Abstract:As ground-based all-sky astronomical surveys will gather millions of images in the coming years, a critical requirement emerges for the development of fast deconvolution algorithms capable of efficiently improving the spatial resolution of these images. By successfully recovering clean and high-resolution images from these surveys, our objective is to help deepen our understanding of galaxy formation and evolution through accurate photometric measurements. We introduce a two-step deconvolution framework using a Swin Transformer architecture. Our study reveals that the deep learning-based solution introduces a bias, constraining the scope of scientific analysis. To address this limitation, we propose a novel third step relying on the active coefficients in the sparsity wavelet framework. By conducting a performance comparison between our deep learning-based method and Firedec, a classical deconvolution algorithm, we analyze a subset of the EDisCS cluster samples. We demonstrate the advantage of our method in terms of resolution recovery, generalization to different noise properties, and computational efficiency. Not only does the analysis of this cluster sample assess the efficiency of our method, but it also enables us to quantify the number of clumps within these galaxies in relation to their disc colour. This robust technique holds promise for identifying structures in the distant universe from ground-based images.
Abstract:Radio astronomy is currently thriving with new large ground-based radio telescopes coming online in preparation for the upcoming Square Kilometre Array (SKA). Facilities like LOFAR, MeerKAT/SKA, ASKAP/SKA, and the future SKA-LOW bring tremendous sensitivity in time and frequency, improved angular resolution, and also high-rate data streams that need to be processed. They enable advanced studies of radio transients, volatile by nature, that can be detected or missed in the data. These transients are markers of high-energy accelerations of electrons and manifest in a wide range of temporal scales. Usually studied with dynamic spectroscopy of time series analysis, there is a motivation to search for such sources in large interferometric datasets. This requires efficient and robust signal reconstruction algorithms. To correctly account for the temporal dependency of the data, we improve the classical image deconvolution inverse problem by adding the temporal dependency in the reconstruction problem. Then, we introduce two novel neural network architectures that can do both spatial and temporal modeling of the data and the instrumental response. Then, we simulate representative time-dependent image cubes of point source distributions and realistic telescope pointings of MeerKAT to generate toy models to build the training, validation, and test datasets. Finally, based on the test data, we evaluate the source profile reconstruction performance of the proposed methods and classical image deconvolution algorithm CLEAN applied frame-by-frame. In the presence of increasing noise level in data frame, the proposed methods display a high level of robustness compared to frame-by-frame imaging with CLEAN. The deconvolved image cubes bring a factor of 3 improvement in fidelity of the recovered temporal profiles and a factor of 2 improvement in background denoising.
Abstract:The accurate modelling of the Point Spread Function (PSF) is of paramount importance in astronomical observations, as it allows for the correction of distortions and blurring caused by the telescope and atmosphere. PSF modelling is crucial for accurately measuring celestial objects' properties. The last decades brought us a steady increase in the power and complexity of astronomical telescopes and instruments. Upcoming galaxy surveys like Euclid and LSST will observe an unprecedented amount and quality of data. Modelling the PSF for these new facilities and surveys requires novel modelling techniques that can cope with the ever-tightening error requirements. The purpose of this review is three-fold. First, we introduce the optical background required for a more physically-motivated PSF modelling and propose an observational model that can be reused for future developments. Second, we provide an overview of the different physical contributors of the PSF, including the optic- and detector-level contributors and the atmosphere. We expect that the overview will help better understand the modelled effects. Third, we discuss the different methods for PSF modelling from the parametric and non-parametric families for ground- and space-based telescopes, with their advantages and limitations. Validation methods for PSF models are then addressed, with several metrics related to weak lensing studies discussed in detail. Finally, we explore current challenges and future directions in PSF modelling for astronomical telescopes.
Abstract:With the onset of large-scale astronomical surveys capturing millions of images, there is an increasing need to develop fast and accurate deconvolution algorithms that generalize well to different images. A powerful and accessible deconvolution method would allow for the reconstruction of a cleaner estimation of the sky. The deconvolved images would be helpful to perform photometric measurements to help make progress in the fields of galaxy formation and evolution. We propose a new deconvolution method based on the Learnlet transform. Eventually, we investigate and compare the performance of different Unet architectures and Learnlet for image deconvolution in the astrophysical domain by following a two-step approach: a Tikhonov deconvolution with a closed-form solution, followed by post-processing with a neural network. To generate our training dataset, we extract HST cutouts from the CANDELS survey in the F606W filter (V-band) and corrupt these images to simulate their blurred-noisy versions. Our numerical results based on these simulations show a detailed comparison between the considered methods for different noise levels.
Abstract:As the volume and quality of modern galaxy surveys increase, so does the difficulty of measuring the cosmological signal imprinted in galaxy shapes. Weak gravitational lensing sourced by the most massive structures in the Universe generates a slight shearing of galaxy morphologies called cosmic shear, key probe for cosmological models. Modern techniques of shear estimation based on statistics of ellipticity measurements suffer from the fact that the ellipticity is not a well-defined quantity for arbitrary galaxy light profiles, biasing the shear estimation. We show that a hybrid physical and deep learning Hierarchical Bayesian Model, where a generative model captures the galaxy morphology, enables us to recover an unbiased estimate of the shear on realistic galaxies, thus solving the model bias.
