Abstract:Generative models are trained with the simple objective of imitating the conditional probability distribution induced by the data they are trained on. Therefore, when trained on data generated by humans, we may not expect the artificial model to outperform the humans on their original objectives. In this work, we study the phenomenon of transcendence: when a generative model achieves capabilities that surpass the abilities of the experts generating its data. We demonstrate transcendence by training an autoregressive transformer to play chess from game transcripts, and show that the trained model can sometimes achieve better performance than all players in the dataset. We theoretically prove that transcendence is enabled by low-temperature sampling, and rigorously assess this experimentally. Finally, we discuss other sources of transcendence, laying the groundwork for future investigation of this phenomenon in a broader setting.
Abstract:In this extended abstract, we propose a new technique for query scheduling with the explicit goal of reducing disk reads and thus implicitly increasing query performance. We introduce \system, a learned scheduler that leverages overlapping data reads among incoming queries and learns a scheduling strategy that improves cache hits. \system relies on deep reinforcement learning to produce workload-specific scheduling strategies that focus on long-term performance benefits while being adaptive to previously-unseen data access patterns. We present results from a proof-of-concept prototype, demonstrating that learned schedulers can offer significant performance improvements over hand-crafted scheduling heuristics. Ultimately, we make the case that this is a promising research direction in the intersection of machine learning and databases.