Abstract:Real-time and robust automatic detection of polyps from colonoscopy videos are essential tasks to help improve the performance of doctors during this exam. The current focus of the field is on the development of accurate but inefficient detectors that will not enable a real-time application. We advocate that the field should instead focus on the development of simple and efficient detectors that an be combined with effective trackers to allow the implementation of real-time polyp detectors. In this paper, we propose a Kalman filtering tracker that can work together with powerful, but efficient detectors, enabling the implementation of real-time polyp detectors. In particular, we show that the combination of our Kalman filtering with the detector PP-YOLO shows state-of-the-art (SOTA) detection accuracy and real-time processing. More specifically, our approach has SOTA results on the CVC-ClinicDB dataset, with a recall of 0.740, precision of 0.869, $F_1$ score of 0.799, an average precision (AP) of 0.837, and can run in real time (i.e., 30 frames per second). We also evaluate our method on a subset of the Hyper-Kvasir annotated by our clinical collaborators, resulting in SOTA results, with a recall of 0.956, precision of 0.875, $F_1$ score of 0.914, AP of 0.952, and can run in real time.
Abstract:Unsupervised anomaly detection (UAD) learns one-class classifiers exclusively with normal (i.e., healthy) images to detect any abnormal (i.e., unhealthy) samples that do not conform to the expected normal patterns. UAD has two main advantages over its fully supervised counterpart. Firstly, it is able to directly leverage large datasets available from health screening programs that contain mostly normal image samples, avoiding the costly manual labelling of abnormal samples and the subsequent issues involved in training with extremely class-imbalanced data. Further, UAD approaches can potentially detect and localise any type of lesions that deviate from the normal patterns. One significant challenge faced by UAD methods is how to learn effective low-dimensional image representations to detect and localise subtle abnormalities, generally consisting of small lesions. To address this challenge, we propose a novel self-supervised representation learning method, called Constrained Contrastive Distribution learning for anomaly detection (CCD), which learns fine-grained feature representations by simultaneously predicting the distribution of augmented data and image contexts using contrastive learning with pretext constraints. The learned representations can be leveraged to train more anomaly-sensitive detection models. Extensive experiment results show that our method outperforms current state-of-the-art UAD approaches on three different colonoscopy and fundus screening datasets. Our code is available at https://github.com/tianyu0207/CCD.
Abstract:In this paper, we propose and analyse a system that can automatically detect, localise and classify polyps from colonoscopy videos. The detection of frames with polyps is formulated as a few-shot anomaly classification problem, where the training set is highly imbalanced with the large majority of frames consisting of normal images and a small minority comprising frames with polyps. Colonoscopy videos may contain blurry images and frames displaying feces and water jet sprays to clean the colon -- such frames can mistakenly be detected as anomalies, so we have implemented a classifier to reject these two types of frames before polyp detection takes place. Next, given a frame containing a polyp, our method localises (with a bounding box around the polyp) and classifies it into five different classes. Furthermore, we study a method to improve the reliability and interpretability of the classification result using uncertainty estimation and classification calibration. Classification uncertainty and calibration not only help improve classification accuracy by rejecting low-confidence and high-uncertain results, but can be used by doctors to decide how to decide on the classification of a polyp. All the proposed detection, localisation and classification methods are tested using large data sets and compared with relevant baseline approaches.