Picture for Santiago Donaher

Santiago Donaher

Multi-modal estimation of the properties of containers and their content: survey and evaluation

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Jul 27, 2021
Figure 1 for Multi-modal estimation of the properties of containers and their content: survey and evaluation
Figure 2 for Multi-modal estimation of the properties of containers and their content: survey and evaluation
Figure 3 for Multi-modal estimation of the properties of containers and their content: survey and evaluation
Figure 4 for Multi-modal estimation of the properties of containers and their content: survey and evaluation
Viaarxiv icon

Audio classification of the content of food containers and drinking glasses

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Mar 30, 2021
Figure 1 for Audio classification of the content of food containers and drinking glasses
Figure 2 for Audio classification of the content of food containers and drinking glasses
Figure 3 for Audio classification of the content of food containers and drinking glasses
Figure 4 for Audio classification of the content of food containers and drinking glasses
Viaarxiv icon