Abstract:In this paper, we focus on activating only a few sensors, among many available, to estimate the state of a stochastic process of interest. This problem is important in applications such as target tracking and simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM). It is challenging since it involves stochastic systems whose evolution is largely unknown, sensors with nonlinear measurements, and limited operational resources that constrain the number of active sensors at each measurement step. We provide an algorithm applicable to general stochastic processes and nonlinear measurements whose time complexity is linear in the planning horizon and whose performance is a multiplicative factor 1/2 away from the optimal performance. This is notable because the algorithm offers a significant computational advantage over the polynomial-time algorithm that achieves the best approximation factor 1/e. In addition, for important classes of Gaussian processes and nonlinear measurements corrupted with Gaussian noise, our algorithm enjoys the same time complexity as even the state-of-the-art algorithms for linear systems and measurements. We achieve our results by proving two properties for the entropy of the batch state vector conditioned on the measurements: a) it is supermodular in the choice of the sensors; b) it has a sparsity pattern (involves block tri-diagonal matrices) that facilitates its evaluation at each sensor set.
Abstract:This paper addresses the problem of collaborative tracking of dynamic targets in wireless sensor networks. A novel distributed linear estimator, which is a version of a distributed Kalman filter, is derived. We prove that the filter is mean square consistent in the case of static target estimation. When large sensor networks are deployed, it is common that the sensors do not have good knowledge of their locations, which affects the target estimation procedure. Unlike most existing approaches for target tracking, we investigate the performance of our filter when the sensor poses need to be estimated by an auxiliary localization procedure. The sensors are localized via a distributed Jacobi algorithm from noisy relative measurements. We prove strong convergence guarantees for the localization method and in turn for the joint localization and target estimation approach. The performance of our algorithms is demonstrated in simulation on environmental monitoring and target tracking tasks.
Abstract:Autonomous robot networks are an effective tool for monitoring large-scale environmental fields. This paper proposes distributed control strategies for localizing the source of a noisy signal, which could represent a physical quantity of interest such as magnetic force, heat, radio signal, or chemical concentration. We develop algorithms specific to two scenarios: one in which the sensors have a precise model of the signal formation process and one in which a signal model is not available. In the model-free scenario, a team of sensors is used to follow a stochastic gradient of the signal field. Our approach is distributed, robust to deformations in the group geometry, does not necessitate global localization, and is guaranteed to lead the sensors to a neighborhood of a local maximum of the field. In the model-based scenario, the sensors follow the stochastic gradient of the mutual information between their expected measurements and the location of the source in a distributed manner. The performance is demonstrated in simulation using a robot sensor network to localize the source of a wireless radio signal.