Institute of Signal Processing
Abstract:Integrate-and-Fire (IF) is an idealized model of the spike-triggering mechanism of a biological neuron. It is used to realize the bio-inspired event-based principle of information processing in neuromorphic computing. We show that IF is closely related to the concept of Send-on-Delta (SOD) as used in threshold-based sampling. It turns out that the IF model can be adjusted in a way that SOD can be understood as differential version of IF. As a result, we gain insight into the underlying metric structure based on the Alexiewicz norm with consequences for clarifying the underlying signal space including bounded integrable signals with superpositions of finitely many Dirac impulses, the identification of a maximum sparsity property, error bounds for signal reconstruction and a characterization in terms of sparse regularization.
Abstract:Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) have garnered attention over recent years due to their increased energy efficiency and advantages in terms of operational complexity compared to traditional Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs). Two important questions when implementing SNNs are how to best encode existing data into spike trains and how to efficiently process these spike trains in hardware. This paper addresses both of these problems by incorporating the encoding into the learning process, thus allowing the network to learn the spike encoding alongside the weights. Furthermore, this paper proposes a hardware architecture based on a recently introduced differential-time representation for spike trains allowing decoupling of spike time and processing time. Together these contributions lead to a feedforward SNN using only Leaky-Integrate and Fire (LIF) neurons that surpasses 99% accuracy on the MNIST dataset while still being implementable on medium-sized FPGAs with inference times of less than 295us.
Abstract:Many natural phenomena are characterized by self-similarity, for example the symmetry of human faces, or a repetitive motif of a song. Studying of such symmetries will allow us to gain deeper insights into the underlying mechanisms of complex systems. Recognizing the importance of understanding these patterns, we propose a geometrically inspired framework to study such phenomena in artificial neural networks. To this end, we introduce \emph{CantorNet}, inspired by the triadic construction of the Cantor set, which was introduced by Georg Cantor in the $19^\text{th}$ century. In mathematics, the Cantor set is a set of points lying on a single line that is self-similar and has a counter intuitive property of being an uncountably infinite null set. Similarly, we introduce CantorNet as a sandbox for studying self-similarity by means of novel topological and geometrical complexity measures. CantorNet constitutes a family of ReLU neural networks that spans the whole spectrum of possible Kolmogorov complexities, including the two opposite descriptions (linear and exponential as measured by the description length). CantorNet's decision boundaries can be arbitrarily ragged, yet are analytically known. Besides serving as a testing ground for complexity measures, our work may serve to illustrate potential pitfalls in geometry-ignorant data augmentation techniques and adversarial attacks.
Abstract:In contrast to the traditional principle of periodic sensing neuromorphic engineering pursues a paradigm shift towards bio-inspired event-based sensing, where events are primarily triggered by a change in the perceived stimulus. We show in a rigorous mathematical way that information encoding by means of Threshold-Based Representation based on either Leaky Integrate-and-Fire (LIF) or Send-on-Delta (SOD) is linked to an analog-to-spike conversion that guarantees maximum sparsity while satisfying an approximation condition based on the Alexiewicz norm.
Abstract:The linearly inseparable XOR problem and the related problem of representing binary logical gates is revisited from the point of view of temporal encoding and its solvability by spiking neural networks with minimal configurations of leaky integrate-and-fire (LIF) neurons. We use this problem as an example to study the effect of different hyper parameters such as information encoding, the number of hidden units in a fully connected reservoir, the choice of the leaky parameter and the reset mechanism in terms of reset-to-zero and reset-by-subtraction based on different refractory times. The distributions of the weight matrices give insight into the difficulty, respectively the probability, to find a solution. This leads to the observation that zero refractory time together with graded spikes and an adapted reset mechanism, reset-to-mod, makes it possible to realize sparse solutions of a minimal configuration with only two neurons in the hidden layer to resolve all binary logic gate constellations with XOR as a special case.
