Abstract:In this paper, we propose and analyse a system that can automatically detect, localise and classify polyps from colonoscopy videos. The detection of frames with polyps is formulated as a few-shot anomaly classification problem, where the training set is highly imbalanced with the large majority of frames consisting of normal images and a small minority comprising frames with polyps. Colonoscopy videos may contain blurry images and frames displaying feces and water jet sprays to clean the colon -- such frames can mistakenly be detected as anomalies, so we have implemented a classifier to reject these two types of frames before polyp detection takes place. Next, given a frame containing a polyp, our method localises (with a bounding box around the polyp) and classifies it into five different classes. Furthermore, we study a method to improve the reliability and interpretability of the classification result using uncertainty estimation and classification calibration. Classification uncertainty and calibration not only help improve classification accuracy by rejecting low-confidence and high-uncertain results, but can be used by doctors to decide how to decide on the classification of a polyp. All the proposed detection, localisation and classification methods are tested using large data sets and compared with relevant baseline approaches.
Abstract:Anomaly detection methods generally target the learning of a normal image distribution (i.e., inliers showing healthy cases) and during testing, samples relatively far from the learned distribution are classified as anomalies (i.e., outliers showing disease cases). These approaches tend to be sensitive to outliers that lie relatively close to inliers (e.g., a colonoscopy image with a small polyp). In this paper, we address the inappropriate sensitivity to outliers by also learning from inliers. We propose a new few-shot anomaly detection method based on an encoder trained to maximise the mutual information between feature embeddings and normal images, followed by a few-shot score inference network, trained with a large set of inliers and a substantially smaller set of outliers. We evaluate our proposed method on the clinical problem of detecting frames containing polyps from colonoscopy video sequences, where the training set has 13350 normal images (i.e., without polyps) and less than 100 abnormal images (i.e., with polyps). The results of our proposed model on this data set reveal a state-of-the-art detection result, while the performance based on different number of anomaly samples is relatively stable after approximately 40 abnormal training images.