Abstract:Several recent studies have shown how disentangling images into content and feature spaces can provide controllable image translation/manipulation. In this paper, we propose a framework to enable utilizing discrete multi-labels to control which features to be disentangled,i.e., disentangling label-specific fine-grained features for image manipulation (dubbed DLGAN). By mapping the discrete label-specific attribute features into a continuous prior distribution, we enable leveraging the advantages of both discrete labels and reference images to achieve image manipulation in a hybrid fashion. For example, given a face image dataset (e.g., CelebA) with multiple discrete fine-grained labels, we can learn to smoothly interpolate a face image between black hair and blond hair through reference images while immediately control the gender and age through discrete input labels. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to realize such a hybrid manipulation within a single model. Qualitative and quantitative experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method