Abstract:Question answering over temporal knowledge graphs (TKGs) is crucial for understanding evolving facts and relationships, yet its development is hindered by limited datasets and difficulties in generating custom QA pairs. We propose a novel categorization framework based on timeline-context relationships, along with \textbf{TimelineKGQA}, a universal temporal QA generator applicable to any TKGs. The code is available at: \url{https://github.com/PascalSun/TimelineKGQA} as an open source Python package.
Abstract:Pedestrian trajectory prediction is valuable for understanding human motion behaviors and it is challenging because of the social influence from other pedestrians, the scene constraints and the multimodal possibilities of predicted trajectories. Most existing methods only focus on two of the above three key elements. In order to jointly consider all these elements, we propose a novel trajectory prediction method named Scene Gated Social Graph (SGSG). In the proposed SGSG, dynamic graphs are used to describe the social relationship among pedestrians. The social and scene influences are taken into account through the scene gated social graph features which combine the encoded social graph features and semantic scene features. In addition, a VAE module is incorporated to learn the scene gated social feature and sample latent variables for generating multiple trajectories that are socially and environmentally acceptable. We compare our SGSG against twenty state-of-the-art pedestrian trajectory prediction methods and the results show that the proposed method achieves superior performance on two widely used trajectory prediction benchmarks.
Abstract:Pedestrian trajectory prediction is a challenging task as there are three properties of human movement behaviors which need to be addressed, namely, the social influence from other pedestrians, the scene constraints, and the multimodal (multiroute) nature of predictions. Although existing methods have explored these key properties, the prediction process of these methods is autoregressive. This means they can only predict future locations sequentially. In this paper, we present NAP, a non-autoregressive method for trajectory prediction. Our method comprises specifically designed feature encoders and a latent variable generator to handle the three properties above. It also has a time-agnostic context generator and a time-specific context generator for non-autoregressive prediction. Through extensive experiments that compare NAP against several recent methods, we show that NAP has state-of-the-art trajectory prediction performance.
Abstract:In timeline-based planning, domains are described as sets of independent, but interacting, components, whose behaviour over time (the set of timelines) is governed by a set of temporal constraints. A distinguishing feature of timeline-based planning systems is the ability to integrate planning with execution by synthesising control strategies for flexible plans. However, flexible plans can only represent temporal uncertainty, while more complex forms of nondeterminism are needed to deal with a wider range of realistic problems. In this paper, we propose a novel game-theoretic approach to timeline-based planning problems, generalising the state of the art while uniformly handling temporal uncertainty and nondeterminism. We define a general concept of timeline-based game and we show that the notion of winning strategy for these games is strictly more general than that of control strategy for dynamically controllable flexible plans. Moreover, we show that the problem of establishing the existence of such winning strategies is decidable using a doubly exponential amount of space.