Abstract:Point goal navigation (PGN) is a mapless navigation approach that trains robots to visually navigate to goal points without relying on pre-built maps. Despite significant progress in handling complex environments using deep reinforcement learning, current PGN methods are designed for single-robot systems, limiting their generalizability to multi-robot scenarios with diverse platforms. This paper addresses this limitation by proposing a knowledge transfer framework for PGN, allowing a teacher robot to transfer its learned navigation model to student robots, including those with unknown or black-box platforms. We introduce a novel knowledge distillation (KD) framework that transfers first-person-view (FPV) representations (view images, turning/forward actions) to universally applicable third-person-view (TPV) representations (local maps, subgoals). The state is redefined as reconstructed local maps using SLAM, while actions are mapped to subgoals on a predefined grid. To enhance training efficiency, we propose a sampling-efficient KD approach that aligns training episodes via a noise-robust local map descriptor (LMD). Although validated on 2D wheeled robots, this method can be extended to 3D action spaces, such as drones. Experiments conducted in Habitat-Sim demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed framework, requiring minimal implementation effort. This study highlights the potential for scalable and cross-platform PGN solutions, expanding the applicability of embodied AI systems in multi-robot scenarios.
Abstract:In simultaneous localization and mapping, active loop closing (ALC) is an active vision problem that aims to visually guide a robot to maximize the chances of revisiting previously visited points, thereby resetting the drift errors accumulated in the incrementally built map during travel. However, current mainstream navigation strategies that leverage such incomplete maps as workspace prior knowledge often fail in modern long-term autonomy long-distance travel scenarios where map accumulation errors become significant. To address these limitations of map-based navigation, this paper is the first to explore mapless navigation in the embodied AI field, in particular, to utilize object-goal navigation (commonly abbreviated as ON, ObjNav, or OGN) techniques that efficiently explore target objects without using such a prior map. Specifically, in this work, we start from an off-the-shelf mapless ON planner, extend it to utilize a prior map, and further show that the performance in long-distance ALC (LD-ALC) can be maximized by minimizing ``ALC loss" and ``ON loss". This study highlights a simple and effective approach, called ALC-ON (ALCON), to accelerate the progress of challenging long-distance ALC technology by leveraging the growing frontier-guided, data-driven, and LLM-guided ON technologies.
Abstract:In 3D LiDAR-based robot self-localization, pole-like landmarks are gaining popularity as lightweight and discriminative landmarks. This work introduces a novel approach called "discriminative rotation-invariant poles," which enhances the discriminability of pole-like landmarks while maintaining their lightweight nature. Unlike conventional methods that model a pole landmark as a 3D line segment perpendicular to the ground, we propose a simple yet powerful approach that includes not only the line segment's main body but also its surrounding local region of interest (ROI) as part of the pole landmark. Specifically, we describe the appearance, geometry, and semantic features within this ROI to improve the discriminability of the pole landmark. Since such pole landmarks are no longer rotation-invariant, we introduce a novel rotation-invariant convolutional neural network that automatically and efficiently extracts rotation-invariant features from input point clouds for recognition. Furthermore, we train a pole dictionary through unsupervised learning and use it to compress poles into compact pole words, thereby significantly reducing real-time costs while maintaining optimal self-localization performance. Monte Carlo localization experiments using publicly available NCLT dataset demonstrate that the proposed method improves a state-of-the-art pole-based localization framework.
Abstract:In everyday indoor navigation, robots often needto detect non-distinctive small-change objects (e.g., stationery,lost items, and junk, etc.) to maintain domain knowledge. Thisis most relevant to ground-view change detection (GVCD), a recently emerging research area in the field of computer vision.However, these existing techniques rely on high-quality class-specific object priors to regularize a change detector modelthat cannot be applied to semantically nondistinctive smallobjects. To address ill-posedness, in this study, we explorethe concept of degree-of-ill-posedness (DoI) from the newperspective of GVCD, aiming to improve both passive and activevision. This novel DoI problem is highly domain-dependent,and manually collecting fine-grained annotated training datais expensive. To regularize this problem, we apply the conceptof self-supervised learning to achieve efficient DoI estimationscheme and investigate its generalization to diverse datasets.Specifically, we tackle the challenging issue of obtaining self-supervision cues for semantically non-distinctive unseen smallobjects and show that novel "oversegmentation cues" from openvocabulary semantic segmentation can be effectively exploited.When applied to diverse real datasets, the proposed DoI modelcan boost state-of-the-art change detection models, and it showsstable and consistent improvements when evaluated on real-world datasets.
