Abstract:Continual learning aims to update a model so that it can sequentially learn new tasks without forgetting previously acquired knowledge. Recent continual learning approaches often leverage the vision-language model CLIP for its high-dimensional feature space and cross-modality feature matching. Traditional CLIP-based classification methods identify the most similar text label for a test image by comparing their embeddings. However, these methods are sensitive to the quality of text phrases and less effective for classes lacking meaningful text labels. In this work, we rethink CLIP-based continual learning and introduce the concept of Label Vector Pool (LVP). LVP replaces text labels with training images as similarity references, eliminating the need for ideal text descriptions. We present three variations of LVP and evaluate their performance on class and domain incremental learning tasks. Leveraging CLIP's high dimensional feature space, LVP learning algorithms are task-order invariant. The new knowledge does not modify the old knowledge, hence, there is minimum forgetting. Different tasks can be learned independently and in parallel with low computational and memory demands. Experimental results show that proposed LVP-based methods outperform the current state-of-the-art baseline by a significant margin of 40.7%.
Abstract:Gait is a behavioral biometric modality that can be used to recognize individuals by the way they walk from a far distance. Most existing gait recognition approaches rely on either silhouettes or skeletons, while their joint use is underexplored. Features from silhouettes and skeletons can provide complementary information for more robust recognition against appearance changes or pose estimation errors. To exploit the benefits of both silhouette and skeleton features, we propose a new gait recognition network, referred to as the GaitPoint+. Our approach models skeleton key points as a 3D point cloud, and employs a computational complexity-conscious 3D point processing approach to extract skeleton features, which are then combined with silhouette features for improved accuracy. Since silhouette- or CNN-based methods already require considerable amount of computational resources, it is preferable that the key point learning module is faster and more lightweight. We present a detailed analysis of the utilization of every human key point after the use of traditional max-pooling, and show that while elbow and ankle points are used most commonly, many useful points are discarded by max-pooling. Thus, we present a method to recycle some of the discarded points by a Recycling Max-Pooling module, during processing of skeleton point clouds, and achieve further performance improvement. We provide a comprehensive set of experimental results showing that (i) incorporating skeleton features obtained by a point-based 3D point cloud processing approach boosts the performance of three different state-of-the-art silhouette- and CNN-based baselines; (ii) recycling the discarded points increases the accuracy further. Ablation studies are also provided to show the effectiveness and contribution of different components of our approach.
Abstract:Deep neural networks are extensively applied to real-world tasks, such as face recognition and medical image classification, where privacy and data protection are critical. Image data, if not protected, can be exploited to infer personal or contextual information. Existing privacy preservation methods, like encryption, generate perturbed images that are unrecognizable to even humans. Adversarial attack approaches prohibit automated inference even for authorized stakeholders, limiting practical incentives for commercial and widespread adaptation. This pioneering study tackles an unexplored practical privacy preservation use case by generating human-perceivable images that maintain accurate inference by an authorized model while evading other unauthorized black-box models of similar or dissimilar objectives, and addresses the previous research gaps. The datasets employed are ImageNet, for image classification, Celeba-HQ dataset, for identity classification, and AffectNet, for emotion classification. Our results show that the generated images can successfully maintain the accuracy of a protected model and degrade the average accuracy of the unauthorized black-box models to 11.97%, 6.63%, and 55.51% on ImageNet, Celeba-HQ, and AffectNet datasets, respectively.