such networks is known to be difficult, mainly due to the non-differentiability of the spike activation, which prevents the use of classical backpropagation. This is because state-of-the-art spiking neural networks are usually derived from biologically-inspired neuron models, to which are applied machine learning methods for training. Nowadays, research about spiking neural networks focuses on the design of training algorithms whose goal is to obtain networks that compete with their non-spiking version on specific tasks. In this paper, we attempt the symmetrical approach: we modify the dynamics of a well-known, easily trainable type of recurrent neural network to make it event-based. This new RNN cell, called the Spiking Recurrent Cell, therefore communicates using events, i.e. spikes, while being completely differentiable. Vanilla backpropagation can thus be used to train any network made of such RNN cell. We show that this new network can achieve performance comparable to other types of spiking networks in the MNIST benchmark and its variants, the Fashion-MNIST and the Neuromorphic-MNIST. Moreover, we show that this new cell makes the training of deep spiking networks achievable.