Abstract:In this paper, we present PanoDreamer, a novel method for producing a coherent 360$^\circ$ 3D scene from a single input image. Unlike existing methods that generate the scene sequentially, we frame the problem as single-image panorama and depth estimation. Once the coherent panoramic image and its corresponding depth are obtained, the scene can be reconstructed by inpainting the small occluded regions and projecting them into 3D space. Our key contribution is formulating single-image panorama and depth estimation as two optimization tasks and introducing alternating minimization strategies to effectively solve their objectives. We demonstrate that our approach outperforms existing techniques in single-image 360$^\circ$ scene reconstruction in terms of consistency and overall quality.
Abstract:Authoring high-quality digital materials is key to realism in 3D rendering. Previous generative models for materials have been trained exclusively on synthetic data; such data is limited in availability and has a visual gap to real materials. We circumvent this limitation by proposing PhotoMat: the first material generator trained exclusively on real photos of material samples captured using a cell phone camera with flash. Supervision on individual material maps is not available in this setting. Instead, we train a generator for a neural material representation that is rendered with a learned relighting module to create arbitrarily lit RGB images; these are compared against real photos using a discriminator. We then train a material maps estimator to decode material reflectance properties from the neural material representation. We train PhotoMat with a new dataset of 12,000 material photos captured with handheld phone cameras under flash lighting. We demonstrate that our generated materials have better visual quality than previous material generators trained on synthetic data. Moreover, we can fit analytical material models to closely match these generated neural materials, thus allowing for further editing and use in 3D rendering.
Abstract:Recent methods (e.g. MaterialGAN) have used unconditional GANs to generate per-pixel material maps, or as a prior to reconstruct materials from input photographs. These models can generate varied random material appearance, but do not have any mechanism to constrain the generated material to a specific category or to control the coarse structure of the generated material, such as the exact brick layout on a brick wall. Furthermore, materials reconstructed from a single input photo commonly have artifacts and are generally not tileable, which limits their use in practical content creation pipelines. We propose TileGen, a generative model for SVBRDFs that is specific to a material category, always tileable, and optionally conditional on a provided input structure pattern. TileGen is a variant of StyleGAN whose architecture is modified to always produce tileable (periodic) material maps. In addition to the standard "style" latent code, TileGen can optionally take a condition image, giving a user direct control over the dominant spatial (and optionally color) features of the material. For example, in brick materials, the user can specify a brick layout and the brick color, or in leather materials, the locations of wrinkles and folds. Our inverse rendering approach can find a material perceptually matching a single target photograph by optimization. This reconstruction can also be conditional on a user-provided pattern. The resulting materials are tileable, can be larger than the target image, and are editable by varying the condition.