Abstract:Recently diffusion models have shown improvement in synthetic image quality as well as better control in generation. We motivate and present Gen2Det, a simple modular pipeline to create synthetic training data for object detection for free by leveraging state-of-the-art grounded image generation methods. Unlike existing works which generate individual object instances, require identifying foreground followed by pasting on other images, we simplify to directly generating scene-centric images. In addition to the synthetic data, Gen2Det also proposes a suite of techniques to best utilize the generated data, including image-level filtering, instance-level filtering, and better training recipe to account for imperfections in the generation. Using Gen2Det, we show healthy improvements on object detection and segmentation tasks under various settings and agnostic to detection methods. In the long-tailed detection setting on LVIS, Gen2Det improves the performance on rare categories by a large margin while also significantly improving the performance on other categories, e.g. we see an improvement of 2.13 Box AP and 1.84 Mask AP over just training on real data on LVIS with Mask R-CNN. In the low-data regime setting on COCO, Gen2Det consistently improves both Box and Mask AP by 2.27 and 1.85 points. In the most general detection setting, Gen2Det still demonstrates robust performance gains, e.g. it improves the Box and Mask AP on COCO by 0.45 and 0.32 points.
Abstract:Object understanding in egocentric visual data is arguably a fundamental research topic in egocentric vision. However, existing object datasets are either non-egocentric or have limitations in object categories, visual content, and annotation granularities. In this work, we introduce EgoObjects, a large-scale egocentric dataset for fine-grained object understanding. Its Pilot version contains over 9K videos collected by 250 participants from 50+ countries using 4 wearable devices, and over 650K object annotations from 368 object categories. Unlike prior datasets containing only object category labels, EgoObjects also annotates each object with an instance-level identifier, and includes over 14K unique object instances. EgoObjects was designed to capture the same object under diverse background complexities, surrounding objects, distance, lighting and camera motion. In parallel to the data collection, we conducted data annotation by developing a multi-stage federated annotation process to accommodate the growing nature of the dataset. To bootstrap the research on EgoObjects, we present a suite of 4 benchmark tasks around the egocentric object understanding, including a novel instance level- and the classical category level object detection. Moreover, we also introduce 2 novel continual learning object detection tasks. The dataset and API are available at https://github.com/facebookresearch/EgoObjects.
Abstract:Semantic segmentation is a crucial task in computer vision that involves segmenting images into semantically meaningful regions at the pixel level. However, existing approaches often rely on expensive human annotations as supervision for model training, limiting their scalability to large, unlabeled datasets. To address this challenge, we present ZeroSeg, a novel method that leverages the existing pretrained vision-language (VL) model (e.g. CLIP) to train open-vocabulary zero-shot semantic segmentation models. Although acquired extensive knowledge of visual concepts, it is non-trivial to exploit knowledge from these VL models to the task of semantic segmentation, as they are usually trained at an image level. ZeroSeg overcomes this by distilling the visual concepts learned by VL models into a set of segment tokens, each summarizing a localized region of the target image. We evaluate ZeroSeg on multiple popular segmentation benchmarks, including PASCAL VOC 2012, PASCAL Context, and COCO, in a zero-shot manner (i.e., no training or adaption on target segmentation datasets). Our approach achieves state-of-the-art performance when compared to other zero-shot segmentation methods under the same training data, while also performing competitively compared to strongly supervised methods. Finally, we also demonstrated the effectiveness of ZeroSeg on open-vocabulary segmentation, through both human studies and qualitative visualizations.