Abstract:Let $\mathcal{D}$ be a dataset of smooth 3D-surfaces, partitioned into disjoint classes $\mathit{CL}_j$, $j= 1, \ldots, k$. We show how optimized diffeomorphic registration applied to large numbers of pairs $S,S' \in \mathcal{D}$ can provide descriptive feature vectors to implement automatic classification on $\mathcal{D}$, and generate classifiers invariant by rigid motions in $\mathbb{R}^3$. To enhance accuracy of automatic classification, we enrich the smallest classes $\mathit{CL}_j$ by diffeomorphic interpolation of smooth surfaces between pairs $S,S' \in \mathit{CL}_j$. We also implement small random perturbations of surfaces $S\in \mathit{CL}_j$ by random flows of smooth diffeomorphisms $F_t:\mathbb{R}^3 \to \mathbb{R}^3$. Finally, we test our automatic classification methods on a cardiology data base of discretized mitral valve surfaces.
Abstract:We study the performance of CLAIRE -- a diffeomorphic multi-node, multi-GPU image-registration algorithm, and software -- in large-scale biomedical imaging applications with billions of voxels. At such resolutions, most existing software packages for diffeomorphic image registration are prohibitively expensive. As a result, practitioners first significantly downsample the original images and then register them using existing tools. Our main contribution is an extensive analysis of the impact of downsampling on registration performance. We study this impact by comparing full-resolution registrations obtained with CLAIRE to lower-resolution registrations for synthetic and real-world imaging datasets. Our results suggest that registration at full resolution can yield a superior registration quality -- but not always. For example, downsampling a synthetic image from $1024^3$ to $256^3$ decreases the Dice coefficient from 92% to 79%. However, the differences are less pronounced for noisy or low-contrast high-resolution images. CLAIRE allows us not only to register images of clinically relevant size in a few seconds but also to register images at unprecedented resolution in a reasonable time. The highest resolution considered is CLARITY images of size $2816\times3016\times1162$. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study on image registration quality at such resolutions.
Abstract:We describe an automated analysis method to quantify the detailed growth dynamics of a population of bacilliform bacteria. We propose an innovative approach to frame-sequence tracking of deformable-cell motion by the automated minimization of a new, specific cost functional. This minimization is implemented by dedicated Boltzmann machines (stochastic recurrent neural networks). Automated detection of cell divisions is handled similarly by successive minimizations of two cost functions, alternating the identification of children pairs and parent identification. We validate this automatic cell tracking algorithm using recordings of simulated cell colonies that closely mimic the growth dynamics of \emph{E. coli} in microfluidic traps. On a batch of 1100 image frames, cell registration accuracies per frame ranged from 94.5\% to 100\%, with a high average. Our initial tests using experimental image sequences of \emph{E. coli} colonies also yield convincing results, with a registration accuracy ranging from 90\% to 100\%.
Abstract:We introduce CLAIRE, a distributed-memory algorithm and software for solving constrained large deformation diffeomorphic image registration problems in three dimensions. We invert for a stationary velocity field that parameterizes the deformation map. Our solver is based on a globalized, preconditioned, inexact reduced space Gauss--Newton--Krylov scheme. We exploit state-of-the-art techniques in scientific computing to develop an effective solver that scales to thousand of distributed memory nodes on high-end clusters. Our improved, parallel implementation features parameter-, scale-, and grid-continuation schemes to speedup the computations and reduce the likelihood to get trapped in local minima. We also implement an improved preconditioner for the reduced space Hessian to speedup the convergence. We test registration performance on synthetic and real data. We demonstrate registration accuracy on 16 neuroimaging datasets. We compare the performance of our scheme against different flavors of the DEMONS algorithm for diffeomorphic image registration. We study convergence of our preconditioner and our overall algorithm. We report scalability results on state-of-the-art supercomputing platforms. We demonstrate that we can solve registration problems for clinically relevant data sizes in two to four minutes on a standard compute node with 20 cores, attaining excellent data fidelity. With the present work we achieve a speedup of (on average) 5x with a peak performance of up to 17x compared to our former work.
