Abstract:This work proposes a novel approach to bolster both the robot's risk assessment and safety measures while deepening its understanding of 3D scenes, which is achieved by leveraging Radiance Field (RF) models and 3D Gaussian Splatting. To further enhance these capabilities, we incorporate additional sampled views from the environment with the RF model. One of our key contributions is the introduction of Risk-aware Environment Masking (RaEM), which prioritizes crucial information by selecting the next-best-view that maximizes the expected information gain. This targeted approach aims to minimize uncertainties surrounding the robot's path and enhance the safety of its navigation. Our method offers a dual benefit: improved robot safety and increased efficiency in risk-aware 3D scene reconstruction and understanding. Extensive experiments in real-world scenarios demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed approach, highlighting its potential to establish a robust and safety-focused framework for active robot exploration and 3D scene understanding.
Abstract:We address the problem of sparse selection of visual features for localizing a team of robots navigating an unknown environment, where robots can exchange relative position measurements with neighbors. We select a set of the most informative features by anticipating their importance in robots localization by simulating trajectories of robots over a prediction horizon. Through theoretical proofs, we establish a crucial connection between graph Laplacian and the importance of features. We show that strong network connectivity translates to uniformity in feature importance, which enables uniform random sampling of features and reduces the overall computational complexity. We leverage a scalable randomized algorithm for sparse sums of positive semidefinite matrices to efficiently select the set of the most informative features and significantly improve the probabilistic performance bounds. Finally, we support our findings with extensive simulations.