Abstract:A key paradigm to improve the reasoning capabilities of large language models (LLMs) is to allocate more inference-time compute to search against a verifier or reward model. This process can then be utilized to refine the pretrained model or distill its reasoning patterns into more efficient models. In this paper, we study inference-time compute by viewing chain-of-thought (CoT) generation as a metastable Markov process: easy reasoning steps (e.g., algebraic manipulations) form densely connected clusters, while hard reasoning steps (e.g., applying a relevant theorem) create sparse, low-probability edges between clusters, leading to phase transitions at longer timescales. Under this framework, we prove that implementing a search protocol that rewards sparse edges improves CoT by decreasing the expected number of steps to reach different clusters. In contrast, we establish a limit on reasoning capability when the model is restricted to local information of the pretrained graph. We also show that the information gained by search can be utilized to obtain a better reasoning model: (1) the pretrained model can be directly finetuned to favor sparse edges via policy gradient methods, and moreover (2) a compressed metastable representation of the reasoning dynamics can be distilled into a smaller, more efficient model.
Abstract:We provide a convergence analysis of deep feature instrumental variable (DFIV) regression (Xu et al., 2021), a nonparametric approach to IV regression using data-adaptive features learned by deep neural networks in two stages. We prove that the DFIV algorithm achieves the minimax optimal learning rate when the target structural function lies in a Besov space. This is shown under standard nonparametric IV assumptions, and an additional smoothness assumption on the regularity of the conditional distribution of the covariate given the instrument, which controls the difficulty of Stage 1. We further demonstrate that DFIV, as a data-adaptive algorithm, is superior to fixed-feature (kernel or sieve) IV methods in two ways. First, when the target function possesses low spatial homogeneity (i.e., it has both smooth and spiky/discontinuous regions), DFIV still achieves the optimal rate, while fixed-feature methods are shown to be strictly suboptimal. Second, comparing with kernel-based two-stage regression estimators, DFIV is provably more data efficient in the Stage 1 samples.
Abstract:Gait analysis using computer vision is an emerging field in AI, offering clinicians an objective, multi-feature approach to analyse complex movements. Despite its promise, current applications using RGB video data alone are limited in measuring clinically relevant spatial and temporal kinematics and establishing normative parameters essential for identifying movement abnormalities within a gait cycle. This paper presents a data-driven method using RGB video data and 2D human pose estimation for developing normative kinematic gait parameters. By analysing joint angles, an established kinematic measure in biomechanics and clinical practice, we aim to enhance gait analysis capabilities and improve explainability. Our cycle-wise kinematic analysis enables clinicians to simultaneously measure and compare multiple joint angles, assessing individuals against a normative population using just monocular RGB video. This approach expands clinical capacity, supports objective decision-making, and automates the identification of specific spatial and temporal deviations and abnormalities within the gait cycle.
Abstract:This work provides the first theoretical analysis of training transformers to solve complex problems by recursively generating intermediate states, analogous to fine-tuning for chain-of-thought (CoT) reasoning. We consider training a one-layer transformer to solve the fundamental $k$-parity problem, extending the work on RNNs by Wies et al. (2023). We establish three key results: (1) any finite-precision gradient-based algorithm, without intermediate supervision, requires substantial iterations to solve parity with finite samples. (2) In contrast, when intermediate parities are incorporated into the loss function, our model can learn parity in one gradient update when aided by \emph{teacher forcing}, where ground-truth labels of the reasoning chain are provided at each generation step. (3) Even without teacher forcing, where the model must generate CoT chains end-to-end, parity can be learned efficiently if augmented data is employed to internally verify the soundness of intermediate steps. These results rigorously show that task decomposition and stepwise reasoning naturally arise from optimizing transformers with CoT; moreover, self-consistency checking can improve reasoning ability, aligning with empirical studies of CoT.
Abstract:In-context learning (ICL) of large language models has proven to be a surprisingly effective method of learning a new task from only a few demonstrative examples. In this paper, we study the efficacy of ICL from the viewpoint of statistical learning theory. We develop approximation and generalization error bounds for a transformer composed of a deep neural network and one linear attention layer, pretrained on nonparametric regression tasks sampled from general function spaces including the Besov space and piecewise $\gamma$-smooth class. We show that sufficiently trained transformers can achieve -- and even improve upon -- the minimax optimal estimation risk in context by encoding the most relevant basis representations during pretraining. Our analysis extends to high-dimensional or sequential data and distinguishes the \emph{pretraining} and \emph{in-context} generalization gaps. Furthermore, we establish information-theoretic lower bounds for meta-learners w.r.t. both the number of tasks and in-context examples. These findings shed light on the roles of task diversity and representation learning for ICL.
