Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics, Czech Technical University in Prague
Abstract:Inspection systems utilizing unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) equipped with thermal cameras are increasingly popular for the maintenance of photovoltaic (PV) power plants. However, automation of the inspection task is a challenging problem as it requires precise navigation to capture images from optimal distances and viewing angles. This paper presents a novel localization pipeline that directly integrates PV module detection with UAV navigation, allowing precise positioning during inspection. Detections are used to identify the power plant structures in the image and associate these with the power plant model. We define visually recognizable anchor points for the initial association and use object tracking to discern global associations. We present three distinct methods for visual segmentation of PV modules based on traditional computer vision, deep learning, and their fusion, and we evaluate their performance in relation to the proposed localization pipeline. The presented methods were verified and evaluated using custom aerial inspection data sets, demonstrating their robustness and applicability for real-time navigation. Additionally, we evaluate the influence of the power plant model's precision on the localization methods.
Abstract:This paper explores a variation of the Traveling Salesperson Problem, where the agent places a circular obstacle next to each node once it visits it. Referred to as the Traveling Salesperson Problem with Circle Placement (TSP-CP), the aim is to maximize the obstacle radius for which a valid closed tour exists and then minimize the tour cost. The TSP-CP finds relevance in various real-world applications, such as harvesting, quarrying, and open-pit mining. We propose several novel solvers to address the TSP-CP, its variant tailored for Dubins vehicles, and a crucial subproblem known as the Traveling Salesperson Problem on self-deleting graphs (TSP-SD). Our extensive experimental results show that the proposed solvers outperform the current state-of-the-art on related problems in solution quality.
Abstract:This paper addresses the sensor-placement problem (SPP) within the context of discretizing large, complex continuous 2D environments into graphs for efficient task-oriented route planning. The SPP aims to minimize the number of sensors required to achieve a user-defined coverage ratio while considering a general visibility model. We propose the hybrid filtering heuristic (HFH) framework, which enhances or combines outputs of existing sensor-placement methods, incorporating a filtering step. This step eliminates redundant sensors or those contributing marginally to the coverage, ensuring the coverage ratio remains within the desired interval. We implement two versions of HFH: the basic version and a variant, HFHB, incorporating a preprocessing technique known as bucketing to accelerate region clipping. We evaluate HFH and HFHB on a dataset of large, complex polygonal environments, comparing them to several baseline methods under both unlimited and limited-range omnidirectional visibility models. The results demonstrate that HFH and HFHB outperform baselines in terms of the number of sensors required to achieve the desired coverage ratio. Additionally, HFHB significantly reduces the runtime of more competitive baseline methods. We also adapt HFHB to a visibility model with localization uncertainty, demonstrating its effectiveness up to a certain level of uncertainty.
Abstract:Visibility is a fundamental concept in computational geometry, with numerous applications in robotics, surveillance systems, video games, and other fields. This software paper presents T\v{r}iVis, a C++ library developed by the authors for computing numerous visibility-related queries in highly complex polygonal environments. Adapting the triangular expansion algorithm (TEA), T\v{r}iVis stands out as a versatile, high-performance, more reliable and easy-to-use alternative to current solutions that is also free of heavy dependencies. Through evaluation on a challenging dataset, T\v{r}iVis has been benchmarked against existing visibility libraries. The results demonstrate that T\v{r}iVis outperforms the competing solutions by at least an order of magnitude in query times, while exhibiting more reliable runtime behavior. T\v{r}iVis is freely available for private, research, and institutional use at
Abstract:This paper explores a variation of the Traveling Salesperson Problem, where the agent places a circular obstacle next to each node once it visits it. Referred to as the Traveling Salesperson Problem with Circle Placement (TSP-CP), the aim is to maximize the obstacle radius for which a valid closed tour exists and then minimize the tour cost. The TSP-CP finds relevance in various real-world applications, such as harvesting, quarrying, and open-pit mining. We propose several novel solvers to address the TSP-CP, its variant tailored for Dubins vehicles, and a crucial subproblem known as the Traveling Salesperson Problem on self-deleting graphs (TSP-SD). Our extensive experimental results show that the proposed solvers outperform the current state-of-the-art on related problems in solution quality.
