Abstract:Coordinated controlling a large UAV swarm requires significant spectrum resources due to the need for bandwidth allocation per UAV, posing a challenge in resource-limited environments. Over-the-air (OTA) control has emerged as a spectrum-efficient approach, leveraging electromagnetic superposition to form control signals at a base station (BS). However, existing OTA controllers lack sufficient optimization variables to meet UAV swarm control objectives and fail to integrate control with other BS functions like sensing. This work proposes an integrated sensing and OTA control framework (ISAC-OTA) for UAV swarm. The BS performs OTA signal construction (uplink) and dispatch (downlink) while simultaneously sensing objects. Two uplink post-processing methods are developed: a control-centric approach generating closed-form control signals via a feedback-looped OTA control problem, and a sensing-centric method mitigating transmission-induced interference for accurate object sensing. For the downlink, a non-convex problem is formulated and solved to minimize control signal dispatch (transmission) error while maintaining a minimum sensing signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Simulation results show that the proposed ISAC-OTA controller achieves control performance comparable to the benchmark optimal control algorithm while maintaining high sensing accuracy, despite OTA transmission interference. Moreover, it eliminates the need for per-UAV bandwidth allocation, showcasing a spectrum-efficient method for cooperative control in future wireless systems.
Abstract:Over-the-Air Federated Learning (OTA-FL) has been extensively investigated as a privacy-preserving distributed learning mechanism. Realistic systems will see FL clients with diverse size, weight, and power configurations. A critical research gap in existing OTA-FL research is the assumption of homogeneous client computational bit precision. Indeed, many clients may exploit approximate computing (AxC) where bit precisions are adjusted for energy and computational efficiency. The dynamic distribution of bit precision updates amongst FL clients poses an open challenge for OTA-FL, as is is incompatible in the wireless modulation superposition space. Here, we propose an AxC-based OTA-FL framework of clients with multiple precisions, demonstrating the following innovations: (i) optimize the quantization-performance trade-off for both server and clients within the constraints of varying edge computing capabilities and learning accuracy requirements, and (ii) develop heterogeneous gradient resolution OTA-FL modulation schemes to ensure compatibility with physical layer OTA aggregation. Our findings indicate that we can design modulation schemes that enable AxC based OTA-FL, which can achieve 50\% faster and smoother server convergence and a performance enhancement for the lowest precision clients compared to a homogeneous precision approach. This demonstrates the great potential of our AxC-based OTA-FL approach in heterogeneous edge computing environments.
Abstract:The development of reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RIS) is a double-edged sword to physical layer security (PLS). Whilst a legitimate RIS can yield beneficial impacts including increased channel randomness to enhance physical layer secret key generation (PL-SKG), malicious RIS can poison legitimate channels and crack most of existing PL-SKGs. In this work, we propose an adversarial learning framework between legitimate parties (namely Alice and Bob) to address this Man-in-the-middle malicious RIS (MITM-RIS) eavesdropping. First, the theoretical mutual information gap between legitimate pairs and MITM-RIS is deduced. Then, Alice and Bob leverage generative adversarial networks (GANs) to learn to achieve a common feature surface that does not have mutual information overlap with MITM-RIS. Next, we aid signal processing interpretation of black-box neural networks by using a symbolic explainable AI (xAI) representation. These symbolic terms of dominant neurons aid feature engineering-based validation and future design of PLS common feature space. Simulation results show that our proposed GAN-based and symbolic-based PL-SKGs can achieve high key agreement rates between legitimate users, and is even resistant to MITM-RIS Eve with the knowledge of legitimate feature generation (NNs or formulas). This therefore paves the way to secure wireless communications with untrusted reflective devices in future 6G.
