Abstract:It has been recognized that the impulsive noise (IN) generated by power devices poses significant challenges to wireless receivers in practice. In this paper, we assess the achievable information rate (AIR) and the performance of practical turbo receiver designs for a well-established Markov-Middleton IN model. We utilize a commonly used commercial transmission setup consisting of a convolutional encoder, bit-level interleaver, and a differential binary phase-shift keying (DBPSK) symbol mapper. Firstly, we conduct a comprehensive assessment of the AIRs of the underlying channel model using DBPSK transmitted symbols across various channel conditions. Additionally, we introduce two robust turbo-like receiver designs. The first design features a separate IN detector and a turbo-demapper-decoder. The second design employs a joint approach, where the extrinsic information of both the detector and demapper is simultaneously updated, forming a turbo-detector-demapper-decoder structure. We show that the joint design consistently outperforms the separate design across all channel conditions, particularly in low AIR situations. However, the maximum performance gain for the channel conditions considered in this paper is merely 0.2 dB, and the joint system incurs significantly greater computational complexity, especially for a high number of turbo iterations. The performance of the two proposed turbo receiver designs is demonstrated to be close to the estimated AIR, with a performance gap dependent on the channel parameters.
Abstract:Blind estimation of intersymbol interference channels based on the Baum-Welch (BW) algorithm, a specific implementation of the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm for training hidden Markov models, is robust and does not require labeled data. However, it is known for its extensive computation cost, slow convergence, and frequently converges to a local maximum. In this paper, we modified the trellis structure of the BW algorithm by associating the channel parameters with two consecutive states. This modification enables us to reduce the number of required states by half while maintaining the same performance. Moreover, to improve the convergence rate and the estimation performance, we construct a joint turbo-BW-equalization system by exploiting the extrinsic information produced by the turbo decoder to refine the BW-based estimator at each EM iteration. Our experiments demonstrate that the joint system achieves convergence in just 4 EM iterations, which is 8 iterations less than a separate system design for a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of 6 dB. Additionally, the joint system provides improved estimation accuracy with a mean square error (MSE) of $10^{-4}$. We also identify scenarios where a joint design is not preferable, especially when the channel is noisy (e.g., SNR=2 dB) and the turbo decoder is unable to provide reliable extrinsic information for a BW-based estimator.
Abstract:This paper analyzes the design and competitiveness of four neural network (NN) architectures recently proposed as decoders for forward error correction (FEC) codes. We first consider the so-called single-label neural network (SLNN) and the multi-label neural network (MLNN) decoders which have been reported to achieve near maximum likelihood (ML) performance. Here, we show analytically that SLNN and MLNN decoders can always achieve ML performance, regardless of the code dimensions -- although at the cost of computational complexity -- and no training is in fact required. We then turn our attention to two transformer-based decoders: the error correction code transformer (ECCT) and the cross-attention message passing transformer (CrossMPT). We compare their performance against traditional decoders, and show that ordered statistics decoding outperforms these transformer-based decoders. The results in this paper cast serious doubts on the application of NN-based FEC decoders in the short and medium block length regime.
Abstract:The capacity of a discrete-time multiple-input-multiple-output channel with correlated phase noises is investigated. In particular, the electro-optic frequency comb system is considered, where the phase noise of each channel is a combination of two independent Wiener phase-noise sources. Capacity upper and lower bounds are derived for this channel and are compared with lower bounds obtained by numerically evaluating the achievable information rates using quadrature amplitude modulation constellations. Capacity upper and lower bounds are provided for the high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) regime. The multiplexing gain (pre-log) is shown to be $M-1$, where $M$ represents the number of channels. A constant gap between the asymptotic upper and lower bounds is observed, which depends on the number of channels $M$. For the specific case of $M=2$, capacity is characterized up to a term that vanishes as the SNR grows large.
Abstract:Recently, a data-driven Bahl-Cocke-Jelinek-Raviv (BCJR) algorithm tailored to channels with intersymbol interference has been introduced. This so-called BCJRNet algorithm utilizes neural networks to calculate channel likelihoods. BCJRNet has demonstrated resilience against inaccurate channel tap estimations when applied to a time-invariant channel with ideal exponential decay profiles. However, its generalization capabilities for practically-relevant time-varying channels, where the receiver can only access incorrect channel parameters, remain largely unexplored. The primary contribution of this paper is to expand upon the results from existing literature to encompass a variety of imperfect channel knowledge cases that appear in real-world transmissions. Our findings demonstrate that BCJRNet significantly outperforms the conventional BCJR algorithm for stationary transmission scenarios when learning from noisy channel data and with imperfect channel decay profiles. However, this advantage is shown to diminish when the operating channel is also rapidly time-varying. Our results also show the importance of memory assumptions for conventional BCJR and BCJRNet. An underestimation of the memory largely degrades the performance of both BCJR and BCJRNet, especially in a slow-decaying channel. To mimic a situation closer to a practical scenario, we also combined channel tap uncertainty with imperfect channel memory knowledge. Somewhat surprisingly, our results revealed improved performance when employing the conventional BCJR with an underestimated memory assumption. BCJRNet, on the other hand, showed a consistent performance improvement as the level of accurate memory knowledge increased.
