Abstract:The success of learning-based coding techniques and the development of learning-based image coding standards, such as JPEG-AI, point towards the adoption of such solutions in different fields, including the storage of biometric data, like fingerprints. However, the peculiar nature of learning-based compression artifacts poses several issues concerning their impact and effectiveness on extracting biometric features and landmarks, e.g., minutiae. This problem is utterly stressed by the fact that most models are trained on natural color images, whose characteristics are very different from usual biometric images, e.g, fingerprint or iris pictures. As a matter of fact, these issues are deemed to be accurately questioned and investigated, being such analysis still largely unexplored. This study represents the first investigation about the adaptability of learning-based image codecs in the storage of fingerprint images by measuring its impact on the extraction and characterization of minutiae. Experimental results show that at a fixed rate point, learned solutions considerably outperform previous fingerprint coding standards, like JPEG2000, both in terms of distortion and minutiae preservation. Indeed, experimental results prove that the peculiarities of learned compression artifacts do not prevent automatic fingerprint identification (since minutiae types and locations are not significantly altered), nor do compromise image quality for human visual inspection (as they gain in terms of BD rate and PSNR of 47.8% and +3.97dB respectively).
Abstract:Developing a reliable vision system is a fundamental challenge for robotic technologies (e.g., indoor service robots and outdoor autonomous robots) which can ensure reliable navigation even in challenging environments such as adverse weather conditions (e.g., fog, rain), poor lighting conditions (e.g., over/under exposure), or sensor degradation (e.g., blurring, noise), and can guarantee high performance in safety-critical functions. Current solutions proposed to improve model robustness usually rely on generic data augmentation techniques or employ costly test-time adaptation methods. In addition, most approaches focus on addressing a single vision task (typically, image recognition) utilising synthetic data. In this paper, we introduce Per-corruption Adaptation of Normalization statistics (PAN) to enhance the model robustness of vision systems. Our approach entails three key components: (i) a corruption type identification module, (ii) dynamic adjustment of normalization layer statistics based on identified corruption type, and (iii) real-time update of these statistics according to input data. PAN can integrate seamlessly with any convolutional model for enhanced accuracy in several robot vision tasks. In our experiments, PAN obtains robust performance improvement on challenging real-world corrupted image datasets (e.g., OpenLoris, ExDark, ACDC), where most of the current solutions tend to fail. Moreover, PAN outperforms the baseline models by 20-30% on synthetic benchmarks in object recognition tasks.
Abstract:Generative models are gaining significant attention as potential catalysts for a novel industrial revolution. Since automated sample generation can be useful to solve privacy and data scarcity issues that usually affect learned biometric models, such technologies became widely spread in this field. In this paper, we assess the vulnerabilities of generative machine learning models concerning identity protection by designing and testing an identity inference attack on fingerprint datasets created by means of a generative adversarial network. Experimental results show that the proposed solution proves to be effective under different configurations and easily extendable to other biometric measurements.
Abstract:The widespread usage of point clouds (PC) for immersive visual applications has resulted in the use of very heterogeneous receiving conditions and devices, notably in terms of network, hardware, and display capabilities. In this scenario, quality scalability, i.e., the ability to reconstruct a signal at different qualities by progressively decoding a single bitstream, is a major requirement that has yet to be conveniently addressed, notably in most learning-based PC coding solutions. This paper proposes a quality scalability scheme, named Scalable Quality Hyperprior (SQH), adaptable to learning-based static point cloud geometry codecs, which uses a Quality-conditioned Latents Probability Estimator (QuLPE) to decode a high-quality version of a PC learning-based representation, based on an available lower quality base layer. SQH is integrated in the future JPEG PC coding standard, allowing to create a layered bitstream that can be used to progressively decode the PC geometry with increasing quality and fidelity. Experimental results show that SQH offers the quality scalability feature with very limited or no compression performance penalty at all when compared with the corresponding non-scalable solution, thus preserving the significant compression gains over other state-of-the-art PC codecs.
