Abstract:In this work we investigate the ability of large language models to predict additive manufacturing defect regimes given a set of process parameter inputs. For this task we utilize a process parameter defect dataset to fine-tune a collection of models, titled AdditiveLLM, for the purpose of predicting potential defect regimes including Keyholing, Lack of Fusion, and Balling. We compare different methods of input formatting in order to gauge the model's performance to correctly predict defect regimes on our sparse Baseline dataset and our natural language Prompt dataset. The model displays robust predictive capability, achieving an accuracy of 93\% when asked to provide the defect regimes associated with a set of process parameters. The incorporation of natural language input further simplifies the task of process parameters selection, enabling users to identify optimal settings specific to their build.
Abstract:Additive manufacturing (AM) is a rapidly evolving technology that has attracted applications across a wide range of fields due to its ability to fabricate complex geometries. However, one of the key challenges in AM is achieving consistent print quality. This inconsistency is often attributed to uncontrolled melt pool dynamics, partly caused by spatter which can lead to defects. Therefore, capturing and controlling the evolution of the melt pool is crucial for enhancing process stability and part quality. In this study, we developed a framework to support decision-making in AM operations, facilitating quality control and minimizing defects via machine learning (ML) and polynomial symbolic regression models. We implemented experimentally validated computational tools as a cost-effective approach to collect large datasets from laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) processes. For a dataset consisting of 281 process conditions, parameters such as melt pool dimensions (length, width, depth), melt pool geometry (area, volume), and volume indicated as spatter were extracted. Using machine learning (ML) and polynomial symbolic regression models, a high R2 of over 95 % was achieved in predicting the melt pool dimensions and geometry features for both the training and testing datasets, with either process conditions (power and velocity) or melt pool dimensions as the model inputs. In the case of volume indicated as spatter, R2 improved after logarithmic transforming the model inputs, which was either the process conditions or the melt pool dimensions. Among the investigated ML models, the ExtraTree model achieved the highest R2 values of 96.7 % and 87.5 %.
Abstract:In this study, we explore the use of a transformer-based language model as an encoder to predict the band gaps of semiconductor materials directly from their text descriptions. Quantum chemistry simulations, including Density Functional Theory (DFT), are computationally intensive and time-consuming, which limits their practicality for high-throughput material screening, particularly for complex systems. Shallow machine learning (ML) models, while effective, often require extensive data preprocessing to convert non-numerical material properties into numerical inputs. In contrast, our approach leverages textual data directly, bypassing the need for complex feature engineering. We generate material descriptions in two formats: formatted strings combining features and natural language text generated using the ChatGPT API. We demonstrate that the RoBERTa model, pre-trained on natural language processing tasks, performs effectively as an encoder for prediction tasks. With minimal fine-tuning, it achieves a mean absolute error (MAE) of approximately 0.33 eV, performing better than shallow machine learning models such as Support Vector Regression, Random Forest, and XGBoost. Even when only the linear regression head is trained while keeping the RoBERTa encoder layers frozen, the accuracy remains nearly identical to that of the fully trained model. This demonstrates that the pre-trained RoBERTa encoder is highly adaptable for processing domain-specific text related to material properties, such as the band gap, significantly reducing the need for extensive retraining. This study highlights the potential of transformer-based language models to serve as efficient and versatile encoders for semiconductor materials property prediction tasks.
Abstract:Diffusion models have gained tremendous success in text-to-image generation, yet still lag behind with visual understanding tasks, an area dominated by autoregressive vision-language models. We propose a large-scale and fully end-to-end diffusion model for multi-modal understanding and generation that significantly improves on existing diffusion-based multimodal models, and is the first of its kind to support the full suite of vision-language modeling capabilities. Inspired by the multimodal diffusion transformer (MM-DiT) and recent advances in discrete diffusion language modeling, we leverage a cross-modal maximum likelihood estimation framework that simultaneously trains the conditional likelihoods of both images and text jointly under a single loss function, which is back-propagated through both branches of the diffusion transformer. The resulting model is highly flexible and capable of a wide range of tasks including image generation, captioning, and visual question answering. Our model attained competitive performance compared to recent unified image understanding and generation models, demonstrating the potential of multimodal diffusion modeling as a promising alternative to autoregressive next-token prediction models.
Abstract:Neural surrogates for partial differential equations (PDEs) have become popular due to their potential to quickly simulate physics. With a few exceptions, neural surrogates generally treat the forward evolution of time-dependent PDEs as a black box by directly predicting the next state. While this is a natural and easy framework for applying neural surrogates, it can be an over-simplified and rigid framework for predicting physics. In this work, we propose an alternative framework in which neural solvers predict the temporal derivative and an ODE integrator forwards the solution in time, which has little overhead and is broadly applicable across model architectures and PDEs. We find that by simply changing the training target and introducing numerical integration during inference, neural surrogates can gain accuracy and stability. Predicting temporal derivatives also allows models to not be constrained to a specific temporal discretization, allowing for flexible time-stepping during inference or training on higher-resolution PDE data. Lastly, we investigate why this new framework can be beneficial and in what situations does it work well.
