Abstract:This technical report presents an overview of our solution used in the submission to 2021 HACS Temporal Action Localization Challenge on both Supervised Learning Track and Weakly-Supervised Learning Track. Temporal Action Localization (TAL) requires to not only precisely locate the temporal boundaries of action instances, but also accurately classify the untrimmed videos into specific categories. However, Weakly-Supervised TAL indicates locating the action instances using only video-level class labels. In this paper, to train a supervised temporal action localizer, we adopt Temporal Context Aggregation Network (TCANet) to generate high-quality action proposals through ``local and global" temporal context aggregation and complementary as well as progressive boundary refinement. As for the WSTAL, a novel framework is proposed to handle the poor quality of CAS generated by simple classification network, which can only focus on local discriminative parts, rather than locate the entire interval of target actions. Further inspired by the transfer learning method, we also adopt an additional module to transfer the knowledge from trimmed videos (HACS Clips dataset) to untrimmed videos (HACS Segments dataset), aiming at promoting the classification performance on untrimmed videos. Finally, we employ a boundary regression module embedded with Outer-Inner-Contrastive (OIC) loss to automatically predict the boundaries based on the enhanced CAS. Our proposed scheme achieves 39.91 and 29.78 average mAP on the challenge testing set of supervised and weakly-supervised temporal action localization track respectively.
Abstract:Fine-grained classification is a challenging problem, due to subtle differences among highly-confused categories. Most approaches address this difficulty by learning discriminative representation of individual input image. On the other hand, humans can effectively identify contrastive clues by comparing image pairs. Inspired by this fact, this paper proposes a simple but effective Attentive Pairwise Interaction Network (API-Net), which can progressively recognize a pair of fine-grained images by interaction. Specifically, API-Net first learns a mutual feature vector to capture semantic differences in the input pair. It then compares this mutual vector with individual vectors to generate gates for each input image. These distinct gate vectors inherit mutual context on semantic differences, which allow API-Net to attentively capture contrastive clues by pairwise interaction between two images. Additionally, we train API-Net in an end-to-end manner with a score ranking regularization, which can further generalize API-Net by taking feature priorities into account. We conduct extensive experiments on five popular benchmarks in fine-grained classification. API-Net outperforms the recent SOTA methods, i.e., CUB-200-2011 (90.0%), Aircraft(93.9%), Stanford Cars (95.3%), Stanford Dogs (90.3%), and NABirds (88.1%).