Picture for Aharon Azulay

Aharon Azulay

V-LASIK: Consistent Glasses-Removal from Videos Using Synthetic Data

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Jun 20, 2024
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Diffusing Colors: Image Colorization with Text Guided Diffusion

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Dec 07, 2023
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Temporally stable video segmentation without video annotations

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Oct 17, 2021
Figure 1 for Temporally stable video segmentation without video annotations
Figure 2 for Temporally stable video segmentation without video annotations
Figure 3 for Temporally stable video segmentation without video annotations
Figure 4 for Temporally stable video segmentation without video annotations
Viaarxiv icon

Why do deep convolutional networks generalize so poorly to small image transformations?

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May 30, 2018
Figure 1 for Why do deep convolutional networks generalize so poorly to small image transformations?
Figure 2 for Why do deep convolutional networks generalize so poorly to small image transformations?
Figure 3 for Why do deep convolutional networks generalize so poorly to small image transformations?
Figure 4 for Why do deep convolutional networks generalize so poorly to small image transformations?
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