Abstract:Instance segmentation of neurons in volumetric light microscopy images of nervous systems enables groundbreaking research in neuroscience by facilitating joint functional and morphological analyses of neural circuits at cellular resolution. Yet said multi-neuron light microscopy data exhibits extremely challenging properties for the task of instance segmentation: Individual neurons have long-ranging, thin filamentous and widely branching morphologies, multiple neurons are tightly inter-weaved, and partial volume effects, uneven illumination and noise inherent to light microscopy severely impede local disentangling as well as long-range tracing of individual neurons. These properties reflect a current key challenge in machine learning research, namely to effectively capture long-range dependencies in the data. While respective methodological research is buzzing, to date methods are typically benchmarked on synthetic datasets. To address this gap, we release the FlyLight Instance Segmentation Benchmark (FISBe) dataset, the first publicly available multi-neuron light microscopy dataset with pixel-wise annotations. In addition, we define a set of instance segmentation metrics for benchmarking that we designed to be meaningful with regard to downstream analyses. Lastly, we provide three baselines to kick off a competition that we envision to both advance the field of machine learning regarding methodology for capturing long-range data dependencies, and facilitate scientific discovery in basic neuroscience.
Abstract:Metric learning has received conflicting assessments concerning its suitability for solving instance segmentation tasks. It has been dismissed as theoretically flawed due to the shift equivariance of the employed CNNs and their respective inability to distinguish same-looking objects. Yet it has been shown to yield state of the art results for a variety of tasks, and practical issues have mainly been reported in the context of tile-and-stitch approaches, where discontinuities at tile boundaries have been observed. To date, neither of the reported issues have undergone thorough formal analysis. In our work, we contribute a comprehensive formal analysis of the shift equivariance properties of encoder-decoder-style CNNs, which yields a clear picture of what can and cannot be achieved with metric learning in the face of same-looking objects. In particular, we prove that a standard encoder-decoder network that takes $d$-dimensional images as input, with $l$ pooling layers and pooling factor $f$, has the capacity to distinguish at most $f^{dl}$ same-looking objects, and we show that this upper limit can be reached. Furthermore, we show that to avoid discontinuities in a tile-and-stitch approach, assuming standard batch size 1, it is necessary to employ valid convolutions in combination with a training output window size strictly greater than $f^l$, while at test-time it is necessary to crop tiles to size $n\cdot f^l$ before stitching, with $n\geq 1$. We complement these theoretical findings by discussing a number of insightful special cases for which we show empirical results on synthetic data.
Abstract:Probabilistic convolutional neural networks, which predict distributions of predictions instead of point estimates, led to recent advances in many areas of computer vision, from image reconstruction to semantic segmentation. Besides state of the art benchmark results, these networks made it possible to quantify local uncertainties in the predictions. These were used in active learning frameworks to target the labeling efforts of specialist annotators or to assess the quality of a prediction in a safety-critical environment. However, for instance segmentation problems these methods are not frequently used so far. We seek to close this gap by proposing a generic method to obtain model-inherent uncertainty estimates within proposal-free instance segmentation models. Furthermore, we analyze the quality of the uncertainty estimates with a metric adapted from semantic segmentation. We evaluate our method on the BBBC010 C.\ elegans dataset, where it yields competitive performance while also predicting uncertainty estimates that carry information about object-level inaccuracies like false splits and false merges. We perform a simulation to show the potential use of such uncertainty estimates in guided proofreading.
Abstract:In this paper we present a novel method for proposal free instance segmentation that can handle sophisticated object shapes that span large parts of an image and form dense object clusters with crossovers. Our method is based on predicting dense local shape descriptors, which we assemble to form instances. All instances are assembled simultaneously in one go. To our knowledge, our method is the first non-iterative method that guarantees instances to be composed of learnt shape patches. We evaluate our method on a variety of data domains, where it defines the new state of the art on two challenging benchmarks, namely the ISBI 2012 EM segmentation benchmark, and the BBBC010 C. elegans dataset. We show furthermore that our method performs well also on 3d image data, and can handle even extreme cases of complex shape clusters.