Abstract:Accurate quantification of metabolites in magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) is challenged by low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), overlapping metabolites, and various artifacts. Particularly, unknown and unparameterized baseline effects obscure the quantification of low-concentration metabolites, limiting MRS reliability. This paper introduces wavelet analysis-based neural decomposition (WAND), a novel data-driven method designed to decompose MRS signals into their constituent components: metabolite-specific signals, baseline, and artifacts. WAND takes advantage of the enhanced separability of these components within the wavelet domain. The method employs a neural network, specifically a U-Net architecture, trained to predict masks for wavelet coefficients obtained through the continuous wavelet transform. These masks effectively isolate desired signal components in the wavelet domain, which are then inverse-transformed to obtain separated signals. Notably, an artifact mask is created by inverting the sum of all known signal masks, enabling WAND to capture and remove even unpredictable artifacts. The effectiveness of WAND in achieving accurate decomposition is demonstrated through numerical evaluations using simulated spectra. Furthermore, WAND's artifact removal capabilities significantly enhance the quantification accuracy of linear combination model fitting. The method's robustness is further validated using data from the 2016 MRS Fitting Challenge and in-vivo experiments.
Abstract:Diffusion models have quickly risen in popularity for their ability to model complex distributions and perform effective posterior sampling. Unfortunately, the iterative nature of these generative models makes them computationally expensive and unsuitable for real-time sequential inverse problems such as ultrasound imaging. Considering the strong temporal structure across sequences of frames, we propose a novel approach that models the transition dynamics to improve the efficiency of sequential diffusion posterior sampling in conditional image synthesis. Through modeling sequence data using a video vision transformer (ViViT) transition model based on previous diffusion outputs, we can initialize the reverse diffusion trajectory at a lower noise scale, greatly reducing the number of iterations required for convergence. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on a real-world dataset of high frame rate cardiac ultrasound images and show that it achieves the same performance as a full diffusion trajectory while accelerating inference 25$\times$, enabling real-time posterior sampling. Furthermore, we show that the addition of a transition model improves the PSNR up to 8\% in cases with severe motion. Our method opens up new possibilities for real-time applications of diffusion models in imaging and other domains requiring real-time inference.
Abstract:Ultrasound images formed by delay-and-sum beamforming are plagued by artifacts that only clear up after compounding many transmissions. Some prior works pose imaging as an inverse problem. This approach can yield high image quality with few transmits, but requires a very fine image grid and is not robust to changes in measurement model parameters. We present INverse grid-Free Estimation of Reflectivities (INFER), an off-grid and stochastic algorithm that solves the inverse scattering problem in ultrasound imaging. Our method jointly optimizes for the locations of the gridpoints, their reflectivities, and the measurement model parameters such as the speed of sound. This approach allows us to use significantly fewer gridpoints, while obtaining better contrast and resolution and being more robust to changes in the imaging target and the hardware. The use of stochastic optimization enables solving for multiple transmissions simultaneously without increasing the required memory or computational load per iteration. We show that our method works across different imaging targets and across different transmit schemes and compares favorably against other beamforming and inverse solvers. The source code and the dataset to reproduce the results in this paper are available at www.github.com/vincentvdschaft/off-grid-ultrasound.
Abstract:Subsampling is commonly used to mitigate costs associated with data acquisition, such as time or energy requirements, motivating the development of algorithms for estimating the fully-sampled signal of interest $x$ from partially observed measurements $y$. In maximum-entropy sampling, one selects measurement locations that are expected to have the highest entropy, so as to minimize uncertainty about $x$. This approach relies on an accurate model of the posterior distribution over future measurements, given the measurements observed so far. Recently, diffusion models have been shown to produce high-quality posterior samples of high-dimensional signals using guided diffusion. In this work, we propose Active Diffusion Subsampling (ADS), a method for performing active subsampling using guided diffusion in which the model tracks a distribution of beliefs over the true state of $x$ throughout the reverse diffusion process, progressively decreasing its uncertainty by choosing to acquire measurements with maximum expected entropy, and ultimately generating the posterior distribution $p(x | y)$. ADS can be applied using pre-trained diffusion models for any subsampling rate, and does not require task-specific retraining - just the specification of a measurement model. Furthermore, the maximum entropy sampling policy employed by ADS is interpretable, enhancing transparency relative to existing methods using black-box policies. Experimentally, we show that ADS outperforms fixed sampling strategies, and study an application of ADS in Magnetic Resonance Imaging acceleration using the fastMRI dataset, finding that ADS performs competitively with supervised methods. Code available at https://active-diffusion-subsampling.github.io/.
Abstract:Change point detection (CPD) and anomaly detection (AD) are essential techniques in various fields to identify abrupt changes or abnormal data instances. However, existing methods are often constrained to univariate data, face scalability challenges with large datasets due to computational demands, and experience reduced performance with high-dimensional or intricate data, as well as hidden anomalies. Furthermore, they often lack interpretability and adaptability to domain-specific knowledge, which limits their versatility across different fields. In this work, we propose a deep learning-based CPD/AD method called Probabilistic Predictive Coding (PPC) that jointly learns to encode sequential data to low dimensional latent space representations and to predict the subsequent data representations as well as the corresponding prediction uncertainties. The model parameters are optimized with maximum likelihood estimation by comparing these predictions with the true encodings. At the time of application, the true and predicted encodings are used to determine the probability of conformity, an interpretable and meaningful anomaly score. Furthermore, our approach has linear time complexity, scalability issues are prevented, and the method can easily be adjusted to a wide range of data types and intricate applications. We demonstrate the effectiveness and adaptability of our proposed method across synthetic time series experiments, image data, and real-world magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging data.