Abstract:Clinical gait analysis (CGA) using computer vision is an emerging field in artificial intelligence that faces barriers of accessible, real-world data, and clear task objectives. This paper lays the foundation for current developments in CGA as well as vision-based methods and datasets suitable for gait analysis. We introduce The Gait Abnormality in Video Dataset (GAVD) in response to our review of over 150 current gait-related computer vision datasets, which highlighted the need for a large and accessible gait dataset clinically annotated for CGA. GAVD stands out as the largest video gait dataset, comprising 1874 sequences of normal, abnormal and pathological gaits. Additionally, GAVD includes clinically annotated RGB data sourced from publicly available content on online platforms. It also encompasses over 400 subjects who have undergone clinical grade visual screening to represent a diverse range of abnormal gait patterns, captured in various settings, including hospital clinics and urban uncontrolled outdoor environments. We demonstrate the validity of the dataset and utility of action recognition models for CGA using pretrained models Temporal Segment Networks(TSN) and SlowFast network to achieve video abnormality detection of 94% and 92% respectively when tested on GAVD dataset. A GitHub repository https://github.com/Rahmyyy/GAVD consisting of convenient URL links, and clinically relevant annotation for CGA is provided for over 450 online videos, featuring diverse subjects performing a range of normal, pathological, and abnormal gait patterns.
Abstract:Understanding the conversation abilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) can help lead to its more cautious and appropriate deployment. This is especially important for safety-critical domains like mental health, where someone's life may depend on the exact wording of a response to an urgent question. In this paper, we propose a novel framework for evaluating the nuanced conversation abilities of LLMs. Within it, we develop a series of quantitative metrics developed from literature on using psychotherapy conversation analysis literature. While we ensure that our framework and metrics are transferable by researchers to relevant adjacent domains, we apply them to the mental health field. We use our framework to evaluate several popular frontier LLMs, including some GPT and Llama models, through a verified mental health dataset. Our results show that GPT4 Turbo can perform significantly more similarly to verified therapists than other selected LLMs. We conduct additional analysis to examine how LLM conversation performance varies across specific mental health topics. Our results indicate that GPT4 Turbo performs well in achieving high correlation with verified therapists in particular topics such as Parenting and Relationships. We believe our contributions will help researchers develop better LLMs that, in turn, will more positively support people's lives.
Abstract:Large language models based on the Transformer architecture have demonstrated impressive capabilities to learn in context. However, existing theoretical studies on how this phenomenon arises are limited to the dynamics of a single layer of attention trained on linear regression tasks. In this paper, we study the optimization of a Transformer consisting of a fully connected layer followed by a linear attention layer. The MLP acts as a common nonlinear representation or feature map, greatly enhancing the power of in-context learning. We prove in the mean-field and two-timescale limit that the infinite-dimensional loss landscape for the distribution of parameters, while highly nonconvex, becomes quite benign. We also analyze the second-order stability of mean-field dynamics and show that Wasserstein gradient flow almost always avoids saddle points. Furthermore, we establish novel methods for obtaining concrete improvement rates both away from and near critical points. This represents the first saddle point analysis of mean-field dynamics in general and the techniques are of independent interest.
Abstract:In this paper, we extend mean-field Langevin dynamics to minimax optimization over probability distributions for the first time with symmetric and provably convergent updates. We propose mean-field Langevin averaged gradient (MFL-AG), a single-loop algorithm that implements gradient descent ascent in the distribution spaces with a novel weighted averaging, and establish average-iterate convergence to the mixed Nash equilibrium. We also study both time and particle discretization regimes and prove a new uniform-in-time propagation of chaos result which accounts for the dependency of the particle interactions on all previous distributions. Furthermore, we propose mean-field Langevin anchored best response (MFL-ABR), a symmetric double-loop algorithm based on best response dynamics with linear last-iterate convergence. Finally, we study applications to zero-sum Markov games and conduct simulations demonstrating long-term optimality.
Abstract:The variational autoencoder (VAE) typically employs a standard normal prior as a regularizer for the probabilistic latent encoder. However, the Gaussian tail often decays too quickly to effectively accommodate the encoded points, failing to preserve crucial structures hidden in the data. In this paper, we explore the use of heavy-tailed models to combat over-regularization. Drawing upon insights from information geometry, we propose $t^3$VAE, a modified VAE framework that incorporates Student's t-distributions for the prior, encoder, and decoder. This results in a joint model distribution of a power form which we argue can better fit real-world datasets. We derive a new objective by reformulating the evidence lower bound as joint optimization of KL divergence between two statistical manifolds and replacing with $\gamma$-power divergence, a natural alternative for power families. $t^3$VAE demonstrates superior generation of low-density regions when trained on heavy-tailed synthetic data. Furthermore, we show that $t^3$VAE significantly outperforms other models on CelebA and imbalanced CIFAR-100 datasets.