Abstract:The rampdown in tokamak operations is a difficult to simulate phase during which the plasma is often pushed towards multiple instability limits. To address this challenge, and reduce the risk of disrupting operations, we leverage recent advances in Scientific Machine Learning (SciML) to develop a neural state-space model (NSSM) that predicts plasma dynamics during Tokamak \`a Configuration Variable (TCV) rampdowns. By integrating simple physics structure and data-driven models, the NSSM efficiently learns plasma dynamics during the rampdown from a modest dataset of 311 pulses with only five pulses in the reactor relevant high performance regime. The NSSM is parallelized across uncertainties, and reinforcement learning (RL) is applied to design trajectories that avoid multiple instability limits with high probability. Experiments at TCV ramping down high performance plasmas show statistically significant improvements in current and energy at plasma termination, with improvements in speed through continuous re-training. A predict-first experiment, increasing plasma current by 20\% from baseline, demonstrates the NSSM's ability to make small extrapolations with sufficient accuracy to design trajectories that successfully terminate the pulse. The developed approach paves the way for designing tokamak controls with robustness to considerable uncertainty, and demonstrates the relevance of the SciML approach to learning plasma dynamics for rapidly developing robust trajectories and controls during the incremental campaigns of upcoming burning plasma tokamaks.
Abstract:Simulation is a powerful tool to better understand physical systems, but generally requires computationally expensive numerical methods. Downstream applications of such simulations can become computationally infeasible if they require many forward solves, for example in the case of inverse design with many degrees of freedom. In this work, we investigate and extend neural PDE solvers as a tool to aid in scaling simulations for two-phase flow problems, and simulations of oil expulsion from a pore specifically. We extend existing numerical methods for this problem to a more complex setting involving varying geometries of the domain to generate a challenging dataset. Further, we investigate three prominent neural PDE solver methods, namely the UNet, DRN and U-FNO, and extend them for characteristics of the oil-expulsion problem: (1) spatial conditioning on the geometry; (2) periodicity in the boundary; (3) approximate mass conservation. We scale all methods and benchmark their speed-accuracy trade-off, evaluate qualitative properties, and perform an ablation study. We find that the investigated methods can accurately model the droplet dynamics with up to three orders of magnitude speed-up, that our extensions improve performance over the baselines, and that the introduced varying geometries constitute a significantly more challenging setting over the previously considered oil expulsion problem.
Abstract:Managing divertor plasmas is crucial for operating reactor scale tokamak devices due to heat and particle flux constraints on the divertor target. Simulation is an important tool to understand and control these plasmas, however, for real-time applications or exhaustive parameter scans only simple approximations are currently fast enough. We address this lack of fast simulators using neural PDE surrogates, data-driven neural network-based surrogate models trained using solutions generated with a classical numerical method. The surrogate approximates a time-stepping operator that evolves the full spatial solution of a reference physics-based model over time. We use DIV1D, a 1D dynamic model of the divertor plasma, as reference model to generate data. DIV1D's domain covers a 1D heat flux tube from the X-point (upstream) to the target. We simulate a realistic TCV divertor plasma with dynamics induced by upstream density ramps and provide an exploratory outlook towards fast transients. State-of-the-art neural PDE surrogates are evaluated in a common framework and extended for properties of the DIV1D data. We evaluate (1) the speed-accuracy trade-off; (2) recreating non-linear behavior; (3) data efficiency; and (4) parameter inter- and extrapolation. Once trained, neural PDE surrogates can faithfully approximate DIV1D's divertor plasma dynamics at sub real-time computation speeds: In the proposed configuration, 2ms of plasma dynamics can be computed in $\approx$0.63ms of wall-clock time, several orders of magnitude faster than DIV1D.
Abstract:Neural networks are emerging as a tool for scalable data-driven simulation of high-dimensional dynamical systems, especially in settings where numerical methods are infeasible or computationally expensive. Notably, it has been shown that incorporating domain symmetries in deterministic neural simulators can substantially improve their accuracy, sample efficiency, and parameter efficiency. However, to incorporate symmetries in probabilistic neural simulators that can simulate stochastic phenomena, we need a model that produces equivariant distributions over trajectories, rather than equivariant function approximations. In this paper, we propose Equivariant Probabilistic Neural Simulation (EPNS), a framework for autoregressive probabilistic modeling of equivariant distributions over system evolutions. We use EPNS to design models for a stochastic n-body system and stochastic cellular dynamics. Our results show that EPNS considerably outperforms existing neural network-based methods for probabilistic simulation. More specifically, we demonstrate that incorporating equivariance in EPNS improves simulation quality, data efficiency, rollout stability, and uncertainty quantification. We conclude that EPNS is a promising method for efficient and effective data-driven probabilistic simulation in a diverse range of domains.
Abstract:Simulators driven by deep learning are gaining popularity as a tool for efficiently emulating accurate but expensive numerical simulators. Successful applications of such neural simulators can be found in the domains of physics, chemistry, and structural biology, amongst others. Likewise, a neural simulator for cellular dynamics can augment lab experiments and traditional computational methods to enhance our understanding of a cell's interaction with its physical environment. In this work, we propose an autoregressive probabilistic model that can reproduce spatiotemporal dynamics of single cell migration, traditionally simulated with the Cellular Potts model. We observe that standard single-step training methods do not only lead to inconsistent rollout stability, but also fail to accurately capture the stochastic aspects of the dynamics, and we propose training strategies to mitigate these issues. Our evaluation on two proof-of-concept experimental scenarios shows that neural methods have the potential to faithfully simulate stochastic cellular dynamics at least an order of magnitude faster than a state-of-the-art implementation of the Cellular Potts model.
Abstract:The goal of a classification model is to assign the correct labels to data. In most cases, this data is not fully described by the given set of labels. Often a rich set of meaningful concepts exist in the domain that can much more precisely describe each datapoint. Such concepts can also be highly useful for interpreting the model's classifications. In this paper we propose a model, denoted as Variational Autoencoder-based Contrastive Explanation (VAE-CE), that represents data with high-level concepts and uses this representation for both classification and generating explanations. The explanations are produced in a contrastive manner, conveying why a datapoint is assigned to one class rather than an alternative class. An explanation is specified as a set of transformations of the input datapoint, with each step depicting a concept changing towards the contrastive class. We build the model using a disentangled VAE, extended with a new supervised method for disentangling individual dimensions. An analysis on synthetic data and MNIST shows that the approaches to both disentanglement and explanation provide benefits over other methods.