Abstract:Customer shopping behavioral features are core to product search ranking models in eCommerce. In this paper, we investigate the effect of lookback time windows when aggregating these features at the (query, product) level over history. By studying the pros and cons of using long and short time windows, we propose a novel approach to integrating these historical behavioral features of different time windows. In particular, we address the criticality of using query-level vertical signals in ranking models to effectively aggregate all information from different behavioral features. Anecdotal evidence for the proposed approach is also provided using live product search traffic on Walmart.com.
Abstract:Training Learning-to-Rank models for e-commerce product search ranking can be challenging due to the lack of a gold standard of ranking relevance. In this paper, we decompose ranking relevance into content-based and engagement-based aspects, and we propose to leverage Large Language Models (LLMs) for both label and feature generation in model training, primarily aiming to improve the model's predictive capability for content-based relevance. Additionally, we introduce different sigmoid transformations on the LLM outputs to polarize relevance scores in labeling, enhancing the model's ability to balance content-based and engagement-based relevances and thus prioritize highly relevant items overall. Comprehensive online tests and offline evaluations are also conducted for the proposed design. Our work sheds light on advanced strategies for integrating LLMs into e-commerce product search ranking model training, offering a pathway to more effective and balanced models with improved ranking relevance.
Abstract:Finetuning Large Language Models helps improve the results for domain-specific use cases. End-to-end finetuning of large language models is time and resource intensive and has high storage requirements to store the finetuned version of the large language model. Parameter Efficient Fine Tuning (PEFT) methods address the time and resource challenges by keeping the large language model as a fixed base and add additional layers, which the PEFT methods finetune. This paper demonstrates the evaluation results for one such PEFT method Low Rank Adaptation (LoRA), for Clinical Dialogue Summarization. The evaluation results show that LoRA works at par with end-to-end finetuning for a large language model. The paper presents the evaluations done for solving both the Subtask A and B from ImageCLEFmedical {https://www.imageclef.org/2023/medical}
Abstract:Healthcare domain generates a lot of unstructured and semi-structured text. Natural Language processing (NLP) has been used extensively to process this data. Deep Learning based NLP especially Large Language Models (LLMs) such as BERT have found broad acceptance and are used extensively for many applications. A Language Model is a probability distribution over a word sequence. Self-supervised Learning on a large corpus of data automatically generates deep learning-based language models. BioBERT and Med-BERT are language models pre-trained for the healthcare domain. Healthcare uses typical NLP tasks such as question answering, information extraction, named entity recognition, and search to simplify and improve processes. However, to ensure robust application of the results, NLP practitioners need to normalize and standardize them. One of the main ways of achieving normalization and standardization is the use of Knowledge Graphs. A Knowledge Graph captures concepts and their relationships for a specific domain, but their creation is time-consuming and requires manual intervention from domain experts, which can prove expensive. SNOMED CT (Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine -- Clinical Terms), Unified Medical Language System (UMLS), and Gene Ontology (GO) are popular ontologies from the healthcare domain. SNOMED CT and UMLS capture concepts such as disease, symptoms and diagnosis and GO is the world's largest source of information on the functions of genes. Healthcare has been dealing with an explosion in information about different types of drugs, diseases, and procedures. This paper argues that using Knowledge Graphs is not the best solution for solving problems in this domain. We present experiments using LLMs for the healthcare domain to demonstrate that language models provide the same functionality as knowledge graphs, thereby making knowledge graphs redundant.