Abstract:A typical assumption in state-of-the-art self-localization models is that an annotated training dataset is available in the target workspace. However, this does not always hold when a robot travels in a general open-world. This study introduces a novel training scheme for open-world distributed robot systems. In our scheme, a robot ("student") can ask the other robots it meets at unfamiliar places ("teachers") for guidance. Specifically, a pseudo-training dataset is reconstructed from the teacher model and thereafter used for continual learning of the student model. Unlike typical knowledge transfer schemes, our scheme introduces only minimal assumptions on the teacher model, such that it can handle various types of open-set teachers, including uncooperative, untrainable (e.g., image retrieval engines), and blackbox teachers (i.e., data privacy). Rather than relying on the availability of private data of teachers as in existing methods, we propose to exploit an assumption that holds universally in self-localization tasks: "The teacher model is a self-localization system" and to reuse the self-localization system of a teacher as a sole accessible communication channel. We particularly focus on designing an excellent student/questioner whose interactions with teachers can yield effective question-and-answer sequences that can be used as pseudo-training datasets for the student self-localization model. When applied to a generic recursive knowledge distillation scenario, our approach exhibited stable and consistent performance improvement.
Abstract:A typical assumption in state-of-the-art self-localization models is that an annotated training dataset is available for the target workspace. However, this is not necessarily true when a robot travels around the general open world. This work introduces a novel training scheme for open-world distributed robot systems. In our scheme, a robot (``student") can ask the other robots it meets at unfamiliar places (``teachers") for guidance. Specifically, a pseudo-training dataset is reconstructed from the teacher model and then used for continual learning of the student model under domain, class, and vocabulary incremental setup. Unlike typical knowledge transfer schemes, our scheme introduces only minimal assumptions on the teacher model, so that it can handle various types of open-set teachers, including those uncooperative, untrainable (e.g., image retrieval engines), or black-box teachers (i.e., data privacy). In this paper, we investigate a ranking function as an instance of such generic models, using a challenging data-free recursive distillation scenario, where a student once trained can recursively join the next-generation open teacher set.
Abstract:Cross-view self-localization is a challenging scenario of visual place recognition in which database images are provided from sparse viewpoints. Recently, an approach for synthesizing database images from unseen viewpoints using NeRF (Neural Radiance Fields) technology has emerged with impressive performance. However, synthesized images provided by these techniques are often of lower quality than the original images, and furthermore they significantly increase the storage cost of the database. In this study, we explore a new hybrid scene model that combines the advantages of view-invariant appearance features computed from raw images and view-dependent spatial-semantic features computed from synthesized images. These two types of features are then fused into scene graphs, and compressively learned and recognized by a graph neural network. The effectiveness of the proposed method was verified using a novel cross-view self-localization dataset with many unseen views generated using a photorealistic Habitat simulator.
Abstract:The emerging ``Floor plan from human trails (PfH)" technique has great potential for improving indoor robot navigation by predicting the traversability of occluded floors. This study presents an innovative approach that replaces first-person-view sensors with a third-person-view monocular camera mounted on the observer robot. This approach can gather measurements from multiple humans, expanding its range of applications. The key idea is to use two types of trackers, SLAM and MOT, to monitor stationary objects and moving humans and assess their interactions. This method achieves stable predictions of traversability even in challenging visual scenarios, such as occlusions, nonlinear perspectives, depth uncertainty, and intersections involving multiple humans. Additionally, we extend map quality metrics to apply to traversability maps, facilitating future research. We validate our proposed method through fusion and comparison with established techniques.
Abstract:In ground-view object change detection, the recently emerging map-less navigation has great potential as a means of navigating a robot to distantly detected objects and identifying their changing states (appear/disappear/no-change) with high resolution imagery. However, the brute-force naive action strategy of navigating to every distant object requires huge sense/plan/action costs proportional to the number of objects. In this work, we study this new problem of ``Which distant objects should be prioritized for map-less navigation?" and in order to speed up the R{\&}D cycle, propose a highly-simplified approach that is easy to implement and easy to extend. In our approach, a new layer called map-based navigation is added on top of the map-less navigation, which constitutes a hierarchical planner. First, a dataset consisting of $N$ view sequences is acquired by a real robot via map-less navigation. Then, an environment simulator was built to simulate a simple action planning problem: ``Which view sequence should the robot select next?". Then, a solver was built inspired by the analogy to the multi-armed bandit problem: ``Which arm should the player select next?". Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed framework was verified using the semantically non-trivial scenario ``sofa as bookshelf".
Abstract:The recently emerging research area in robotics, ground view change detection, suffers from its ill-posed-ness because of visual uncertainty combined with complex nonlinear perspective projection. To regularize the ill-posed-ness, the commonly applied supervised learning methods (e.g., CSCD-Net) rely on manually annotated high-quality object-class-specific priors. In this work, we consider general application domains where no manual annotation is available and present a fully self-supervised approach. The present approach adopts the powerful and versatile idea that object changes detected during everyday robot navigation can be reused as additional priors to improve future change detection tasks. Furthermore, a robustified framework is implemented and verified experimentally in a new challenging practical application scenario: ground-view small object change detection.