Abstract:The pebble-motion on graphs is a subcategory of multi-agent pathfinding problems dealing with moving multiple pebble-like objects from a node to a node in a graph with a constraint that only one pebble can occupy one node at a given time. Additionally, algorithms solving this problem assume that individual pebbles (robots) cannot move at the same time and their movement is discrete. These assumptions disqualify them from being directly used in practical applications, although they have otherwise nice theoretical properties. We present modifications of the Push and Rotate algorithm [1], which relax the presumptions mentioned above and demonstrate, through a set of experiments, that the modified algorithm is applicable for planning in automated warehouses.
Abstract:This paper deals with the problem of autonomous navigation of a mobile robot in an unknown 2D environment to fully explore the environment as efficiently as possible. We assume a terrestrial mobile robot equipped with a ranging sensor with a limited range and 360 degrees field of view. The key part of the exploration process is formulated as the d-Watchman Route Problem which consists of two coupled tasks - candidate goals generation and finding an optimal path through a subset of goals - which are solved in each exploration step. The latter has been defined as a constrained variant of the Generalized Traveling Salesman Problem and solved using an evolutionary algorithm. An evolutionary algorithm that uses an indirect representation and the nearest neighbor based constructive procedure was proposed to solve this problem. Individuals evolved in this evolutionary algorithm do not directly code the solutions to the problem. Instead, they represent sequences of instructions to construct a feasible solution. The problems with efficiently generating feasible solutions typically arising when applying traditional evolutionary algorithms to constrained optimization problems are eliminated this way. The proposed exploration framework was evaluated in a simulated environment on three maps and the time needed to explore the whole environment was compared to state-of-the-art exploration methods. Experimental results show that our method outperforms the compared ones in environments with a low density of obstacles by up to 12.5%, while it is slightly worse in office-like environments by 4.5% at maximum. The framework has also been deployed on a real robot to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed solution with real hardware.
Abstract:MoleMOD is a heterogeneous self-reconfigurable modular robotic system to be employed in architecture and civil engineering. In this paper we present two components of the MoleMOD infrastructure - a test environment and a planning algorithm. The test environment for simulation and visualization of active parts as well as passive blocks of MoleMOD is based on Gazebo - a powerful general-purpose robotic simulator. The key effort has been put into preparation of realistic models of passive and active components taking into account their physical characteristics. Moreover, given a starting configuration of the MoleMOD system and a final configuration an approach to plan collision-free trajectories for a fleet of active parts is introduced.
Abstract:In this chapter, we propose a novel approach for solving the coordination of a fleet of mobile robots, which consists of finding a set of collision-free trajectories for individual robots in the fleet. This problem is studied for several decades, and many approaches have been introduced. However, only a small minority is applicable in practice because of their properties - small computational requirement, producing solutions near-optimum, and completeness. The approach we present is based on a multi-robot variant of Rapidly Exploring Random Tree algorithm (RRT) for discrete environments and significantly improves its performance. Although the solutions generated by the approach are slightly worse than one of the best state-of-the-art algorithms presented in [23], it solves problems where ter Morses algorithm fails.
Abstract:With the substantial growth of logistics businesses the need for larger and more automated warehouses increases, thus giving rise to fully robotized shop-floors with mobile robots in charge of transporting and distributing goods. However, even in fully automatized warehouse systems the need for human intervention frequently arises, whether because of maintenance or because of fulfilling specific orders, thus bringing mobile robots and humans ever closer in an integrated warehouse environment. In order to ensure smooth and efficient operation of such a warehouse, paths of both robots and humans need to be carefully planned; however, due to the possibility of humans deviating from the assigned path, this becomes an even more challenging task. Given that, the supervising system should be able to recognize human intentions and its alternative paths in real-time. In this paper, we propose a framework for human deviation detection and intention recognition which outputs the most probable paths of the humans workers and the planner that acts accordingly by replanning for robots to move out of the human's path. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed framework increases total number of deliveries, especially human deliveries, and reduces human-robot encounters.