Abstract:We present a new scheme to compensate for the small-scales approximations resulting from Particle-Mesh (PM) schemes for cosmological N-body simulations. This kind of simulations are fast and low computational cost realizations of the large scale structures, but lack resolution on small scales. To improve their accuracy, we introduce an additional effective force within the differential equations of the simulation, parameterized by a Fourier-space Neural Network acting on the PM-estimated gravitational potential. We compare the results for the matter power spectrum obtained to the ones obtained by the PGD scheme (Potential gradient descent scheme). We notice a similar improvement in term of power spectrum, but we find that our approach outperforms PGD for the cross-correlation coefficients, and is more robust to changes in simulation settings (different resolutions, different cosmologies).
Abstract:In astronomy, upcoming space telescopes with wide-field optical instruments have a spatially varying point spread function (PSF). Certain scientific goals require a high-fidelity estimation of the PSF at target positions where no direct measurement of the PSF is provided. Even though observations of the PSF are available at some positions of the field of view (FOV), they are undersampled, noisy, and integrated in wavelength in the instrument's passband. PSF modeling requires building a model from these observations that can infer a super-resolved PSF at any wavelength and any position in the FOV. Current data-driven PSF models can tackle spatial variations and super-resolution, but are not capable of capturing chromatic variations. Our model, coined WaveDiff, proposes a paradigm shift in the data-driven modeling of the point spread function field of telescopes. By adding a differentiable optical forward model into the modeling framework, we change the data-driven modeling space from the pixels to the wavefront. The proposed model relies on efficient automatic differentiation technology as well as modern stochastic first-order optimization techniques recently developed by the thriving machine-learning community. Our framework paves the way to building powerful models that are physically motivated and do not require special calibration data. This paper demonstrates the WaveDiff model on a simplified setting of a space telescope. The proposed framework represents a performance breakthrough with respect to existing data-driven approaches. The pixel reconstruction errors decrease 6-fold at observation resolution and 44-fold for a 3x super-resolution. The ellipticity errors are reduced by a factor of at least 20 and the size error by a factor of more than 250. By only using noisy broad-band in-focus observations, we successfully capture the PSF chromatic variations due to diffraction.
Abstract:Weak lensing mass-mapping is a useful tool to access the full distribution of dark matter on the sky, but because of intrinsic galaxy ellipticies and finite fields/missing data, the recovery of dark matter maps constitutes a challenging ill-posed inverse problem. We introduce a novel methodology allowing for efficient sampling of the high-dimensional Bayesian posterior of the weak lensing mass-mapping problem, and relying on simulations for defining a fully non-Gaussian prior. We aim to demonstrate the accuracy of the method on simulations, and then proceed to applying it to the mass reconstruction of the HST/ACS COSMOS field. The proposed methodology combines elements of Bayesian statistics, analytic theory, and a recent class of Deep Generative Models based on Neural Score Matching. This approach allows us to do the following: 1) Make full use of analytic cosmological theory to constrain the 2pt statistics of the solution. 2) Learn from cosmological simulations any differences between this analytic prior and full simulations. 3) Obtain samples from the full Bayesian posterior of the problem for robust Uncertainty Quantification. We demonstrate the method on the $\kappa$TNG simulations and find that the posterior mean significantly outperfoms previous methods (Kaiser-Squires, Wiener filter, Sparsity priors) both on root-mean-square error and in terms of the Pearson correlation. We further illustrate the interpretability of the recovered posterior by establishing a close correlation between posterior convergence values and SNR of clusters artificially introduced into a field. Finally, we apply the method to the reconstruction of the HST/ACS COSMOS field and yield the highest quality convergence map of this field to date.
Abstract:Recurrent models have gained popularity in deep learning (DL) based video super-resolution (VSR), due to their increased computational efficiency, temporal receptive field and temporal consistency compared to sliding-window based models. However, when inferring on long video sequences presenting low motion (i.e. in which some parts of the scene barely move), recurrent models diverge through recurrent processing, generating high frequency artifacts. To the best of our knowledge, no study about VSR pointed out this instability problem, which can be critical for some real-world applications. Video surveillance is a typical example where such artifacts would occur, as both the camera and the scene stay static for a long time. In this work, we expose instabilities of existing recurrent VSR networks on long sequences with low motion. We demonstrate it on a new long sequence dataset Quasi-Static Video Set, that we have created. Finally, we introduce a new framework of recurrent VSR networks that is both stable and competitive, based on Lipschitz stability theory. We propose a new recurrent VSR network, coined Middle Recurrent Video Super-Resolution (MRVSR), based on this framework. We empirically show its competitive performance on long sequences with low motion.
Abstract:We propose a paradigm shift in the data-driven modeling of the instrumental response field of telescopes. By adding a differentiable optical forward model into the modeling framework, we change the data-driven modeling space from the pixels to the wavefront. This allows to transfer a great deal of complexity from the instrumental response into the forward model while being able to adapt to the observations, remaining data-driven. Our framework allows a way forward to building powerful models that are physically motivated, interpretable, and that do not require special calibration data. We show that for a simplified setting of a space telescope, this framework represents a real performance breakthrough compared to existing data-driven approaches with reconstruction errors decreasing 5 fold at observation resolution and more than 10 fold for a 3x super-resolution. We successfully model chromatic variations of the instrument's response only using noisy broad-band in-focus observations.