Abstract:We propose an efficient numerical algorithm for the solution of diffeomorphic image registration problems. We use a variational formulation constrained by a partial differential equation (PDE), where the constraints are a scalar transport equation. We use a pseudospectral discretization in space and second-order accurate semi-Lagrangian time stepping scheme for the transport equations. We solve for a stationary velocity field using a preconditioned, globalized, matrix-free Newton-Krylov scheme. We propose and test a two-level Hessian preconditioner. We consider two strategies for inverting the preconditioner on the coarse grid: a nested preconditioned conjugate gradient method (exact solve) and a nested Chebyshev iterative method (inexact solve) with a fixed number of iterations. We test the performance of our solver in different synthetic and real-world two-dimensional application scenarios. We study grid convergence and computational efficiency of our new scheme. We compare the performance of our solver against our initial implementation that uses the same spatial discretization but a standard, explicit, second-order Runge-Kutta scheme for the numerical time integration of the transport equations and a single-level preconditioner. Our improved scheme delivers significant speedups over our original implementation. As a highlight, we observe a 20$\times$ speedup for a two dimensional, real world multi-subject medical image registration problem.
Abstract:PDE-constrained optimization problems find many applications in medical image analysis, for example, neuroimaging, cardiovascular imaging, and oncological imaging. We review related literature and give examples on the formulation, discretization, and numerical solution of PDE-constrained optimization problems for medical imaging. We discuss three examples. The first one is image registration. The second one is data assimilation for brain tumor patients, and the third one data assimilation in cardiovascular imaging. The image registration problem is a classical task in medical image analysis and seeks to find pointwise correspondences between two or more images. The data assimilation problems use a PDE-constrained formulation to link a biophysical model to patient-specific data obtained from medical images. The associated optimality systems turn out to be sets of nonlinear, multicomponent PDEs that are challenging to solve in an efficient way. The ultimate goal of our work is the design of inversion methods that integrate complementary data, and rigorously follow mathematical and physical principles, in an attempt to support clinical decision making. This requires reliable, high-fidelity algorithms with a short time-to-solution. This task is complicated by model and data uncertainties, and by the fact that PDE-constrained optimization problems are ill-posed in nature, and in general yield high-dimensional, severely ill-conditioned systems after discretization. These features make regularization, effective preconditioners, and iterative solvers that, in many cases, have to be implemented on distributed-memory architectures to be practical, a prerequisite. We showcase state-of-the-art techniques in scientific computing to tackle these challenges.
Abstract:We present an efficient solver for diffeomorphic image registration problems in the framework of Large Deformations Diffeomorphic Metric Mappings (LDDMM). We use an optimal control formulation, in which the velocity field of a hyperbolic PDE needs to be found such that the distance between the final state of the system (the transformed/transported template image) and the observation (the reference image) is minimized. Our solver supports both stationary and non-stationary (i.e., transient or time-dependent) velocity fields. As transformation models, we consider both the transport equation (assuming intensities are preserved during the deformation) and the continuity equation (assuming mass-preservation). We consider the reduced form of the optimal control problem and solve the resulting unconstrained optimization problem using a discretize-then-optimize approach. A key contribution is the elimination of the PDE constraint using a Lagrangian hyperbolic PDE solver. Lagrangian methods rely on the concept of characteristic curves that we approximate here using a fourth-order Runge-Kutta method. We also present an efficient algorithm for computing the derivatives of final state of the system with respect to the velocity field. This allows us to use fast Gauss-Newton based methods. We present quickly converging iterative linear solvers using spectral preconditioners that render the overall optimization efficient and scalable. Our method is embedded into the image registration framework FAIR and, thus, supports the most commonly used similarity measures and regularization functionals. We demonstrate the potential of our new approach using several synthetic and real world test problems with up to 14.7 million degrees of freedom.
