Abstract:We present HyperCam, an energy-efficient image classification pipeline that enables computer vision tasks onboard low-power IoT camera systems. HyperCam leverages hyperdimensional computing to perform training and inference efficiently on low-power microcontrollers. We implement a low-power wireless camera platform using off-the-shelf hardware and demonstrate that HyperCam can achieve an accuracy of 93.60%, 84.06%, 92.98%, and 72.79% for MNIST, Fashion-MNIST, Face Detection, and Face Identification tasks, respectively, while significantly outperforming other classifiers in resource efficiency. Specifically, it delivers inference latency of 0.08-0.27s while using 42.91-63.00KB flash memory and 22.25KB RAM at peak. Among other machine learning classifiers such as SVM, xgBoost, MicroNets, MobileNetV3, and MCUNetV3, HyperCam is the only classifier that achieves competitive accuracy while maintaining competitive memory footprint and inference latency that meets the resource requirements of low-power camera systems.
Abstract:Domain adaptation (DA) aims to transfer the knowledge of a well-labeled source domain to facilitate unlabeled target learning. When turning to specific tasks such as indoor (Wi-Fi) localization, it is essential to learn a cross-domain regressor to mitigate the domain shift. This paper proposes a novel method Adversarial Bi-Regressor Network (ABRNet) to seek more effective cross-domain regression model. Specifically, a discrepant bi-regressor architecture is developed to maximize the difference of bi-regressor to discover uncertain target instances far from the source distribution, and then an adversarial training mechanism is adopted between feature extractor and dual regressors to produce domain-invariant representations. To further bridge the large domain gap, a domain-specific augmentation module is designed to synthesize two source-similar and target-similar intermediate domains to gradually eliminate the original domain mismatch. The empirical studies on two cross-domain regressive benchmarks illustrate the power of our method on solving the domain adaptive regression (DAR) problem.
Abstract:This paper considers indoor localization using multi-modal wireless signals including Wi-Fi, inertial measurement unit (IMU), and ultra-wideband (UWB). By formulating the localization as a multi-modal sequence regression problem, a multi-stream recurrent fusion method is proposed to combine the current hidden state of each modality in the context of recurrent neural networks while accounting for the modality uncertainty which is directly learned from its own immediate past states. The proposed method was evaluated on the large-scale SPAWC2021 multi-modal localization dataset and compared with a wide range of baseline methods including the trilateration method, traditional fingerprinting methods, and convolution network-based methods.
Abstract:Complementary to the fine-grained channel state information (CSI) from the physical layer and coarse-grained received signal strength indicator (RSSI) measurements, the mid-grained spatial beam attributes (e.g., beam SNR) that are available at millimeter-wave (mmWave) bands during the mandatory beam training phase can be repurposed for Wi-Fi sensing applications. In this paper, we propose a multi-band Wi-Fi fusion method for Wi-Fi sensing that hierarchically fuses the features from both the fine-grained CSI at sub-6 GHz and the mid-grained beam SNR at 60 GHz in a granularity matching framework. The granularity matching is realized by pairing two feature maps from the CSI and beam SNR at different granularity levels and linearly combining all paired feature maps into a fused feature map with learnable weights. To further address the issue of limited labeled training data, we propose an autoencoder-based multi-band Wi-Fi fusion network that can be pre-trained in an unsupervised fashion. Once the autoencoder-based fusion network is pre-trained, we detach the decoders and append multi-task sensing heads to the fused feature map by fine-tuning the fusion block and re-training the multi-task heads from the scratch. The multi-band Wi-Fi fusion framework is thoroughly validated by in-house experimental Wi-Fi sensing datasets spanning three tasks: 1) pose recognition; 2) occupancy sensing; and 3) indoor localization. Comparison to four baseline methods (i.e., CSI-only, beam SNR-only, input fusion, and feature fusion) demonstrates the granularity matching improves the multi-task sensing performance. Quantitative performance is evaluated as a function of the number of labeled training data, latent space dimension, and fine-tuning learning rates.