Abstract:In this paper, we study the robustness of "data-centric" approaches to finding neural network architectures (known as neural architecture search) to data distribution shifts. To audit this robustness, we present a data poisoning attack, when injected to the training data used for architecture search that can prevent the victim algorithm from finding an architecture with optimal accuracy. We first define the attack objective for crafting poisoning samples that can induce the victim to generate sub-optimal architectures. To this end, we weaponize existing search algorithms to generate adversarial architectures that serve as our objectives. We also present techniques that the attacker can use to significantly reduce the computational costs of crafting poisoning samples. In an extensive evaluation of our poisoning attack on a representative architecture search algorithm, we show its surprising robustness. Because our attack employs clean-label poisoning, we also evaluate its robustness against label noise. We find that random label-flipping is more effective in generating sub-optimal architectures than our clean-label attack. Our results suggests that care must be taken for the data this emerging approach uses, and future work is needed to develop robust algorithms.
Abstract:In this paper, we systematically evaluate the robustness of multi-exit language models against adversarial slowdown. To audit their robustness, we design a slowdown attack that generates natural adversarial text bypassing early-exit points. We use the resulting WAFFLE attack as a vehicle to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of three multi-exit mechanisms with the GLUE benchmark against adversarial slowdown. We then show our attack significantly reduces the computational savings provided by the three methods in both white-box and black-box settings. The more complex a mechanism is, the more vulnerable it is to adversarial slowdown. We also perform a linguistic analysis of the perturbed text inputs, identifying common perturbation patterns that our attack generates, and comparing them with standard adversarial text attacks. Moreover, we show that adversarial training is ineffective in defeating our slowdown attack, but input sanitization with a conversational model, e.g., ChatGPT, can remove perturbations effectively. This result suggests that future work is needed for developing efficient yet robust multi-exit models. Our code is available at: https://github.com/ztcoalson/WAFFLE