Abstract:We propose regularization schemes for deformable registration and efficient algorithms for their numerical approximation. We treat image registration as a variational optimal control problem. The deformation map is parametrized by its velocity. Tikhonov regularization ensures well-posedness. Our scheme augments standard smoothness regularization operators based on $H^1$- and $H^2$-seminorms with a constraint on the divergence of the velocity field, which resembles variational formulations for Stokes incompressible flows. In our formulation, we invert for a stationary velocity field and a mass source map. This allows us to explicitly control the compressibility of the deformation map and by that the determinant of the deformation gradient. We also introduce a new regularization scheme that allows us to control shear. We use a globalized, preconditioned, matrix-free, reduced space (Gauss--)Newton--Krylov scheme for numerical optimization. We exploit variable elimination techniques to reduce the number of unknowns of our system; we only iterate on the reduced space of the velocity field. Our current implementation is limited to the two-dimensional case. The numerical experiments demonstrate that we can control the determinant of the deformation gradient without compromising registration quality. This additional control allows us to avoid oversmoothing of the deformation map. We also demonstrate that we can promote or penalize shear while controlling the determinant of the deformation gradient.
Abstract:We present a parallel distributed-memory algorithm for large deformation diffeomorphic registration of volumetric images that produces large isochoric deformations (locally volume preserving). Image registration is a key technology in medical image analysis. Our algorithm uses a partial differential equation constrained optimal control formulation. Finding the optimal deformation map requires the solution of a highly nonlinear problem that involves pseudo-differential operators, biharmonic operators, and pure advection operators both forward and back- ward in time. A key issue is the time to solution, which poses the demand for efficient optimization methods as well as an effective utilization of high performance computing resources. To address this problem we use a preconditioned, inexact, Gauss-Newton- Krylov solver. Our algorithm integrates several components: a spectral discretization in space, a semi-Lagrangian formulation in time, analytic adjoints, different regularization functionals (including volume-preserving ones), a spectral preconditioner, a highly optimized distributed Fast Fourier Transform, and a cubic interpolation scheme for the semi-Lagrangian time-stepping. We demonstrate the scalability of our algorithm on images with resolution of up to $1024^3$ on the "Maverick" and "Stampede" systems at the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC). The critical problem in the medical imaging application domain is strong scaling, that is, solving registration problems of a moderate size of $256^3$---a typical resolution for medical images. We are able to solve the registration problem for images of this size in less than five seconds on 64 x86 nodes of TACC's "Maverick" system.
Abstract:We propose numerical algorithms for solving large deformation diffeomorphic image registration problems. We formulate the nonrigid image registration problem as a problem of optimal control. This leads to an infinite-dimensional partial differential equation (PDE) constrained optimization problem. The PDE constraint consists, in its simplest form, of a hyperbolic transport equation for the evolution of the image intensity. The control variable is the velocity field. Tikhonov regularization on the control ensures well-posedness. We consider standard smoothness regularization based on $H^1$- or $H^2$-seminorms. We augment this regularization scheme with a constraint on the divergence of the velocity field rendering the deformation incompressible and thus ensuring that the determinant of the deformation gradient is equal to one, up to the numerical error. We use a Fourier pseudospectral discretization in space and a Chebyshev pseudospectral discretization in time. We use a preconditioned, globalized, matrix-free, inexact Newton-Krylov method for numerical optimization. A parameter continuation is designed to estimate an optimal regularization parameter. Regularity is ensured by controlling the geometric properties of the deformation field. Overall, we arrive at a black-box solver. We study spectral properties of the Hessian, grid convergence, numerical accuracy, computational efficiency, and deformation regularity of our scheme. We compare the designed Newton-Krylov methods with a globalized preconditioned gradient descent. We study the influence of a varying number of unknowns in time. The reported results demonstrate excellent numerical accuracy, guaranteed local deformation regularity, and computational efficiency with an optional control on local mass conservation. The Newton-Krylov methods clearly outperform the Picard method if high accuracy of the inversion is required.