Abstract:This work describes our group's submission to the PROCESS Challenge 2024, with the goal of assessing cognitive decline through spontaneous speech, using three guided clinical tasks. This joint effort followed a holistic approach, encompassing both knowledge-based acoustic and text-based feature sets, as well as LLM-based macrolinguistic descriptors, pause-based acoustic biomarkers, and multiple neural representations (e.g., LongFormer, ECAPA-TDNN, and Trillson embeddings). Combining these feature sets with different classifiers resulted in a large pool of models, from which we selected those that provided the best balance between train, development, and individual class performance. Our results show that our best performing systems correspond to combinations of models that are complementary to each other, relying on acoustic and textual information from all three clinical tasks.
Abstract:Membership Inference (MI) poses a substantial privacy threat to the training data of Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) systems, while also offering an opportunity to audit these models with regard to user data. This paper explores the effectiveness of loss-based features in combination with Gaussian and adversarial perturbations to perform MI in ASR models. To the best of our knowledge, this approach has not yet been investigated. We compare our proposed features with commonly used error-based features and find that the proposed features greatly enhance performance for sample-level MI. For speaker-level MI, these features improve results, though by a smaller margin, as error-based features already obtained a high performance for this task. Our findings emphasise the importance of considering different feature sets and levels of access to target models for effective MI in ASR systems, providing valuable insights for auditing such models.
Abstract:Speaker embeddings are ubiquitous, with applications ranging from speaker recognition and diarization to speech synthesis and voice anonymisation. The amount of information held by these embeddings lends them versatility, but also raises privacy concerns. Speaker embeddings have been shown to contain information on age, sex, health and more, which speakers may want to keep private, especially when this information is not required for the target task. In this work, we propose a method for removing and manipulating private attributes from speaker embeddings that leverages a Vector-Quantized Variational Autoencoder architecture, combined with an adversarial classifier and a novel mutual information loss. We validate our model on two attributes, sex and age, and perform experiments with ignorant and fully-informed attackers, and with in-domain and out-of-domain data.
Abstract:Automatic Speaker Diarization (ASD) is an enabling technology with numerous applications, which deals with recordings of multiple speakers, raising special concerns in terms of privacy. In fact, in remote settings, where recordings are shared with a server, clients relinquish not only the privacy of their conversation, but also of all the information that can be inferred from their voices. However, to the best of our knowledge, the development of privacy-preserving ASD systems has been overlooked thus far. In this work, we tackle this problem using a combination of two cryptographic techniques, Secure Multiparty Computation (SMC) and Secure Modular Hashing, and apply them to the two main steps of a cascaded ASD system: speaker embedding extraction and agglomerative hierarchical clustering. Our system is able to achieve a reasonable trade-off between performance and efficiency, presenting real-time factors of 1.1 and 1.6, for two different SMC security settings.
Abstract:The development of privacy-preserving automatic speaker verification systems has been the focus of a number of studies with the intent of allowing users to authenticate themselves without risking the privacy of their voice. However, current privacy-preserving methods assume that the template voice representations (or speaker embeddings) used for authentication are extracted locally by the user. This poses two important issues: first, knowledge of the speaker embedding extraction model may create security and robustness liabilities for the authentication system, as this knowledge might help attackers in crafting adversarial examples able to mislead the system; second, from the point of view of a service provider the speaker embedding extraction model is arguably one of the most valuable components in the system and, as such, disclosing it would be highly undesirable. In this work, we show how speaker embeddings can be extracted while keeping both the speaker's voice and the service provider's model private, using Secure Multiparty Computation. Further, we show that it is possible to obtain reasonable trade-offs between security and computational cost. This work is complementary to those showing how authentication may be performed privately, and thus can be considered as another step towards fully private automatic speaker recognition.
Abstract:The potential of speech as a non-invasive biomarker to assess a speaker's health has been repeatedly supported by the results of multiple works, for both physical and psychological conditions. Traditional systems for speech-based disease classification have focused on carefully designed knowledge-based features. However, these features may not represent the disease's full symptomatology, and may even overlook its more subtle manifestations. This has prompted researchers to move in the direction of general speaker representations that inherently model symptoms, such as Gaussian Supervectors, i-vectors and, x-vectors. In this work, we focus on the latter, to assess their applicability as a general feature extraction method to the detection of Parkinson's disease (PD) and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). We test our approach against knowledge-based features and i-vectors, and report results for two European Portuguese corpora, for OSA and PD, as well as for an additional Spanish corpus for PD. Both x-vector and i-vector models were trained with an out-of-domain European Portuguese corpus. Our results show that x-vectors are able to perform better than knowledge-based features in same-language corpora. Moreover, while x-vectors performed similarly to i-vectors in matched conditions, they significantly outperform them when domain-mismatch occurs.