Department of Statistics, LMU Munich, Munich Center for Machine Learning
Abstract:Fine-tuned large language models (LLMs) often exhibit overconfidence, particularly when trained on small datasets, resulting in poor calibration and inaccurate uncertainty estimates. Evidential Deep Learning (EDL), an uncertainty-aware approach, enables uncertainty estimation in a single forward pass, making it a promising method for calibrating fine-tuned LLMs. However, despite its computational efficiency, EDL is prone to overfitting, as its training objective can result in overly concentrated probability distributions. To mitigate this, we propose regularizing EDL by incorporating an information bottleneck (IB). Our approach IB-EDL suppresses spurious information in the evidence generated by the model and encourages truly predictive information to influence both the predictions and uncertainty estimates. Extensive experiments across various fine-tuned LLMs and tasks demonstrate that IB-EDL outperforms both existing EDL and non-EDL approaches. By improving the trustworthiness of LLMs, IB-EDL facilitates their broader adoption in domains requiring high levels of confidence calibration. Code is available at
Abstract:Despite recent advances, sampling-based inference for Bayesian Neural Networks (BNNs) remains a significant challenge in probabilistic deep learning. While sampling-based approaches do not require a variational distribution assumption, current state-of-the-art samplers still struggle to navigate the complex and highly multimodal posteriors of BNNs. As a consequence, sampling still requires considerably longer inference times than non-Bayesian methods even for small neural networks, despite recent advances in making software implementations more efficient. Besides the difficulty of finding high-probability regions, the time until samplers provide sufficient exploration of these areas remains unpredictable. To tackle these challenges, we introduce an ensembling approach that leverages strategies from optimization and a recently proposed sampler called Microcanonical Langevin Monte Carlo (MCLMC) for efficient, robust and predictable sampling performance. Compared to approaches based on the state-of-the-art No-U-Turn Sampler, our approach delivers substantial speedups up to an order of magnitude, while maintaining or improving predictive performance and uncertainty quantification across diverse tasks and data modalities. The suggested Microcanonical Langevin Ensembles and modifications to MCLMC additionally enhance the method's predictability in resource requirements, facilitating easier parallelization. All in all, the proposed method offers a promising direction for practical, scalable inference for BNNs.
Abstract:Sparse regularization techniques are well-established in machine learning, yet their application in neural networks remains challenging due to the non-differentiability of penalties like the $L_1$ norm, which is incompatible with stochastic gradient descent. A promising alternative is shallow weight factorization, where weights are decomposed into two factors, allowing for smooth optimization of $L_1$-penalized neural networks by adding differentiable $L_2$ regularization to the factors. In this work, we introduce deep weight factorization, extending previous shallow approaches to more than two factors. We theoretically establish equivalence of our deep factorization with non-convex sparse regularization and analyze its impact on training dynamics and optimization. Due to the limitations posed by standard training practices, we propose a tailored initialization scheme and identify important learning rate requirements necessary for training factorized networks. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our deep weight factorization through experiments on various architectures and datasets, consistently outperforming its shallow counterpart and widely used pruning methods.
Abstract:Transformers have emerged as the dominant architecture in the field of deep learning, with a broad range of applications and remarkable in-context learning (ICL) capabilities. While not yet fully understood, ICL has already proved to be an intriguing phenomenon, allowing transformers to learn in context -- without requiring further training. In this paper, we further advance the understanding of ICL by demonstrating that transformers can perform full Bayesian inference for commonly used statistical models in context. More specifically, we introduce a general framework that builds on ideas from prior fitted networks and continuous normalizing flows which enables us to infer complex posterior distributions for methods such as generalized linear models and latent factor models. Extensive experiments on real-world datasets demonstrate that our ICL approach yields posterior samples that are similar in quality to state-of-the-art MCMC or variational inference methods not operating in context.
Abstract:Semi-structured networks (SSNs) merge the structures familiar from additive models with deep neural networks, allowing the modeling of interpretable partial feature effects while capturing higher-order non-linearities at the same time. A significant challenge in this integration is maintaining the interpretability of the additive model component. Inspired by large-scale biomechanics datasets, this paper explores extending SSNs to functional data. Existing methods in functional data analysis are promising but often not expressive enough to account for all interactions and non-linearities and do not scale well to large datasets. Although the SSN approach presents a compelling potential solution, its adaptation to functional data remains complex. In this work, we propose a functional SSN method that retains the advantageous properties of classical functional regression approaches while also improving scalability. Our numerical experiments demonstrate that this approach accurately recovers underlying signals, enhances predictive performance, and performs favorably compared to competing methods.