Abstract:Data uncertainties, such as sensor noise or occlusions, can introduce irreducible ambiguities in images, which result in varying, yet plausible, semantic hypotheses. In Machine Learning, this ambiguity is commonly referred to as aleatoric uncertainty. Latent density models can be utilized to address this problem in image segmentation. The most popular approach is the Probabilistic U-Net (PU-Net), which uses latent Normal densities to optimize the conditional data log-likelihood Evidence Lower Bound. In this work, we demonstrate that the PU- Net latent space is severely inhomogenous. As a result, the effectiveness of gradient descent is inhibited and the model becomes extremely sensitive to the localization of the latent space samples, resulting in defective predictions. To address this, we present the Sinkhorn PU-Net (SPU-Net), which uses the Sinkhorn Divergence to promote homogeneity across all latent dimensions, effectively improving gradient-descent updates and model robustness. Our results show that by applying this on public datasets of various clinical segmentation problems, the SPU-Net receives up to 11% performance gains compared against preceding latent variable models for probabilistic segmentation on the Hungarian-Matched metric. The results indicate that by encouraging a homogeneous latent space, one can significantly improve latent density modeling for medical image segmentation.
Abstract:Echocardiography has been a prominent tool for the diagnosis of cardiac disease. However, these diagnoses can be heavily impeded by poor image quality. Acoustic clutter emerges due to multipath reflections imposed by layers of skin, subcutaneous fat, and intercostal muscle between the transducer and heart. As a result, haze and other noise artifacts pose a real challenge to cardiac ultrasound imaging. In many cases, especially with difficult-to-image patients such as patients with obesity, a diagnosis from B-Mode ultrasound imaging is effectively rendered unusable, forcing sonographers to resort to contrast-enhanced ultrasound examinations or refer patients to other imaging modalities. Tissue harmonic imaging has been a popular approach to combat haze, but in severe cases is still heavily impacted by haze. Alternatively, denoising algorithms are typically unable to remove highly structured and correlated noise, such as haze. It remains a challenge to accurately describe the statistical properties of structured haze, and develop an inference method to subsequently remove it. Diffusion models have emerged as powerful generative models and have shown their effectiveness in a variety of inverse problems. In this work, we present a joint posterior sampling framework that combines two separate diffusion models to model the distribution of both clean ultrasound and haze in an unsupervised manner. Furthermore, we demonstrate techniques for effectively training diffusion models on radio-frequency ultrasound data and highlight the advantages over image data. Experiments on both \emph{in-vitro} and \emph{in-vivo} cardiac datasets show that the proposed dehazing method effectively removes haze while preserving signals from weakly reflected tissue.
Abstract:This work proposes a method to accelerate the acquisition of high-quality edited magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) scans using machine learning models taking the sample covariance matrix as input. The method is invariant to the number of transients and robust to noisy input data for both synthetic as well as in-vivo scenarios.
Abstract:Direction of arrival (DoA) estimation is a fundamental task in array processing. A popular family of DoA estimation algorithms are subspace methods, which operate by dividing the measurements into distinct signal and noise subspaces. Subspace methods, such as Multiple Signal Classification (MUSIC) and Root-MUSIC, rely on several restrictive assumptions, including narrowband non-coherent sources and fully calibrated arrays, and their performance is considerably degraded when these do not hold. In this work we propose SubspaceNet; a data-driven DoA estimator which learns how to divide the observations into distinguishable subspaces. This is achieved by utilizing a dedicated deep neural network to learn the empirical autocorrelation of the input, by training it as part of the Root-MUSIC method, leveraging the inherent differentiability of this specific DoA estimator, while removing the need to provide a ground-truth decomposable autocorrelation matrix. Once trained, the resulting SubspaceNet serves as a universal surrogate covariance estimator that can be applied in combination with any subspace-based DoA estimation method, allowing its successful application in challenging setups. SubspaceNet is shown to enable various DoA estimation algorithms to cope with coherent sources, wideband signals, low SNR, array mismatches, and limited snapshots, while preserving the interpretability and the suitability of classic subspace methods.
Abstract:The Kalman filter (KF) is a widely-used algorithm for tracking dynamic systems that are captured by state space (SS) models. The need to fully describe a SS model limits its applicability under complex settings, e.g., when tracking based on visual data, and the processing of high-dimensional signals often induces notable latency. These challenges can be treated by mapping the measurements into latent features obeying some postulated closed-form SS model, and applying the KF in the latent space. However, the validity of this approximated SS model may constitute a limiting factor. In this work, we study tracking from high-dimensional measurements under complex settings using a hybrid model-based/data-driven approach. By gradually tackling the challenges in handling the observations model and the task, we develop Latent-KalmanNet, which implements tracking from high-dimensional measurements by leveraging data to jointly learn the KF along with the latent space mapping. Latent-KalmanNet combines a learned encoder with data-driven tracking in the latent space using the recently proposed-KalmanNet, while identifying the ability of each of these trainable modules to assist its counterpart via providing a suitable prior (by KalmanNet) and by learning a latent representation that facilitates data-aided tracking (by the encoder). Our empirical results demonstrate that the proposed Latent-KalmanNet achieves improved accuracy and run-time performance over both model-based and data-driven techniques by learning a surrogate latent representation that most facilitates tracking, while operating with limited complexity and latency.