Abstract:Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices are often used to transmit physical sensor data over digital wireless channels. Traditional Physical Layer Security (PLS)-based cryptography approaches rely on accurate channel estimation and information exchange for key generation, which irrevocably ties key quality with digital channel estimation quality. Recently, we proposed a new concept called Graph Layer Security (GLS), where digital keys are derived from physical sensor readings. The sensor readings between legitimate users are correlated through a common background infrastructure environment (e.g., a common water distribution network or electric grid). The challenge for GLS has been how to achieve distributed key generation. This paper presents a Federated multi-agent Deep reinforcement learning-assisted Distributed Key generation scheme (FD2K), which fully exploits the common features of physical dynamics to establish secret key between legitimate users. We present for the first time initial experimental results of GLS with federated learning, achieving considerable security performance in terms of key agreement rate (KAR), and key randomness.
Abstract:The development of reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS) has recently advanced the research of physical layer security (PLS). Beneficial impact of RIS includes but is not limited to offering a new domain of freedom (DoF) for key-less PLS optimization, and increasing channel randomness for physical layer secret key generation (PL-SKG). However, there is a lack of research studying how adversarial RIS can be used to damage the communication confidentiality. In this work, we show how a Eve controlled adversarial RIS (Eve-RIS) can be used to reconstruct the shared PLS secret key between legitimate users (Alice and Bob). This is achieved by Eve-RIS overlaying the legitimate channel with an artificial random and reciprocal channel. The resulting Eve-RIS corrupted channel enable Eve to successfully attack the PL-SKG process. To operationalize this novel concept, we design Eve-RIS schemes against two PL-SKG techniques used: (i) the channel estimation based PL-SKG, and (ii) the two-way cross multiplication based PL-SKG. Our results show a high key match rate between the designed Eve-RIS and the legitimate users. We also present theoretical key match rate between Eve-RIS and legitimate users. Our novel scheme is different from the existing spoofing-Eve, in that the latter can be easily detected by comparing the channel estimation results of the legitimate users. Indeed, our proposed Eve-RIS can maintain the legitimate channel reciprocity, which makes detection challenging. This means the novel Eve-RIS provides a new eavesdropping threat on PL-SKG, which can spur new research areas to counter adversarial RIS attacks.
Abstract:The causal mechanism between climate and political violence is fraught with complex mechanisms. Current quantitative causal models rely on one or more assumptions: (1) the climate drivers persistently generate conflict, (2) the causal mechanisms have a linear relationship with the conflict generation parameter, and/or (3) there is sufficient data to inform the prior distribution. Yet, we know conflict drivers often excite a social transformation process which leads to violence (e.g., drought forces agricultural producers to join urban militia), but further climate effects do not necessarily contribute to further violence. Therefore, not only is this bifurcation relationship highly non-linear, there is also often a lack of data to support prior assumptions for high resolution modeling. Here, we aim to overcome the aforementioned causal modeling challenges by proposing a neural forward-intensity Poisson process (NFIPP) model. The NFIPP is designed to capture the potential non-linear causal mechanism in climate induced political violence, whilst being robust to sparse and timing-uncertain data. Our results span 20 recent years and reveal an excitation-based causal link between extreme climate events and political violence across diverse countries. Our climate-induced conflict model results are cross-validated against qualitative climate vulnerability indices. Furthermore, we label historical events that either improve or reduce our predictability gain, demonstrating the importance of domain expertise in informing interpretation.
Abstract:Physical layer secret key generation exploits the reciprocal channel randomness for key generation and has proven to be an effective addition security layer in wireless communications. However, static or scarcely random channels require artificially induced dynamics to improve the secrecy performance, e.g., using intelligent reflecting surface (IRS). One key challenge is that the induced random phase from IRS is also reflected in the direction to eavesdroppers (Eve). This leakage enables Eve nodes to estimate the legitimate channels and secret key via a globally known pilot sequence. To mitigate the secret key leakage issue, we propose to exploit random matrix theory to inform the design of a new physical layer secret key generation (PL-SKG) algorithm. We prove that, when sending appropriate random Gaussian matrices, the singular values of Alice's and Bob's received signals follow a similar probability distribution. Leveraging these common singular values, we propose a random Gaussian matrix based PL-SKG (RGM PL-SKG), which avoids the usages of the globally known pilot and thereby prevents the aforementioned leakage issue. Our results show the following: (i) high noise resistance which leads to superior secret key rate (SKR) improvement (up to 300%) in low SNR regime, and (ii) general improved SKR performance against multiple colluded Eves. We believe our combination of random matrix theory and PL-SKG shows a new paradigm to secure the wireless communication channels.