Abstract:Learned image compression codecs have recently achieved impressive compression performances surpassing the most efficient image coding architectures. However, most approaches are trained to minimize rate and distortion which often leads to unsatisfactory visual results at low bitrates since perceptual metrics are not taken into account. In this paper, we show that conditional diffusion models can lead to promising results in the generative compression task when used as a decoder, and that, given a compressed representation, they allow creating new tradeoff points between distortion and perception at the decoder side based on the sampling method.
Abstract:State-of-the-art multimodal semantic segmentation approaches combining LiDAR and color data are usually designed on top of asymmetric information-sharing schemes and assume that both modalities are always available. Regrettably, this strong assumption may not hold in real-world scenarios, where sensors are prone to failure or can face adverse conditions (night-time, rain, fog, etc.) that make the acquired information unreliable. Moreover, these architectures tend to fail in continual learning scenarios. In this work, we re-frame the task of multimodal semantic segmentation by enforcing a tightly-coupled feature representation and a symmetric information-sharing scheme, which allows our approach to work even when one of the input modalities is missing. This makes our model reliable even in safety-critical settings, as is the case of autonomous driving. We evaluate our approach on the SemanticKITTI dataset, comparing it with our closest competitor. We also introduce an ad-hoc continual learning scheme and show results in a class-incremental continual learning scenario that prove the effectiveness of the approach also in this setting.
Abstract:Recent advances in deep learning and computer vision have made the synthesis and counterfeiting of multimedia content more accessible than ever, leading to possible threats and dangers from malicious users. In the audio field, we are witnessing the growth of speech deepfake generation techniques, which solicit the development of synthetic speech detection algorithms to counter possible mischievous uses such as frauds or identity thefts. In this paper, we consider three different feature sets proposed in the literature for the synthetic speech detection task and present a model that fuses them, achieving overall better performances with respect to the state-of-the-art solutions. The system was tested on different scenarios and datasets to prove its robustness to anti-forensic attacks and its generalization capabilities.
Abstract:During the last few years, continual learning (CL) strategies for image classification and segmentation have been widely investigated designing innovative solutions to tackle catastrophic forgetting, like knowledge distillation and self-inpainting. However, the application of continual learning paradigms to point clouds is still unexplored and investigation is required, especially using architectures that capture the sparsity and uneven distribution of LiDAR data. The current paper analyzes the problem of class incremental learning applied to point cloud semantic segmentation, comparing approaches and state-of-the-art architectures. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first example of class-incremental continual learning for LiDAR point cloud semantic segmentation. Different CL strategies were adapted to LiDAR point clouds and tested, tackling both classic fine-tuning scenarios and the Coarse-to-Fine learning paradigm. The framework has been evaluated through two different architectures on SemanticKITTI, obtaining results in line with state-of-the-art CL strategies and standard offline learning.
Abstract:Recent advances in autonomous robotic technologies have highlighted the growing need for precise environmental analysis. LiDAR semantic segmentation has gained attention to accomplish fine-grained scene understanding by acting directly on raw content provided by sensors. Recent solutions showed how different learning techniques can be used to improve the performance of the model, without any architectural or dataset change. Following this trend, we present a coarse-to-fine setup that LEArns from classification mistaKes (LEAK) derived from a standard model. First, classes are clustered into macro groups according to mutual prediction errors; then, the learning process is regularized by: (1) aligning class-conditional prototypical feature representation for both fine and coarse classes, (2) weighting instances with a per-class fairness index. Our LEAK approach is very general and can be seamlessly applied on top of any segmentation architecture; indeed, experimental results showed that it enables state-of-the-art performances on different architectures, datasets and tasks, while ensuring more balanced class-wise results and faster convergence.
Abstract:The recent integration of generative neural strategies and audio processing techniques have fostered the widespread of synthetic speech synthesis or transformation algorithms. This capability proves to be harmful in many legal and informative processes (news, biometric authentication, audio evidence in courts, etc.). Thus, the development of efficient detection algorithms is both crucial and challenging due to the heterogeneity of forgery techniques. This work investigates the discriminative role of silenced parts in synthetic speech detection and shows how first digit statistics extracted from MFCC coefficients can efficiently enable a robust detection. The proposed procedure is computationally-lightweight and effective on many different algorithms since it does not rely on large neural detection architecture and obtains an accuracy above 90\% in most of the classes of the ASVSpoof dataset.