Abstract:Deformable object manipulation remains a key challenge in developing autonomous robotic systems that can be successfully deployed in real-world scenarios. In this work, we explore the challenges of deformable object manipulation through the task of sculpting clay into 3D shapes. We propose the first coarse-to-fine autonomous sculpting system in which the sculpting agent first selects how many and where to place discrete chunks of clay into the workspace to create a coarse shape, and then iteratively refines the shape with sequences of deformation actions. We leverage large language models for sub-goal generation, and train a point cloud region-based action model to predict robot actions from the desired point cloud sub-goals. Additionally, our method is the first autonomous sculpting system that is a real-world text-to-3D shaping pipeline without any explicit 3D goals or sub-goals provided to the system. We demonstrate our method is able to successfully create a set of simple shapes solely from text-based prompting. Furthermore, we explore rigorously how to best quantify success for the text-to-3D sculpting task, and compare existing text-image and text-point cloud similarity metrics to human evaluations for this task. For experimental videos, human evaluation details, and full prompts, please see our project website: https://sites.google.com/andrew.cmu.edu/hierarchicalsculpting
Abstract:Identifying drug-target interactions is essential for developing effective therapeutics. Binding affinity quantifies these interactions, and traditional approaches rely on computationally intensive 3D structural data. In contrast, language models can efficiently process sequential data, offering an alternative approach to molecular representation. In the current study, we introduce BAPULM, an innovative sequence-based framework that leverages the chemical latent representations of proteins via ProtT5-XL-U50 and ligands through MolFormer, eliminating reliance on complex 3D configurations. Our approach was validated extensively on benchmark datasets, achieving scoring power (R) values of 0.925 $\pm$ 0.043, 0.914 $\pm$ 0.004, and 0.8132 $\pm$ 0.001 on benchmark1k2101, Test2016_290, and CSAR-HiQ_36, respectively. These findings indicate the robustness and accuracy of BAPULM across diverse datasets and underscore the potential of sequence-based models in-silico drug discovery, offering a scalable alternative to 3D-centric methods for screening potential ligands.
Abstract:In recent years, natural language processing (NLP) models have demonstrated remarkable capabilities in various domains beyond traditional text generation. In this work, we introduce PeptideGPT, a protein language model tailored to generate protein sequences with distinct properties: hemolytic activity, solubility, and non-fouling characteristics. To facilitate a rigorous evaluation of these generated sequences, we established a comprehensive evaluation pipeline consisting of ideas from bioinformatics to retain valid proteins with ordered structures. First, we rank the generated sequences based on their perplexity scores, then we filter out those lying outside the permissible convex hull of proteins. Finally, we predict the structure using ESMFold and select the proteins with pLDDT values greater than 70 to ensure ordered structure. The properties of generated sequences are evaluated using task-specific classifiers - PeptideBERT and HAPPENN. We achieved an accuracy of 76.26% in hemolytic, 72.46% in non-hemolytic, 78.84% in non-fouling, and 68.06% in solubility protein generation. Our experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of PeptideGPT in de novo protein design and underscore the potential of leveraging NLP-based approaches for paving the way for future innovations and breakthroughs in synthetic biology and bioinformatics. Codes, models, and data used in this study are freely available at: https://github.com/aayush-shah14/PeptideGPT.
Abstract:Adsorption energy is a key reactivity descriptor in catalysis, enabling the efficient screening of potential catalysts. However, determining adsorption energy involves comparing the energies of multiple adsorbate-catalyst configurations, which is computationally demanding due to a large number of possible configurations. Current algorithmic approaches typically enumerate adsorption sites and configurations without leveraging theoretical insights to guide the initial setup. In this work, we present Adsorb-Agent, a Large Language Model (LLM) agent designed to efficiently derive system-specific stable adsorption configurations with minimal human intervention. Adsorb-Agent leverages built-in knowledge and emergent reasoning capabilities, significantly reducing the number of initial configurations required while improving accuracy in predicting the minimum adsorption energy. We demonstrate its performance using two example systems, NNH-CuPd3 (111) and NNH-Mo3Pd (111), for the Nitrogen Reduction Reaction (NRR), a sustainable alternative to the Haber-Bosch process. Adsorb-Agent outperforms conventional "heuristic" and "random" algorithms by identifying lower-energy configurations with fewer initial setups, reducing computational costs while enhancing accuracy. This highlights its potential to accelerate catalyst discovery.
Abstract:Solving Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) is ubiquitous in science and engineering. Computational complexity and difficulty in writing numerical solvers has motivated the development of machine learning techniques to generate solutions quickly. Many existing methods are purely data driven, relying solely on numerical solution fields, rather than known system information such as boundary conditions and governing equations. However, the recent rise in popularity of Large Language Models (LLMs) has enabled easy integration of text in multimodal machine learning models. In this work, we use pretrained LLMs to integrate various amounts known system information into PDE learning. Our multimodal approach significantly outperforms our baseline model, FactFormer, in both next-step prediction and autoregressive rollout performance on the 2D Heat, Burgers, Navier-Stokes, and Shallow Water equations. Further analysis shows that pretrained LLMs provide highly structured latent space that is consistent with the amount of system information provided through text.