Abstract:Increased drone proliferation in civilian and professional settings has created new threat vectors for airports and national infrastructures. The economic damage for a single major airport from drone incursions is estimated to be millions per day. Due to the lack of diverse drone training data, accurate training of deep learning detection algorithms under scarce data is an open challenge. Existing methods largely rely on collecting diverse and comprehensive experimental drone footage data, artificially induced data augmentation, transfer and meta-learning, as well as physics-informed learning. However, these methods cannot guarantee capturing diverse drone designs and fully understanding the deep feature space of drones. Here, we show how understanding the general distribution of the drone data via a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) and explaining the missing features using Topological Data Analysis (TDA) - can allow us to acquire missing data to achieve rapid and more accurate learning. We demonstrate our results on a drone image dataset, which contains both real drone images as well as simulated images from computer-aided design. When compared to random data collection (usual practice - discriminator accuracy of 94.67\% after 200 epochs), our proposed GAN-TDA informed data collection method offers a significant 4\% improvement (99.42\% after 200 epochs). We believe that this approach of exploiting general data distribution knowledge form neural networks can be applied to a wide range of scarce data open challenges.
Abstract:Achieving transparency in black-box deep learning algorithms is still an open challenge. High dimensional features and decisions given by deep neural networks (NN) require new algorithms and methods to expose its mechanisms. Current state-of-the-art NN interpretation methods (e.g. Saliency maps, DeepLIFT, LIME, etc.) focus more on the direct relationship between NN outputs and inputs rather than the NN structure and operations itself. In current deep NN operations, there is uncertainty over the exact role played by neurons with fixed activation functions. In this paper, we achieve partially explainable learning model by symbolically explaining the role of activation functions (AF) under a scalable topology. This is carried out by modeling the AFs as adaptive Gaussian Processes (GP), which sit within a novel scalable NN topology, based on the Kolmogorov-Arnold Superposition Theorem (KST). In this scalable NN architecture, the AFs are generated by GP interpolation between control points and can thus be tuned during the back-propagation procedure via gradient descent. The control points act as the core enabler to both local and global adjustability of AF, where the GP interpolation constrains the intrinsic autocorrelation to avoid over-fitting. We show that there exists a trade-off between the NN's expressive power and interpretation complexity, under linear KST topology scaling. To demonstrate this, we perform a case study on a binary classification dataset of banknote authentication. By quantitatively and qualitatively investigating the mapping relationship between inputs and output, our explainable model can provide interpretation over each of the one-dimensional attributes. These early results suggest that our model has the potential to act as the final interpretation layer for deep neural networks.
Abstract:Infrastructure monitoring is critical for safe operations and sustainability. Water distribution networks (WDNs) are large-scale networked critical systems with complex cascade dynamics which are difficult to predict. Ubiquitous monitoring is expensive and a key challenge is to infer the contaminant dynamics from partial sparse monitoring data. Existing approaches use multi-objective optimisation to find the minimum set of essential monitoring points, but lack performance guarantees and a theoretical framework. Here, we first develop Graph Fourier Transform (GFT) operators to compress networked contamination spreading dynamics to identify the essential principle data collection points with inference performance guarantees. We then build autoencoder (AE) inspired neural networks (NN) to generalize the GFT sampling process and under-sample further from the initial sampling set, allowing a very small set of data points to largely reconstruct the contamination dynamics over real and artificial WDNs. Various sources of the contamination are tested and we obtain high accuracy reconstruction using around 5-10% of the sample set. This general approach of compression and under-sampled recovery via neural networks can be applied to a wide range of networked infrastructures to enable digital twins.