Abstract:Multidimensional constellation shaping of up to 32 dimensions with different spectral efficiencies are compared through AWGN and fiber-optic simulations. The results show that no constellation is universal and the balance of required and effective SNRs should be jointly considered for the specific optical transmission scenario.
Abstract:The deployment of non-binary pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) and soft decision (SD)-forward error correction (FEC) in future intensity-modulation (IM)/direct-detection (DD) links is inevitable. However, high-speed IM/DD links suffer from inter-symbol interference (ISI) due to bandwidth-limited hardware. Traditional approaches to mitigate the effects of ISI are filters and trellis-based algorithms targeting symbol-wise maximum a posteriori (MAP) detection. The former approach includes decision-feedback equalizer (DFE), and the latter includes Max-Log-MAP (MLM) and soft-output Viterbi algorithm (SOVA). Although DFE is easy to implement, it introduces error propagation. Such burst errors distort the log-likelihood ratios (LLRs) required by SD-FEC, causing performance degradation. On the other hand, MLM and SOVA provide near-optimum performance, but their complexity is very high for high-order PAM. In this paper, we consider a one-tap partial response channel model, which is relevant for high-speed IM/DD links. We propose to combine DFE with either MLM or SOVA in a low-complexity architecture. The key idea is to allow MLM or SOVA to detect only 3 typical DFE symbol errors, and use the detected error information to generate LLRs in a modified demapper. The proposed structure enables a tradeoff between complexity and performance: (i) the complexity of MLM or SOVA is reduced and (ii) the decoding penalty due to error propagation is mitigated. Compared to SOVA detection, the proposed scheme can achieve a significant complexity reduction of up to 94% for PAM-$8$ transmission. Simulation and experimental results show that the resulting SNR loss is roughly 0.3 to 0.4 dB for PAM-4, and becomes marginal 0.18 dB for PAM-8.
Abstract:Orthogonal time frequency space (OTFS) is a promising alternative to orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) for high-mobility communications. We propose a novel multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) system based on OTFS modulation. We begin by deriving new sensing and communication signal models for the proposed MIMO-OTFS ISAC system that explicitly capture inter-symbol interference (ISI) and inter-carrier interference (ICI) effects. We then develop a generalized likelihood ratio test (GLRT) based multi-target detection and delay-Doppler-angle estimation algorithm for MIMO-OTFS radar sensing that can simultaneously mitigate and exploit ISI/ICI effects, to prevent target masking and surpass standard unambiguous detection limits in range/velocity. Moreover, considering two operational modes (search/track), we propose an adaptive MIMO-OTFS ISAC transmission strategy. For the search mode, we introduce the concept of delay-Doppler (DD) multiplexing, enabling omnidirectional probing of the environment and large virtual array at the OTFS radar receiver. For the track mode, we pursue a directional transmission approach and design an OTFS ISAC optimization algorithm in spatial and DD domains, seeking the optimal trade-off between radar signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and achievable rate. Simulation results verify the effectiveness of the proposed sensing algorithm and reveal valuable insights into OTFS ISAC trade-offs under varying communication channel characteristics.
Abstract:Coherent dual-polarization (DP) optical transmission systems encode information on the four available degrees of freedom of an optical field: the two polarization states, each with two quadrature components. Such systems naturally operate based on a four-dimensional (4D) signal space. Having a general analytical model to accurately estimate nonlinear interference (NLI) is key to analyze such transmission systems as well as to study how different DP-4D formats are affected by NLI. However, the available models in the literature are not completely general. They either do not apply to the entire DP-4D formats or do not consider all the NLI contributions. In this paper we develop a model that applies to the entire class of DP-4D modulation formats. Our model takes self-channel interference, cross-channel interference and multiple-channel interference effects into account. As an application of our model, we further study the effects of signal-noise interactions in long-haul transmission via the proposed model. When compared to previous results in the literature, our model is more accurate at predicting the contribution of NLI for both low and high dispersion fibers in single- and multi-channel transmission systems. For the NLI, we report an average gap from split step Fourier simulation results below 0.15dB. The simulation results further show that by considering signal-noise interactions, the proposed model in long-haul transmission improves the NLI power accuracy prediction by up to 8.5%.
Abstract:A normalized batch gradient descent optimizer is proposed to improve the first-order regular perturbation coefficients of the Manakov equation, often referred to as kernels. The optimization is based on the linear parameterization offered by the first-order regular perturbation and targets enhanced low-complexity models for the fiber channel. We demonstrate that the optimized model outperforms the analytical counterpart where the kernels are numerically evaluated via their integral form. The enhanced model provides the same accuracy with a reduced number of kernels while operating over an extended power range covering both the nonlinear and highly nonlinear regimes. A $6-7$~dB gain, depending on the metric used, is obtained with respect to the conventional first-order regular perturbation.