Eindhoven University of Technology
Abstract:The cellular Potts model (CPM) is a powerful computational method for simulating collective spatiotemporal dynamics of biological cells. To drive the dynamics, CPMs rely on physics-inspired Hamiltonians. However, as first principles remain elusive in biology, these Hamiltonians only approximate the full complexity of real multicellular systems. To address this limitation, we propose NeuralCPM, a more expressive cellular Potts model that can be trained directly on observational data. At the core of NeuralCPM lies the Neural Hamiltonian, a neural network architecture that respects universal symmetries in collective cellular dynamics. Moreover, this approach enables seamless integration of domain knowledge by combining known biological mechanisms and the expressive Neural Hamiltonian into a hybrid model. Our evaluation with synthetic and real-world multicellular systems demonstrates that NeuralCPM is able to model cellular dynamics that cannot be accounted for by traditional analytical Hamiltonians.
Abstract:We generalize the formulation of few-shot learning by introducing the concept of an aspect. In the traditional formulation of few-shot learning, there is an underlying assumption that a single "true" label defines the content of each data point. This label serves as a basis for the comparison between the query object and the objects in the support set. However, when a human expert is asked to execute the same task without a predefined set of labels, they typically consider the rest of the data points in the support set as context. This context specifies the level of abstraction and the aspect from which the comparison can be made. In this work, we introduce a novel architecture and training procedure that develops a context given the query and support set and implements aspect-based few-shot learning that is not limited to a predetermined set of classes. We demonstrate that our method is capable of forming and using an aspect for few-shot learning on the Geometric Shapes and Sprites dataset. The results validate the feasibility of our approach compared to traditional few-shot learning.
Abstract:Understanding the dynamics of pedestrian crowds is an outstanding challenge crucial for designing efficient urban infrastructure and ensuring safe crowd management. To this end, both small-scale laboratory and large-scale real-world measurements have been used. However, these approaches respectively lack statistical resolution and parametric controllability, both essential to discovering physical relationships underlying the complex stochastic dynamics of crowds. Here, we establish an investigation paradigm that offers laboratory-like controllability, while ensuring the statistical resolution of large-scale real-world datasets. Using our data-driven Neural Crowd Simulator (NeCS), which we train on large-scale data and validate against key statistical features of crowd dynamics, we show that we can perform effective surrogate crowd dynamics experiments without training on specific scenarios. We not only reproduce known experimental results on pairwise avoidance, but also uncover the vision-guided and topological nature of N-body interactions. These findings show how virtual experiments based on neural simulation enable data-driven scientific discovery.
Abstract:We investigate the ability of Diffusion Variational Autoencoder ($\Delta$VAE) with unit sphere $\mathcal{S}^2$ as latent space to capture topological and geometrical structure and disentangle latent factors in datasets. For this, we introduce a new diagnostic of disentanglement: namely the topological degree of the encoder, which is a map from the data manifold to the latent space. By using tools from homology theory, we derive and implement an algorithm that computes this degree. We use the algorithm to compute the degree of the encoder of models that result from the training procedure. Our experimental results show that the $\Delta$VAE achieves relatively small LSBD scores, and that regardless of the degree after initialization, the degree of the encoder after training becomes $-1$ or $+1$, which implies that the resulting encoder is at least homotopic to a homeomorphism.
Abstract:Simulation is a powerful tool to better understand physical systems, but generally requires computationally expensive numerical methods. Downstream applications of such simulations can become computationally infeasible if they require many forward solves, for example in the case of inverse design with many degrees of freedom. In this work, we investigate and extend neural PDE solvers as a tool to aid in scaling simulations for two-phase flow problems, and simulations of oil expulsion from a pore specifically. We extend existing numerical methods for this problem to a more complex setting involving varying geometries of the domain to generate a challenging dataset. Further, we investigate three prominent neural PDE solver methods, namely the UNet, DRN and U-FNO, and extend them for characteristics of the oil-expulsion problem: (1) spatial conditioning on the geometry; (2) periodicity in the boundary; (3) approximate mass conservation. We scale all methods and benchmark their speed-accuracy trade-off, evaluate qualitative properties, and perform an ablation study. We find that the investigated methods can accurately model the droplet dynamics with up to three orders of magnitude speed-up, that our extensions improve performance over the baselines, and that the introduced varying geometries constitute a significantly more challenging setting over the previously considered oil expulsion problem.
