Abstract:The SoccerNet 2022 challenges were the second annual video understanding challenges organized by the SoccerNet team. In 2022, the challenges were composed of 6 vision-based tasks: (1) action spotting, focusing on retrieving action timestamps in long untrimmed videos, (2) replay grounding, focusing on retrieving the live moment of an action shown in a replay, (3) pitch localization, focusing on detecting line and goal part elements, (4) camera calibration, dedicated to retrieving the intrinsic and extrinsic camera parameters, (5) player re-identification, focusing on retrieving the same players across multiple views, and (6) multiple object tracking, focusing on tracking players and the ball through unedited video streams. Compared to last year's challenges, tasks (1-2) had their evaluation metrics redefined to consider tighter temporal accuracies, and tasks (3-6) were novel, including their underlying data and annotations. More information on the tasks, challenges and leaderboards are available on https://www.soccer-net.org. Baselines and development kits are available on https://github.com/SoccerNet.
Abstract:In this paper we propose a system capable of tracking multiple soccer players in different types of video quality. The main goal, in contrast to most state-of-art soccer player tracking systems, is the ability of execute effectively tracking in videos of low-quality. We adapted a state-of-art Multiple Object Tracking to the task. In order to do that adaptation, we created a Detection and a Tracking Dataset for 3 different qualities of video. The results of our system are conclusive of its high performance.