Abstract:Question answering systems are rapidly advancing, but their opaque nature may impact user trust. We explored trust through an anti-monitoring framework, where trust is predicted to be correlated with presence of citations and inversely related to checking citations. We tested this hypothesis with a live question-answering experiment that presented text responses generated using a commercial Chatbot along with varying citations (zero, one, or five), both relevant and random, and recorded if participants checked the citations and their self-reported trust in the generated responses. We found a significant increase in trust when citations were present, a result that held true even when the citations were random; we also found a significant decrease in trust when participants checked the citations. These results highlight the importance of citations in enhancing trust in AI-generated content.
Abstract:The ability of Large Language Models (LLMs) to generate factually correct output remains relatively unexplored due to the lack of fact-checking and knowledge grounding during training and inference. In this work, we aim to address this challenge through the Entity Disambiguation (ED) task. We first consider prompt engineering, and design a three-step hard-prompting method to probe LLMs' ED performance without supervised fine-tuning (SFT). Overall, the prompting method improves the micro-F_1 score of the original vanilla models by a large margin, on some cases up to 36% and higher, and obtains comparable performance across 10 datasets when compared to existing methods with SFT. We further improve the knowledge grounding ability through instruction tuning (IT) with similar prompts and responses. The instruction-tuned model not only achieves higher micro-F1 score performance as compared to several baseline methods on supervised entity disambiguation tasks with an average micro-F_1 improvement of 2.1% over the existing baseline models, but also obtains higher accuracy on six Question Answering (QA) tasks in the zero-shot setting. Our methodologies apply to both open- and closed-source LLMs.
Abstract:Recent decisions to discontinue access to social media APIs are having detrimental effects on Internet research and the field of computational social science as a whole. This lack of access to data has been dubbed the Post-API era of Internet research. Fortunately, popular search engines have the means to crawl, capture, and surface social media data on their Search Engine Results Pages (SERP) if provided the proper search query, and may provide a solution to this dilemma. In the present work we ask: does SERP provide a complete and unbiased sample of social media data? Is SERP a viable alternative to direct API-access? To answer these questions, we perform a comparative analysis between (Google) SERP results and nonsampled data from Reddit and Twitter/X. We find that SERP results are highly biased in favor of popular posts; against political, pornographic, and vulgar posts; are more positive in their sentiment; and have large topical gaps. Overall, we conclude that SERP is not a viable alternative to social media API access.
Abstract:Tracking sexual violence is a challenging task. In this paper, we present a supervised learning-based automated sexual violence report tracking model that is more scalable, and reliable than its crowdsource based counterparts. We define the sexual violence report tracking problem by considering victim, perpetrator contexts and the nature of the violence. We find that our model could identify sexual violence reports with a precision and recall of 80.4% and 83.4%, respectively. Moreover, we also applied the model during and after the \#MeToo movement. Several interesting findings are discovered which are not easily identifiable from a shallow analysis.