Abstract:Today, most methods for image understanding tasks rely on feed-forward neural networks. While this approach has allowed for empirical accuracy, efficiency, and task adaptation via fine-tuning, it also comes with fundamental disadvantages. Existing networks often struggle to generalize across different datasets, even on the same task. By design, these networks ultimately reason about high-dimensional scene features, which are challenging to analyze. This is true especially when attempting to predict 3D information based on 2D images. We propose to recast 3D multi-object tracking from RGB cameras as an \emph{Inverse Rendering (IR)} problem, by optimizing via a differentiable rendering pipeline over the latent space of pre-trained 3D object representations and retrieve the latents that best represent object instances in a given input image. To this end, we optimize an image loss over generative latent spaces that inherently disentangle shape and appearance properties. We investigate not only an alternate take on tracking but our method also enables examining the generated objects, reasoning about failure situations, and resolving ambiguous cases. We validate the generalization and scaling capabilities of our method by learning the generative prior exclusively from synthetic data and assessing camera-based 3D tracking on the nuScenes and Waymo datasets. Both these datasets are completely unseen to our method and do not require fine-tuning. Videos and code are available at https://light.princeton.edu/inverse-rendering-tracking/.
Abstract:We introduce Neural Point Light Fields that represent scenes implicitly with a light field living on a sparse point cloud. Combining differentiable volume rendering with learned implicit density representations has made it possible to synthesize photo-realistic images for novel views of small scenes. As neural volumetric rendering methods require dense sampling of the underlying functional scene representation, at hundreds of samples along a ray cast through the volume, they are fundamentally limited to small scenes with the same objects projected to hundreds of training views. Promoting sparse point clouds to neural implicit light fields allows us to represent large scenes effectively with only a single implicit sampling operation per ray. These point light fields are as a function of the ray direction, and local point feature neighborhood, allowing us to interpolate the light field conditioned training images without dense object coverage and parallax. We assess the proposed method for novel view synthesis on large driving scenarios, where we synthesize realistic unseen views that existing implicit approaches fail to represent. We validate that Neural Point Light Fields make it possible to predict videos along unseen trajectories previously only feasible to generate by explicitly modeling the scene.
Abstract:Recent implicit neural rendering methods have demonstrated that it is possible to learn accurate view synthesis for complex scenes by predicting their volumetric density and color supervised solely by a set of RGB images. However, existing methods are restricted to learning efficient interpolations of static scenes that encode all scene objects into a single neural network, lacking the ability to represent dynamic scenes and decompositions into individual scene objects. In this work, we present the first neural rendering method that decomposes dynamic scenes into scene graphs. We propose a learned scene graph representation, which encodes object transformation and radiance, to efficiently render novel arrangements and views of the scene. To this end, we learn implicitly encoded scenes, combined with a jointly learned latent representation to describe objects with a single implicit function. We assess the proposed method on synthetic and real automotive data, validating that our approach learns dynamic scenes - only by observing a video of this scene - and allows for rendering novel photo-realistic views of novel scene compositions with unseen sets of objects at unseen poses.