Abstract:Machine learning (ML) has seen significant growth in both popularity and importance. The high prediction accuracy of ML models is often achieved through complex black-box architectures that are difficult to interpret. This interpretability problem has been hindering the use of ML in fields like medicine, ecology and insurance, where an understanding of the inner workings of the model is paramount to ensure user acceptance and fairness. The need for interpretable ML models has boosted research in the field of interpretable machine learning (IML). Here we propose a novel approach for the functional decomposition of black-box predictions, which is considered a core concept of IML. The idea of our method is to replace the prediction function by a surrogate model consisting of simpler subfunctions. Similar to additive regression models, these functions provide insights into the direction and strength of the main feature contributions and their interactions. Our method is based on a novel concept termed stacked orthogonality, which ensures that the main effects capture as much functional behavior as possible and do not contain information explained by higher-order interactions. Unlike earlier functional IML approaches, it is neither affected by extrapolation nor by hidden feature interactions. To compute the subfunctions, we propose an algorithm based on neural additive modeling and an efficient post-hoc orthogonalization procedure.
Abstract:Neural network representations of simple models, such as linear regression, are being studied increasingly to better understand the underlying principles of deep learning algorithms. However, neural representations of distributional regression models, such as the Cox model, have received little attention so far. We close this gap by proposing a framework for distributional regression using inverse flow transformations (DRIFT), which includes neural representations of the aforementioned models. We empirically demonstrate that the neural representations of models in DRIFT can serve as a substitute for their classical statistical counterparts in several applications involving continuous, ordered, time-series, and survival outcomes. We confirm that models in DRIFT empirically match the performance of several statistical methods in terms of estimation of partial effects, prediction, and aleatoric uncertainty quantification. DRIFT covers both interpretable statistical models and flexible neural networks opening up new avenues in both statistical modeling and deep learning.
Abstract:The complexity of black-box algorithms can lead to various challenges, including the introduction of biases. These biases present immediate risks in the algorithms' application. It was, for instance, shown that neural networks can deduce racial information solely from a patient's X-ray scan, a task beyond the capability of medical experts. If this fact is not known to the medical expert, automatic decision-making based on this algorithm could lead to prescribing a treatment (purely) based on racial information. While current methodologies allow for the "orthogonalization" or "normalization" of neural networks with respect to such information, existing approaches are grounded in linear models. Our paper advances the discourse by introducing corrections for non-linearities such as ReLU activations. Our approach also encompasses scalar and tensor-valued predictions, facilitating its integration into neural network architectures. Through extensive experiments, we validate our method's effectiveness in safeguarding sensitive data in generalized linear models, normalizing convolutional neural networks for metadata, and rectifying pre-existing embeddings for undesired attributes.
Abstract:We warn against a common but incomplete understanding of empirical research in machine learning (ML) that leads to non-replicable results, makes findings unreliable, and threatens to undermine progress in the field. To overcome this alarming situation, we call for more awareness of the plurality of ways of gaining knowledge experimentally but also of some epistemic limitations. In particular, we argue most current empirical ML research is fashioned as confirmatory research while it should rather be considered exploratory.
Abstract:We address the computational barrier of deploying advanced deep learning segmentation models in clinical settings by studying the efficacy of network compression through tensor decomposition. We propose a post-training Tucker factorization that enables the decomposition of pre-existing models to reduce computational requirements without impeding segmentation accuracy. We applied Tucker decomposition to the convolutional kernels of the TotalSegmentator (TS) model, an nnU-Net model trained on a comprehensive dataset for automatic segmentation of 117 anatomical structures. Our approach reduced the floating-point operations (FLOPs) and memory required during inference, offering an adjustable trade-off between computational efficiency and segmentation quality. This study utilized the publicly available TS dataset, employing various downsampling factors to explore the relationship between model size, inference speed, and segmentation performance. The application of Tucker decomposition to the TS model substantially reduced the model parameters and FLOPs across various compression rates, with limited loss in segmentation accuracy. We removed up to 88% of the model's parameters with no significant performance changes in the majority of classes after fine-tuning. Practical benefits varied across different graphics processing unit (GPU) architectures, with more distinct speed-ups on less powerful hardware. Post-hoc network compression via Tucker decomposition presents a viable strategy for reducing the computational demand of medical image segmentation models without substantially sacrificing accuracy. This approach enables the broader adoption of advanced deep learning technologies in clinical practice, offering a way to navigate the constraints of hardware capabilities.