Abstract:Crystallization processes at the mesoscopic scale, where faceted, dendritic growth, and multigrain formation can be observed, are of particular interest within materials science and metallurgy. These processes are highly nonlinear, stochastic, and sensitive to small perturbations of system parameters and initial conditions. Methods for the simulation of these processes have been developed using discrete numerical models, but these are computationally expensive. This work aims to scale crystal growth simulation with a machine learning emulator. Specifically, autoregressive latent variable models are well suited for modeling the joint distribution over system parameters and the crystallization trajectories. However, successfully training such models is challenging due to the stochasticity and sensitivity of the system. Existing approaches consequently fail to produce diverse and faithful crystallization trajectories. In this paper, we introduce the Crystal Growth Neural Emulator (CGNE), a probabilistic model for efficient crystal growth emulation at the mesoscopic scale that overcomes these challenges. We validate CGNE results using the morphological properties of the crystals produced by numerical simulation. CGNE delivers a factor of 11 improvement in inference time and performance gains compared with recent state-of-the-art probabilistic models for dynamical systems.
Abstract:Soft, porous mechanical metamaterials exhibit pattern transformations that may have important applications in soft robotics, sound reduction and biomedicine. To design these innovative materials, it is important to be able to simulate them accurately and quickly, in order to tune their mechanical properties. Since conventional simulations using the finite element method entail a high computational cost, in this article we aim to develop a machine learning-based approach that scales favorably to serve as a surrogate model. To ensure that the model is also able to handle various microstructures, including those not encountered during training, we include the microstructure as part of the network input. Therefore, we introduce a graph neural network that predicts global quantities (energy, stress stiffness) as well as the pattern transformations that occur (the kinematics). To make our model as accurate and data-efficient as possible, various symmetries are incorporated into the model. The starting point is an E(n)-equivariant graph neural network (which respects translation, rotation and reflection) that has periodic boundary conditions (i.e., it is in-/equivariant with respect to the choice of RVE), is scale in-/equivariant, can simulate large deformations, and can predict scalars, vectors as well as second and fourth order tensors (specifically energy, stress and stiffness). The incorporation of scale equivariance makes the model equivariant with respect to the similarities group, of which the Euclidean group E(n) is a subgroup. We show that this network is more accurate and data-efficient than graph neural networks with fewer symmetries. To create an efficient graph representation of the finite element discretization, we use only the internal geometrical hole boundaries from the finite element mesh to achieve a better speed-up and scaling with the mesh size.
Abstract:Nanopore sequencing offers the ability for real-time analysis of long DNA sequences at a low cost, enabling new applications such as early detection of cancer. Due to the complex nature of nanopore measurements and the high cost of obtaining ground truth datasets, there is a need for nanopore simulators. Existing simulators rely on handcrafted rules and parameters and do not learn an internal representation that would allow for analysing underlying biological factors of interest. Instead, we propose VADA, a purely data-driven method for simulating nanopores based on an autoregressive latent variable model. We embed subsequences of DNA and introduce a conditional prior to address the challenge of a collapsing conditioning. We introduce an auxiliary regressor on the latent variable to encourage our model to learn an informative latent representation. We empirically demonstrate that our model achieves competitive simulation performance on experimental nanopore data. Moreover, we show we have learned an informative latent representation that is predictive of the DNA labels. We hypothesize that other biological factors of interest, beyond the DNA labels, can potentially be extracted from such a learned latent representation.
Abstract:The ability to efficiently predict adsorption properties of zeolites can be of large benefit in accelerating the design process of novel materials. The existing configuration space for these materials is wide, while existing molecular simulation methods are computationally expensive. In this work, we propose a model which is 4 to 5 orders of magnitude faster at adsorption properties compared to molecular simulations. To validate the model, we generated datasets containing various aluminium configurations for the MOR, MFI, RHO and ITW zeolites along with their heat of adsorptions and Henry coefficients for CO$_2$, obtained from Monte Carlo simulations. The predictions obtained from the Machine Learning model are in agreement with the values obtained from the Monte Carlo simulations, confirming that the model can be used for property prediction. Furthermore, we show that the model can be used for identifying adsorption sites. Finally, we evaluate the capability of our model for generating novel zeolite configurations by using it in combination with a genetic algorithm.
Abstract:Micro RNAs (miRNA) are a type of non-coding RNA, which are involved in gene regulation and can be associated with diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular and neurological diseases. As such, identifying the entire genome of miRNA can be of great relevance. Since experimental methods for novel precursor miRNA (pre-miRNA) detection are complex and expensive, computational detection using ML could be useful. Existing ML methods are often complex black boxes, which do not create an interpretable structural description of pre-miRNA. In this paper, we propose a novel framework, which makes use of generative modeling through Variational Auto-Encoders to uncover the generative factors of pre-miRNA. After training the VAE, the pre-miRNA description is developed using a decision tree on the lower dimensional latent space. Applying the framework to miRNA classification, we obtain a high reconstruction and classification performance, while also developing an accurate miRNA description.