Abstract:This paper develops a novel mathematical framework for collaborative learning by means of geometrically inspired kernel machines which includes statements on the bounds of generalisation and approximation errors, and sample complexity. For classification problems, this approach allows us to learn bounded geometric structures around given data points and hence solve the global model learning problem in an efficient way by exploiting convexity properties of the related optimisation problem in a Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space (RKHS). In this way, we can reduce classification problems to determining the closest bounded geometric structure from a given data point. Further advantages that come with our solution is that our approach does not require clients to perform multiple epochs of local optimisation using stochastic gradient descent, nor require rounds of communication between client/server for optimising the global model. We highlight that numerous experiments have shown that the proposed method is a competitive alternative to the state-of-the-art.
Abstract:Leaky-integrate-and-fire (LIF) is studied as a non-linear operator that maps an integrable signal $f$ to a sequence $\eta_f$ of discrete events, the spikes. In the case without any Dirac pulses in the input, it makes no difference whether to set the neuron's potential to zero or to subtract the threshold $\vartheta$ immediately after a spike triggering event. However, in the case of superimpose Dirac pulses the situation is different which raises the question of a mathematical justification of each of the proposed reset variants. In the limit case of zero refractory time the standard reset scheme based on threshold subtraction results in a modulo-based reset scheme which allows to characterize LIF as a quantization operator based on a weighted Alexiewicz norm $\|.\|_{A, \alpha}$ with leaky parameter $\alpha$. We prove the quantization formula $\|\eta_f - f\|_{A, \alpha} < \vartheta$ under the general condition of local integrability, almost everywhere boundedness and locally finitely many superimposed weighted Dirac pulses which provides a much larger signal space and more flexible sparse signal representation than manageable by classical signal processing.
Abstract:Spiking neural networks (SNNs) have gained attention in recent years due to their ability to handle sparse and event-based data better than regular artificial neural networks (ANNs). Since the structure of SNNs is less suited for typically used accelerators such as GPUs than conventional ANNs, there is a demand for custom hardware accelerators for processing SNNs. In the past, the main focus was on platforms that resemble the structure of multiprocessor systems. In this work, we propose a lightweight neuron layer architecture that allows network structures to be directly mapped onto digital hardware. Our approach is based on differential time coding of spike sequences and the decoupling of processing time and spike timing that allows the SNN to be processed on different hardware platforms. We present synthesis and performance results showing that this architecture can be implemented for networks of more than 1000 neurons with high clock speeds on a State-of-the-Art FPGA. We furthermore show results on the robustness of our approach to quantization. These results demonstrate that high-accuracy inference can be performed with bit widths as low as 4.
Abstract:In spiking neural networks (SNN), at each node, an incoming sequence of weighted Dirac pulses is converted into an output sequence of weighted Dirac pulses by a leaky-integrate-and-fire (LIF) neuron model based on spike aggregation and thresholding. We show that this mapping can be understood as a quantization operator and state a corresponding formula for the quantization error by means of the Alexiewicz norm. This analysis has implications for rethinking re-initialization in the LIF model, leading to the proposal of 'reset-to-mod' as a modulo-based reset variant.
Abstract:In order to ease the analysis of error propagation in neuromorphic computing and to get a better understanding of spiking neural networks (SNN), we address the problem of mathematical analysis of SNNs as endomorphisms that map spike trains to spike trains. A central question is the adequate structure for a space of spike trains and its implication for the design of error measurements of SNNs including time delay, threshold deviations, and the design of the reinitialization mode of the leaky-integrate-and-fire (LIF) neuron model. First we identify the underlying topology by analyzing the closure of all sub-threshold signals of a LIF model. For zero leakage this approach yields the Alexiewicz topology, which we adopt to LIF neurons with arbitrary positive leakage. As a result LIF can be understood as spike train quantization in the corresponding norm. This way we obtain various error bounds and inequalities such as a quasi isometry relation between incoming and outgoing spike trains. Another result is a Lipschitz-style global upper bound for the error propagation and a related resonance-type phenomenon.